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Slow cooker chicken coconut curry

Last time I made Thai food, I almost burned our faces off with the spiciness factor. This is coming from a girl who eats jalapenos straight-up. It was borderline too much for me too handle, and way too spicy for the Pilot, who likes spicy foods, but not the same way I do. This time,…

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The witching hours

Most of the time, evenings are pretty pleasant around here. Tom gets home from work, and Livi and I are both ecstatic to see him. We give Livi a bath, jammie/lotion/brush hair, feed her, story time, and put her to sleep. Itโ€™s nice because sheโ€™ll usually go to bed fairly early (around 7-8) and weโ€™ll…

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New Ballz and Snack Links

Itโ€™s about time I expanded my amazeball horizons. Iโ€™ve been brainstorming snack ideas that I can have in the fridge, grab and eat, and couldnโ€™t believe how long it had been since I had an amazeball. Theyโ€™re a great dose of healthy fat and protein- 2 usually does the trick for me. Instead of making…

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Kids and phones

Source Technology has come a LONG way since I was a youngin.โ€™ We played outside or indoors with toys and arts and crafts, occasionally Sega Genesis (I was always Tails in Sonic the Hedgehog), no Facebook to worry about, and we wrote notes back and forth instead of texting. When I was in middle school,…

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Banana Split Protein Shake

This is the reason why I never make oats in the microwave: OATSPLOSION! No matter what I do, how long I cook it for, how much water I addโ€ฆ it always ends up being time to clean the microwave. I was willing to make the sacrifice and try out these new-to-me oats: the half that…

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Blast from the past

After almost four years, Pinkie, my beloved laptop is on the verge of biting the dust. We had a long life together <3 First my keyboard started being temperamental โ€“I have to turn the battery switch on and off to get it to type, which only does the trick sometimes and today, the wireless card…

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Back in Zumba action

Zumba, how did I miss thee? Let me count the ways: 1. The loud music made my heart sing 2. It felt good to bellydance sans a giant belly 3. Sometimes a girlโ€™s gotta shake her booty to a wicked reggaeton and the list goes on. My friend Melissa taught class, and even though Iโ€™m…

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All ‘choked up

Itโ€™s been wayyyyy too long since weโ€™ve had โ€˜chokes in the house: (Each little leaf dipped into Goddess dressing.. amazing) Last night, I grabbed some groceries (finally!), we had a couple of drinks: and the Pilot cooked up an amazing feast. The artichokes above Alexia sweet potato chipotle fries and perfect turkey burgers. I have…

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2/17: Thoughts from the week

-Every morning when I get dressed, I keep in mind that I will be wearing purple for most of the day ๐Ÿ˜‰ Might be time to invest in another Moby.. ours gets used all the time โ€“Tom likes to wear her in the Ergo instead- but it will be nice to have a backup when…

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We meet again

Oh hey, weekend. (Iโ€™m not sure what kind of flowers those are.. or how long it will be before theyโ€™re brown and crispy) So nice to see you again! Since Iโ€™m not back at work yet, the weekend is similar to the rest of the week, but way better with the Pilot home. We have…

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Oatie-nola and body bars

This is what can happen when you eyeball a baked goodie recipe: While we were at the store, I grabbed the ingredients to make more of Heatherโ€™s fabulous oaties (including regular unsalted butter. I still donโ€™t understand why they make salted butter in the first place, and why I always buy it by mistake). After…

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She knows me?

After staying away from Teavana for quite a while โ€“itโ€™s an expensive habit, and I like my teas from Sunflower Market just as much- we made a little caffeine stop today. Bzzzzz After a night of high hopes with the swaddling, she busted out of her swaddle every hour or so, screaming like an angry…

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