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Vegas is our oyster

We’re in Vegas, baby. My first time staying off the strip, and my first time traveling with Liv on an airplane by myself. It was a little bit of a gamble and I knew it would either go extremely well.. or extremely rough. Like the Pilot said, though, it’s an hour flight and I could…

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Maiden Voyage

Oliv and I are leaving for Las Vegas right now. It’s going to be the first plane trips of many with just the two of us, so I’m anxious/excited/scared to see how it goes. It’s been her worst week of teething yet, so please pray for me. Or better yet, pray for the people on…

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Meg: Hair Salad

I have a veeery interesting recipe to share with you. This isnโ€™t a delicious Fitnessista recipeโ€ฆitโ€™s a salad dressingโ€ฆfor your head. Hereโ€™s the back-story: My ends have been incredibly dry this summer. I donโ€™t abuse my heat tools and I havenโ€™t been in the pool very much lately but they are sad and crispy. I…

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Reader’s Request: Eat Clean On-the-Go

Thanks to a reader’s request, I’ve got some great tips to help you eat clean on-the-go below. One of those tips: Leftovers! I love leftovers for many reasons, mostly because 99% of the time I can throw them in a skillet, add a couple of eggs = breakfast. For dinner last night, I used this beautiful…

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Liv’s favorite soup

Blogging from bed- still feeling a little under the weather, but still fighting it with everything I’ve got. (gotta love the baby bangs- after my post-baby hair loss, it’s on it’s way back) The only thing that really sounds good: Soupโ€ฆ and coffee. Oh, and chocolate. I have no idea why I don’t make soup…

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Whitney: Work to Yoga

I miss wearing lycra everyday to work. No scratch that, that’s a lie, I actually don’t miss that as I would gain and lose weight all the time because everything stretches. That’s a whole-notha-story. And if you’re wondering I worked for lululemon forever and as much as you would think wearing workout gear everyday would…

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10 Ways to Make August Amazing + Calendar Info

I love August. It’s still dang hot here, but it’s the month I married my husband, so it always brings lots of warm fuzzies and happy memories. Last year, I started doing these “10 Waysโ€ฆ” posts, took a break for Winter Shape Up, did the same for Summer Shape Up (which was my favorite one…

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Tomato tea and massahhhhhhhge

Most of my meals today have been out of a bowl.ย  First, this morning’s oats, and then this afternoon’s stellar sniffle remedy.ย  Tomato tea! Whenever I start to feel under the weather, I usually try to fight it by upping my fruit and veggie intake, fresh juices (Liv and I made a Whole Foods run…

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Daytime sweat sesh

Guess what?! I joined a gym yesterday. I’m so, so excited to have an option where I can go work out (and even take a class!) during the day. By time time the Pilot gets home at night, I do the bedtime rituals with Liv, make/prep dinner, blog and go to the gym, I’m pretty…

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Lemon-mint lentil salad

I have a not-so-secret for you: I love salads. They are so many possible ingredients, they’re super filling, and an easy way to get in fruit and veggie servings. I prefer making them at home because restaurant salads are often sad, small and wilty. With at-home salads, you can control how sweet/savory/iceberg lettuce-free and beastly…

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Meg: Be bold!

My closet has always been filled with black, white, and grey because I find these colors to be versatile and ultra flattering. I have never been very experimental with color, until recently. Iโ€™m taking baby steps toward boldifying my wardrobe. I dyed a white dress bright pink a couple weeks ago, and last week I…

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For the treadmill gold

My medal: a blanket of sweat.ย  Since it rained on my training run parade, I set out to do 5 miles on the revolving apparatus of death (aka treadmill) last night. Since I usually just do HIIT on the treadmill now, I don’t hate it quite like I used to (I just get so bored!),…

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