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Brownie Fruit Pizza

I finally started packing… This means I have a pile of travel-sized things + Reebok clothes and shoes, ready to be stuffed into a suitcase. Bella wants to know where we’re going on vacation, and Caro… well, poor Caro is just freaked out from the monsoon storms. We’re having a little dinner party at our…

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No shortcuts

Lately: We’ve been drinking lots of fresh juices. We went to the zoo -it had rained and was gloriously cool outside! (My heart melts to see Livi having a blast with her cousins) (That peacock was AFTER ME) I enjoyed an amazing yoga class with friends (not a single Warrior 2, which was gloriously refreshing)…

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Paleo BLTs

or “BLATs”, rather ๐Ÿ™‚ Certain foods always remind me of my childhood. Just to name a small few: fresh, homemade tortillas -they’d still be warm from the stove and would literally melt in your mouth Nana’s frijoles (THE BEST) tomato soup in a coffee mug -still one of my favorites, especially when I’m fighting the…

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Awesome August Workout

Hi friends! I’m so excited to see so many of you participating in this month’s workout calendar! I hope you love the workouts we have planned, and as always, feel free to modify or switch things up as you need. This month’s workout is very similar to the strength training sessions I do on my…

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8/4: Meals and fitness for the week

Hi friends! Happy Sunday. Another day hitting the snooze button, yet another day of cranking out a training run! I laid in bed debating whether I wanted to get dressed and run, and quickly realized I had a few things in my favor: 1) It was early, so if I went, I could be back…

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8/2: Friday Faves

-A short run and yoga sesh. Since I didn’t teach yesterday, I was able to change up my workout schedule a little. I was meeting some friends for nighttime yoga, and since it was a little cloudy (aka much cooler than it has been!), I felt energized to run beforehand. 3 miles with negative splits…

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Sweet and spicy cucumber salad

Hiiii, how’s your August going so far? ๐Ÿ˜‰ I love hearing about your goals and what you’re reading this month. Be sure to check in tomorrow morning for the August workout calendar! (If you subscribe to my newsletter, you’ll get it first thing in the am.) It’s been a great day over here. I got…

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10 ways to make August Astonishing

Are we really heading into August?! As much as I’d like to say that I’m so excited for boots and sweaters, that’s still a few months away from us ๐Ÿ˜‰ Even so, August has an almost-fall feel as students head back to school, Halloween decorations start to adorn store shelves (let’s be real, Hobby Lobby…

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Just say “spa”

Hi friends! Happy humpday! I woke up feeling super sore this morning. I couldn’t decide if it was the squat clean and jerks or the bowling. Yep, definitely the bowling. We also enjoyed a delicious dinner last night:   (lavender and honey salmon, sauteed eggplant and zucchini with basil and rosemary, and smashed potatoes)

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Where we ate and stayed in Disneyland

Since we’ve been home for two weeks, I was wondering if I should even write this post or if this ship has already sailed, but figured it may be worth it. Many of you might be planning upcoming Disney trips, and I always love hearing about other bloggers’ experiences with dining and hotels. So even…

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Chicken Tortilla Soup for the Soul

Little lovebug woke up coughing yesterday. Thankfully, as of now, it sounds fairly superficial -like a little summer cold/ick- but I’ve been trying to think of ways to soothe her throat and stop the coughing. She had some warm mint tea in her sippy cup yesterday morning (loved it!), and for dinner, it was chicken…

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