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Baby, man and creature

Flowers vino and a pizza picnic with three valentines (a baby, a man and a creature). How lucky does a girl get? ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope that you had a fabulous night, too! This morningโ€™s bfast was one of the usual suspects:   (egg puff sandwich with greens, goat cheese and hummus, with strawberries and tea) I…

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My Funny Valentine

6 years ago, Bella was a Valentineโ€™s Day gift from the Pilot. Same sassy face, 6 years later: We had gone to look at puppies one weekend, and I knew Bell was the one, so we decided to go back the following weekend. She came from a family here in Tucson โ€“none of whom spoke…

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Swaddle Escape Artist

We have a little Houdini on our handsโ€ฆ. lovely likes to bust outta her swaddle. (We like the Aden + Anais blankets- super soft and very light fabric) Swaddling is one of those things that always mystified me while I was pregnant โ€“it seemed like putting a baby in a straightjacket- but after watching โ€œHappiest…

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V-day Booty Blast

Morning! Hope everyone is having a happy Monday so far <3 Catching up on the weekend? Pics from yesterdayโ€™s fiesta My first postpartum workout Today, the Pilot took a day of leave โ€“he has a ton, and you use it or ya lose it- so weโ€™ve been taking it easy this morning. Drank some tea…

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2/12: Pics from the day

Breakfast for two A small family get-together Really, a giant fiesta with 5 generations <3 mariachis cake and a surprise wedding ceremony! An amazing Sunday, indeed.

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Getting my toes wet

Last night, I did something I havenโ€™t done in 5 weeks:   went to the gym! It felt so good to be back. I was cleared to workout again on Monday, but didnโ€™t quite feel energized enough for a gym workout until last night. The Pilot was home, Liv had a full belly, so I…

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Five for fry-day

1. Itโ€™s definitely fry-day over here! (Sorry for the bag pic, but I like my sp fries warm.. they taste better while driving) Iโ€™m kind of a sweet potato fry connoisseur, and theyโ€™re a relatively new thing in Tucson. A few restaurants started offering them only a couple of years ago. The best are at…

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Goo goo ga ga

1. I just remembered I can drink kombucha again! Come here, you fizzy bottle of love. 2. Tom is the diaper king.. and I still kind of fail at it. Tom changes most of the diapers when heโ€™s home, but when itโ€™s just me, Iโ€™m just not as talented. Letโ€™s just say when she had…

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Rice cooker Italian quinoa

Good morning! Hope your day is off to a great start <3 Waffles with almond butter and jelly over here tea snuggles and teeny grunts and snores (coming from the lounger next to me). Itโ€™s a good day. The Pilot had to fly late last night, and since heโ€™s been the dinner chef in our…

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Snoozing on the job

Meet Exhibit A of our breastfeeding woes: The Milk Queen, sleeping atop her Boppy throne So, posting about breastfeeding is a personal thing and TMI city, but Iโ€™ve been writing about it in hopes that it may help someone who encounters a similar situation, and open the doors to talk about it, since itโ€™s one…

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Humpday! I always look forward to the weekend, and even more so now that the Pilotโ€™s been back to work. I like hanging out with him ๐Ÿ˜‰ This morningโ€™s bfast was the last of nanaโ€™s egg casserole (Iโ€™ll ask her for the recipe- quite a few friends have asked for it) with tea and toast…

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Mat leave and childcare

Over the last 4 weeks: -Iโ€™ve watched a LOT of trash TV during nursing and pumping sessions. Biggest wastes of TV time: The Revolution, The Chew, and the fact that E! has turned into the Kardashian channel. Donโ€™t get me wrong, I love me some Kardashians, but if thatโ€™s not on E! during the day,…

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