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Five: a random blog survey

Hi friends! Happy humpday! Hope you’re having a wonderful week so far. Since we’ve still getting back in the swing of life after our little getaway, I thought today would be a perfect time to complete this little survey my friend Julie posted. I always enjoy reading these on other blogs, and also love when…

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Chocolate Protein Donuts

This morning was a miracle of happiness when the girls slept in until 8am this morning. I woke up and was like, “Where am I? What just happened?!” and it was probably the most beautiful thing ever. Needless to say, I think we were all a little zonked after our whirlwind trip to Disney. I started…

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the mickeyron to my heart

You know, just hanging out with her BFF. Hi friends! How’s your week going? I hope you had a wonderful weekend and a lovely Valentine’s Day! I’m so happy that you’re excited for the final week of WSU. Keep the check-ins coming. Our Valentine’s Day was a memorable one, indeed. The girls woke up to…

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Winter Shape Up 2016: Week 4 + Sabra giveaway

I can’t believe we’re in the final week of Winter Shape Up! (Check out the intro post here for all of the details. Your week 4 meal plan is live here, too!) Your goal for this week: hit it with the same intensity that you had when you started! You can see the finish line…

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Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday! Aaaand happy Valentine’s weekend. I’m a huge fan of V-day -anything involving sweet cards, chocolate and wine is a win in my book- but even more so because it’s the anniversary of when we brought Bella home. Crazy that it was 10 years ago! Do you have any fun Valentine’s plans…

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1 Hour, $60, 1 Week of Daytime Eats

Meal prep is back (all gluten-free)! You guys enjoyed this meal-prep post so much that I made another round. Now you’ll have some more options to choose from! Prepping healthy eats in advance really can save so much time and money, plus keep you on track with your health and fitness goals! A few of…

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Crispy Shrimp, Rice and Veggies with Soy Ginger Sauce

This crispy shrimp and rice bowl is a healthy way to satisfy your fried-food cravings! It’s loaded with veggies and drizzled with a soy-ginger glaze. Being pregnant and becoming a mom changed me in a lot of ways. Yes, it made me more patient, my heart more full, and my days more busy (yet fun!).…

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Focus On: GRAVITY fitness

 Hi friends! Happy humpday! Thank you again for all of your patience with the server crashes and blog downtime. The blog was excited to see so many new faces (hiiiiii!) and your Winter Shape Up excitement that she fainted. She should be back to normal now 😉 Back in the swing of things over here!…

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a whole day, from start to finish

Hi friends! Hope you’re having a wonderful morning. Sorry for the blog downtime yesterday! We are in the processing of upgrading another server, so hopefully the crashes will end. When we did the blog survey a while ago, I got a few requests for a full day post. I got another request last week, and thought…

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not far from the tree

Hi friends! How was the weekend? Hope you had a great one. 🙂 Did you watch the Beyonce bowl? I missed 98% of the actual game but you can bet I watched the halftime show, and it was everything. Queen Bey, Coldplay and Bruno Mars?! Yesss to all of these things. Also, Lady Gaga. I…

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Winter Shape Up 2016: Week 3

We’re halfway there! Keep up the amazing work. <3 If you’re just now joining in the fun, welcome (!), and check out the intro post for all of the details.  Before we keep this party going, a special “thank you” to our wonderful sponsors: Cabot | Sabra | Sizzlefish | Pure Canadian Maple Syrup |…

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Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday! Hope you’re having a lovely morning. I am SO excited for the weekend. The week feels like such a blur, and the weekend is a chance to slow down a bit. It’s nice to get to sleep in (the Pilot and I take turns), hang out with friends, and enjoy time…

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