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Focus On: BodyPump

Hey friends! Hope youโ€™re having a lovely morning ๐Ÿ™‚ For todayโ€™s Focus On post, I chose BodyPump since it was a workout I was ALL OVER when I first moved back to Tucson. Itโ€™s an incredible workout and even though Iโ€™ve taken quite a few classes, I thought Iโ€™d turn it over to a certified…

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Why I’m excited for a little man

Thank you so much for all of the kind comments, tweets and emails about finding out the sex of our now-avocado ๐Ÿ™‚ Itโ€™s been a blasty to share this experience with all of you- Iโ€™m loving every second <3 So, whenever we tell people weโ€™re having a boy, the first thing they ask is: โ€œIs…

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A Day

Hi friends ๐Ÿ˜€ Hope youโ€™ve had a lovely afternoon. So glad you liked the circuit workout and it was fun to see comments from the from-Ireland Kerrygold lovers <3 It has been โ€œa dayโ€ over here. Latte partially saved it. [A decaf rice milk 1-pump vanilla latte to be exact] I had a lovely time…

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Tart Beauty + NEW circuit workout

Morning! How are ya? Hope your day is off to a great start <3 After making a meal plan for the week, and grocery shopping, I made some dinner last night for the Pilot and I to enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚ I used a recipe for mushroom and gouda tart in one of my all-time faves: Nourish…

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I really live here

Hi friends! How are you? Thank you for all of the sweet congrat tweets on our future baby Pilot (or whatever he decides to do) ๐Ÿ˜‰ [I love when one of her ears flops back like that] After I last said hello, I enjoyed half a banana with almond butter and packed up an apple…

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Summer pasta salad

Hi friends! Happy Monday! Hope your week is off to a fantastic start ๐Ÿ™‚ We had some cray cray weather over here last night- it went from yellow skies and pouring rain to a full-up rainbow. We had a lovely night with family and friends- first at the madreโ€™s house, then over to the dadooโ€™s…

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What I wore: 7/17

Dress: J Crew Sandals: Banana Republic Cuff bracelet + necklace: Express Why I like it: this dress was on super sale at J Crew โ€“after the extra 30% off, it was like $20- and I love the bubble hem that isnโ€™t too obnoxious. Sometimes things can get a little too bubbly and Iโ€™m not a…

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The right kinda Sunday

Hey friends! Howโ€™s your day been? What have you been up to today? Our Sunday has been the perfect mix of work, relax and play ๐Ÿ™‚ The Pilot has been working insane hours, which has been pretty standard since Iโ€™ve known him. Thereโ€™s always talk about it calming down, but I wonโ€™t believe it until…

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A time for country

Morning! Howโ€™s your Sunday going? Hope itโ€™s been lovely and relaxing ๐Ÿ™‚ We woke up bright and early to head to the farmerโ€™s market to pick up some cupcakes I had ordered. I packed up some iced coffee with almond milk to-go: and we left for the market. Of course, we brought this little nugget…

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Night in a nutshell

Hope your night was as relaxing and enjoyable as ours ๐Ÿ™‚ See ya in the morning- I have some very special cupcakes to pick up ๐Ÿ˜‰ <3

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Fashion Flub: The Bag Dress

It happens to the best of us. You wear an outfit you think looks pretty cute and then you see a picture and thinkโ€ฆ otherwise. A recent example: the bag dress. I bought this dress on super sale during a J Crew spree, and last time I wore it minus gluten-free bun in the oven,…

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