More From the Blog:
My First Tattoo!
Hi friends! Happy Friday! Hope you’re having a wonderful morning. I had to separate my Friday Faves post into another post (which will be up later this afternoon), because this post turned into a bit of a novel. I just had so much to say about my first tattoo experience! I finally did it, and…
Read More →The latest ‘fix
Or life lessons: eventually you get to that point where you can’t wear allthetrends. Hi friends! How was your day? Hope it was an amazing one. A highlight of mine: I got my first (and only, haha) tattoo. I’ll share pics and more about the whole experience in Friday Faves. For now, let’s talk about…
Read More →8 Ways to Deadlift
This made me laugh way harder than it should have. Ok, currently I don’t either. 😉 (You know, that whole “6 weeks of rest” thing.) But we’re in unusual circumstances right now, and usually, I LOVE lifting. Like in a weird way. One of my all-time favorite exercises: the good ol’ deadlift. I have to…
Read More →One Kale Salad Base, Three Different Salads
Hi friends! How’s the morning going? I have a massage today that I’ve been looking forward to for weeks. It’s going to be so amazing… and I always have to remind myself not to smile like a creeper during it. And then there’s the drool. Just kidding; that never happens. Speaking of massages…. have I…
Read More →BBQ Roasted Chickpeas
This savory, healthy snack is perfect for hangry toddlers, packed in a purse for emergency snack mode, or awesome as a salad topping. Hi friends! How’s your Monday going? 4 weeks of workouts went out to my newsletter friends this morning, and I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying the plan! Madre and I took P…
Read More →Core and cardio workout
Hi friends! How was your weekend? Hope you had a great one. It’s been a weird and glorious weekend over here. I can’t remember the last time I spent so much time in the supine position. I read a book in 24 hours, watched movies (Sicario was very intense!) snuggled with my babies ate a…
Read More →Friday Faves
Hi friends! Happy Fri-yay! And also happy April Fools. I still check Caitlin’s blog at least a few times a week, and I am extra sad today that she is no longer blogging. She is the QUEEN of April fools’ day jokes. Also, remember when I posted about Quiver Pulse last year? I had to…
Read More →Plank challenge flow
Hi friends! Hope you’re enjoying the day. I’m here relaxing at home after yesterday’s procedure, which went well! I’m thankful to my friend Erin for taking over the blog today with an awesome plank challenge yoga flow. I’ll be back with Friday Faves in the morning. <3 BEEP BEEP! Hold tight, beauties! I’m in the…
Read More →the sweet gift of sleep
This post is sponsored through my partnership with Sleep Number®. Besides the obvious ones like my family, friends, and good health, there are a few things that are of intangible high value to me: keeping up with how our Arizona Wildcats are doing, a respectable wine and chocolate stash, and the priceless, irreplaceable gem that is…
Read More →Miss P is 5 months old!
And [*knock on wood*] doing so, so well. We majorly regressed with the reflux last month. It got to the point where I felt like we were back at ground zero, and was praying that this meant that we were getting near the end. All of a sudden, things started to turn up. I’d read…
Read More →Balls to the Wall Medicine Ball Workout
Hi friends! How’s the morning treating ya? I’m still getting back in the swing of things after vacation. Our three suitcases exploded all over our room, I’m playing catch-up on life and work stuff from the weekend, and trying to get things back into a groove. Maybe by the time I figure everything out it will…
Read More →Sweet Potato, Goat Cheese and Turkey Bacon Egg Bake
That’s a mouthful, huh? This is a super healthy breakfast casserole dish you can make ahead for the week, with a unique sweet potato “crust.” 🙂 Lately we’ve been meal planning and prepping MACHINES. Thankfully, the Pilot decided to focus on eliminating sugar and cleaning up the eats the same time I did. It would be…
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