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My Funny Valentine
6 years ago, Bella was a Valentine’s Day gift from the Pilot. Same sassy face, 6 years later: We had gone to look at puppies one weekend, and I knew Bell was the one, so we decided to go back the following weekend. She came from a family here in Tucson –none of whom spoke…
Read More →Swaddle Escape Artist
We have a little Houdini on our hands…. lovely likes to bust outta her swaddle. (We like the Aden + Anais blankets- super soft and very light fabric) Swaddling is one of those things that always mystified me while I was pregnant –it seemed like putting a baby in a straightjacket- but after watching “Happiest…
Read More →V-day Booty Blast
Morning! Hope everyone is having a happy Monday so far <3 Catching up on the weekend? Pics from yesterday’s fiesta My first postpartum workout Today, the Pilot took a day of leave –he has a ton, and you use it or ya lose it- so we’ve been taking it easy this morning. Drank some tea…
Read More →2/12: Pics from the day
Breakfast for two A small family get-together Really, a giant fiesta with 5 generations <3 mariachis cake and a surprise wedding ceremony! An amazing Sunday, indeed.
Read More →Getting my toes wet
Last night, I did something I haven’t done in 5 weeks: went to the gym! It felt so good to be back. I was cleared to workout again on Monday, but didn’t quite feel energized enough for a gym workout until last night. The Pilot was home, Liv had a full belly, so I…
Read More →Five for fry-day
1. It’s definitely fry-day over here! (Sorry for the bag pic, but I like my sp fries warm.. they taste better while driving) I’m kind of a sweet potato fry connoisseur, and they’re a relatively new thing in Tucson. A few restaurants started offering them only a couple of years ago. The best are at…
Read More →Goo goo ga ga
1. I just remembered I can drink kombucha again! Come here, you fizzy bottle of love. 2. Tom is the diaper king.. and I still kind of fail at it. Tom changes most of the diapers when he’s home, but when it’s just me, I’m just not as talented. Let’s just say when she had…
Read More →Rice cooker Italian quinoa
Good morning! Hope your day is off to a great start <3 Waffles with almond butter and jelly over here tea snuggles and teeny grunts and snores (coming from the lounger next to me). It’s a good day. The Pilot had to fly late last night, and since he’s been the dinner chef in our…
Read More →Snoozing on the job
Meet Exhibit A of our breastfeeding woes: The Milk Queen, sleeping atop her Boppy throne So, posting about breastfeeding is a personal thing and TMI city, but I’ve been writing about it in hopes that it may help someone who encounters a similar situation, and open the doors to talk about it, since it’s one…
Read More →Starstruck
Humpday! I always look forward to the weekend, and even more so now that the Pilot’s been back to work. I like hanging out with him 😉 This morning’s bfast was the last of nana’s egg casserole (I’ll ask her for the recipe- quite a few friends have asked for it) with tea and toast…
Read More →Mat leave and childcare
Over the last 4 weeks: -I’ve watched a LOT of trash TV during nursing and pumping sessions. Biggest wastes of TV time: The Revolution, The Chew, and the fact that E! has turned into the Kardashian channel. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some Kardashians, but if that’s not on E! during the day,…
Read More →Like it a lox
Smoked salmon is back in my life in a big way…. So salty and glorious. Before coming downstairs to make breakfast, I had to convince the lazy girls it was time to start the day. The one on the left still has night and day in reverse.. especially after last night. Party animal 🙂 Some…
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