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Focus On: Boxing Workouts

Source: via kanna on Pinterest ย  The first time I took a boxing class, I felt pretty silly. I thought it would be just like Tae Bo and actually no, that wasn’t the case. My punches were weak, I didn’t get in a great workout, and because I was lacking the confidence to put…

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8/16: What I Ate Wednesday

Wait, I’m late to the “What I Ate Wednesday” party? By how many years? Oh, well let’s not think about that ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’ve never been a huge fan of posting all of my eats. For one, I’m usually racing around grabbing food as I go -to think of plating it up beautifully and snapping a…

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Meg: The Big Bang Commitment

Side bangs vs. straight bangs. I donโ€™t know why, but this choice has always been so difficult for me to make! There are pros and cons to both, and I can never decide which to commit to. Iโ€™ve been rocking the side bangs since earlier this year, and theyโ€™ve been an effortless style for me.ย …

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Almond butter banana fudgesicles

When I did the South Beach thing, I was always looking for ways to still get in dessert. As a girl with a major sweet tooth, I was scary excited to see all of the sugar-free options out there. Not all of them were South Beach-approved, but an easy way to get in my chocolate…

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Toes in the grass

It was a day full of good things. First off, I found a new {air-conditioned!} place to take Liv during the day: the library. I had a card in Orlando since I loved to borrow books on CD for long commutes, but forgot to get one a new one in Tucson. We remedied that today!…

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Meg: Where are you Winter?

Thereโ€™s nothing I love more than the transition from summer fashion to fall/winter fashion. Thatโ€™s an extreme exaggeration, but I really love dressing for cold (or cool if youโ€™re from Tucson) weather. Because the weather where I live is currently over 100 degrees and painfully dry, I will use this as an opportunity to let…

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Reader’s request: Save the Gym Hair!

This post has been a long time coming. I usually get an idea for a post, make it happen and write it up. Since I haven’t been working out during the day, there hasn’t been much point in saving my post-workout hair lately ๐Ÿ˜‰ When I’m teaching at work, we need to look presentable, so…

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Welcome to the s’more side

It’s a stormy night over here- perfect for a rainy day workout, eh? (Thank you so much to those of you who already did the workout and left your feedback! So glad you’re loving it so far) My friend Lisa spent the afternoon over here hanging out with Oliv and myself. Lisa is from Australia…

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1 Month of Homemade Baby Food, 1 Hour, $20

Thank you so much for the awesome feedback (and pins!) on this homemade baby food post! For even more recipes, be sure to check out homemade baby food round 2. xoxo Feeding and making solid foods for Livi to try continues to be one of my favorite things. I really looked forward to introducing solids…

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Rainy Day Workout

I can’t believe the Olympics are over! It’s the first time in a long time that I’ve really gotten into it -I’ve always loved the Olympics but am not usually home during the day, so I missed quite a bit of the last couple summer Olympics. Since I’ve been here playing with Liv, I’ve kept…

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8/12: Meals and Fitness for the week

Hi friends! Happy Sunday! Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. I thought it would be fun to start sharing meals and fitness plans for the week, so we could all get some ideas and motivation from each other. I like to prep on Sunday, so during the weeks’ craziness, it’s easy to grab things from…

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