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Lose some, win some

I’m kind of crazy about Bella’s new haircut. We took her to a new groomer, which can always be a little nerve-racking but she came highly recommended by a friend, and were so happy with everything about it. The place was clean, the employees were extremely kind, Bell was happy (and playing with their pet…

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Meg: Milkmaid Braids

When Iโ€™m feeling a little bored with top-knots or if I have no time to curl my hair, milkmaid braids are a great option. They can be worn dressy or casual! I find that braids make for a romantic and girly look, especially if adorned with a flower! What youโ€™ll need: Rubber bands, teasing comb,…

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Smack in the middle

Most of the time, I love to cook.ย  I can’t wait for a chance to try out a new recipe or make an old favorite for dinner (all while singing “Bringing home a baby bumblebee,” doing a ridiculous dance or orchestrating a Tupperware drum solo). Other times, I want my food delicately placed on the…

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1 Month of Homemade Baby Food, 1 Hour, $20 – Round 2

The feedback from my first homemade baby food post was so wonderful, I thought I’d do a round two. I’m so glad you found it to be as helpful a resource as I had hoped. Hope you enjoy this one as well! One Month of Baby Food I still love making food for Liv as…

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NEW Arm Burner

Welp, we ended up at Urgent Care with the Pilot and his twisted ankle.ย  The good news is that it wasn’t busy at all, the Pilot has a pair of crutches, and Liv was a champ, even though it was past her bedtime. She had her first real dose of a movie- they were playing…

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{meat}loafing around

Instead of my 4-miler, we had a bit of a fiasco. We were at Sabino Canyon and the Pilot twisted his ankle walking in from the parking lot. The poor guy has been hobbling around the house, and will probably have to make a doc visit soon :/ ย He offered to take Liv home and…

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Meg: 5 Things

ย I wrote my last โ€œ5 Thingsโ€ post in the beginning of what would end up being an extremely toasty summer. 2012 has been a busy year and it is amazing to see where I was a mere 3 months ago compared to now! Back in June I was recovering from my last marathon of college…

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Cheesy Broccoli Egg Muffins

This little guy was the highlight of our night last night.ย  I saw the huge wagon of pumpkins outside Trader Joe’s, and tried to restrain myself because I feel like the overexcitement of pumpkin-flavored-everything taints the specialness of it. I felt like I should wait, similar to the Christmas decoration overload in October. I get…

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9/16: Weekly meal and fitness plan

Lots of adventures over here alreadyโ€ฆ.. I have a ton of pics to share in the “pics from the day,” but in the meantime, here’s what’s on the tentative plan as far as fitness and eats go. Recipes: Turkey meatloaf and mashed sweet potatoes Canyon Ranch gluten-free chocolate chip cookies (these are AMAZING) Salmon salad…

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Living in my coin belt

The past 24 hours have been filled with dancing- not a bad way to start a weekend. Last night, my work friends and I performed our bellydance at an event downtown.ย  (Katie and I wearing normal clothes over our costumes. The legit bellydancers had sparkly coverups and tunics.. this is how we rolled) It was…

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Mornings at our house {video}

It’s funny because as soon as things feel like a routine, everything changes. Even though the order of events have been about the same since the first week (eat, activity, sleep all the way- thank you, Baby Whisperer), our little morning rituals have changed and become even more fun as she’s grown. Back in the…

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