I really live here

Hi friends! How are you? Thank you for all of the sweet congrat tweets on our future baby Pilot (or whatever he decides to do) ๐Ÿ˜‰


[I love when one of her ears flops back like that]

After I last said hello, I enjoyed half a banana with almond butter and packed up an apple to munch on the drive back.


I tested out a new circuit workout that Iโ€™ll be posting tomorrowโ€ฆ and it was a super schweaty one ๐Ÿ™‚


{no such thing as a non-goobery way to take an iPhone photo. Smile at the phone = goober, smile at the mirror= goober. haha}

After all of that fun, a shower, + the second half of b-fast:


it was time for a little adventure: getting a Costco membership.


Costco is a magical place.


They have amazing things like 24-oz Maranatha almond butter jars for $5.79 and a 24-pack of seaweed snacks for $9-something.

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I was blown away by all of the healthy and organic optionsโ€ฆ it was pretty much amazeballz.

Even with all of my excitement, I restrained myself from going too crazy โ€“the Pilot would raise his eyebrow at me if I came home with a 24-pack of seaweed snacks, a new dog bed for Bella, a 50-pack of bathroom tissue, and other random buys the week before we move- but I HAD to get these:

zucchini pasta

Zucchini pasta!!

I love making this at home, but itโ€™s tough to pack for lunches because it gets soggy. Since these are frozen, theyโ€™ll be awesome take-to-work options ๐Ÿ™‚

Itโ€™s funny because getting a Costco membership made me feel a little like we actually live here. Yes, Iโ€™ve been in Tucson since December, but everything has felt temporary since Iโ€™ve been here. I was staying with roomies and when the Pilot came home, we moved into a small apartment, with loaner furniture from the parentals and stuff I got at an estate sale to last us until we move into our house. Weโ€™re staying here, but it never felt like we *live* here, if that makes sense.

We always joke that it seems like weโ€™re here on a quick trip to see the fam.Today make me feel like Iโ€™ll be here for a while, but the big one will be next week when we get the keys to our new place ๐Ÿ™‚

Itโ€™s dinnertime over here, but I hope youโ€™re all having a lovely night! <3

See ya bright and early ๐Ÿ˜€



Todayโ€™s workout jam: โ€œBest Thing I Never Hadโ€ Beyonce. Iโ€™m on a Beyonce kick lately! This song is slower and kinda ballad-y but makes for a surprisingly awesome heavy climb song. As I was crawling up the treadmill with a high resistance, it motivated me to keep going, since I kept thinking โ€œyou sing it, girl.โ€ haha ๐Ÿ˜‰

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  1. Emily @ Glitz Glam Granola on July 19, 2011 at 12:23 pm

    Yay for all the healthy options at costco… who knew?? I’ve had the zucchini pasta before at whole foods but at the time, I didn’t realize that it wasn’t a lunch option and really needed protein added to it! I won’t make that mistake again! And love your comment about taking iphone pictures- I always feel so awkward and feel so lame smiling at the camera in the mirror!

  2. Meg | One Love Meg on July 19, 2011 at 12:27 pm

    1.) Costco also has agave! Huge bottle. Love that place.
    2.) I had no idea about the seaweed snacks. Score.
    3.) We have the same iphone case.

    I think we would get along just great! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. mary on July 19, 2011 at 1:02 pm

    I live at Costco. They have so much organic produce, frozen fruit for smoothies, good dog food, I could go on and on. And it’s ALL at bargain prices (per unit). You will spend a fortune there but you’ll have so much great STUFF at the end! I couldn’t live without Costco. Though mine hasn’t had almond butter in forever. Grrr.

  4. Brittany (Eating Bird Food) on July 19, 2011 at 8:55 pm

    I have a membership to Costco but haven’t been in a while b/c it’s always so busy and sometimes the size of the items are too large for a two person household. I definitely need to go and look for that zucchini pasta next time I’m there for toilet paper and paper towels. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. kari on July 20, 2011 at 7:13 am

    wow! we have SAMS club but they don’t have those items. it seems that tucson has a lot of great products that i would like to buy but…

  6. Gillian on July 20, 2011 at 11:42 am

    i would literally live in costco if i could.. free samples for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

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