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Make a wish

Happy humpday and leap year! I feel like we should make a wish on leap year- it just seems like a lucky day ๐Ÿ˜‰ Some ordinary lucky oats: a fancy salad that I whipped up: (Oh Joe the Trader, I appreciate you so much) and a new-to-me lunch wrap combo. I was in the mood…

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Did-do list

Iโ€™ve always been a fan of to-do lists. It helped to have a visual reminder of what I needed to accomplish (phone calendars and lists donโ€™t have the same effect for me), and every morning Iโ€™d scrawl out a tentative plan for the day and what I wanted to get done. I havenโ€™t seen my…

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Making and breaking habits

It was a quiche kinda night over here. It took me about 18 years of life to learn that quiche starts with a โ€œq.โ€ ๐Ÿ˜‰ The Pilot came home from work, and I wanted to make something quick and easy so we could hang out a little bit before being sucked into our respective laptops.…

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Nap and play

Another new piece of baby furniture: Iโ€™ve been avoiding setting up the pack nโ€™ play because I thought it would be a pain to assemble (even though itโ€™s a pack nโ€™ play and made for travelโ€ฆI know) and I wasnโ€™t sure if Livi would like it, since she sleeps at night in the bassinet and…

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Can’t trust her

Oh hello, Monday. Definitely back into the swing of life over here! After having a house hustling and bustling all weekend, back to just the girls: myself, Bell and Liv. I caught Bella eating a piece of ice cream sandwich in the backyard this morning.. this worries me for two reasons: 1) we havenโ€™t had…

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2/25: Thoughts from the week

-The Jewel lullaby CD is AMAZING. It was a gift to Livi from her nana, and we made it part of the bedtime ritual. Meal time, bath, lotion, brush her hair, read a story, then put Jewel on to sway, bounce or rock her to sleep. By the yodel song (which I think is #6?)…

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Tie Fail

So many fun adventures today! A world beat class (which was amaaaaaazzing) hike at Sabino Canyon and dinner with an intimate party of 17. I was SO excited to take world beat this morning. As I mentioned before, thereโ€™s no recorded music, only live drummers, and we dance to international rhythms including African, Latin and…

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“Everywhere you look”

Itโ€™s a full house over here ๐Ÿ™‚ (+ my nana and stepdad) The Pilotโ€™s side of the fam came in from the southeast yesterday afternoon, and when they got here we did what most people do with out-of-town guests: took them to a bar.   Ok, so not a *real* bar, but to the squadron…

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Friday Faves

1. The meal of my childhood. On Sundays after church, everyone would go over to my nanaโ€™s house for homemade tortillas, chorizo, tamales, beans and eggs. Itโ€™s something my mom would often make on the weekends, too.. I knew it would be a good day when I woke up to the smell of chorizo. Now,…

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Things that go “smack” in the night

The other night, while I was feeding Livi, I heard an intense SMACK into one of our living room windows. โ€œWake up! I heard a noise!โ€ I went into the bedroom and shook the Pilot, who sleeps with earplugs in (thank goodness he didnโ€™t have to fly in the morning), and he woke up, grabbed…

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Postpartum eats

The first couple of weeks from the hospital were a mix of different emotions: happier than I thought was humanly possible, at the same time feeling a little wonky from the hormones stabilizing, extremely exhausted, and so full of love for my husband and new daughter. There wasnโ€™t a difference between night and day, and…

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