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Cutting some slack

One of the questions I get all of the time is about how I get so much done during the day. I blog 2-3 times a day (two regular posts + one family or fashion post), always had at least one other job, sometimes two โ€“I like to work because all of my jobs donโ€™t…

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Tempeh bacon

Hi friends! How are ya? Hope youโ€™ve had a lovely day <3 Thanks for the awesome feedback on Missyโ€™s Focus On: IntenSati post! It looks like a class Iโ€™d LOVE to take. Here are some previous Focus On posts: –Zumba –PiYo –Core Fusion –TRX –Crossfit –Bellydance I had the chance to meet with a blog…

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Focus On: IntenSati

Hey Fitnessista readers! This is Missy from MissyMaintains and I am incredibly honored to be writing a Focus On post for Gina’s blog! I am a long time Fitnessista fan and always love to write about favorite workout, intenSati. I discovered this fitness class last year and have been hooked ever since. This workout not…

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A girl walks into a bar…

Hi friends! What a productive and fantastic day. Lots of errands, helping the Pilot get everything together to get his new wheels (and going out for a joy ride!), hanging out with my nana, lunch with a friend, conference call, and quality Snoogle time with Bella. You know ๐Ÿ˜€ Since I was in the Whole…

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Like Buttah

Do not fear yellow, my friends. Source Itโ€™s everywhere right now, and it still seems like quite a few people are afraid to embrace the bold, sunny color. The thing about yellow is that it looks great on pretty much everyone, and like all primary colors, is great as a neutral– it matches quite a…

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Schweaty July Elliptical Workout + Playlist

Morning! How are ya? Is everyone else moving a little slowly after the holiday weekend, too? ๐Ÿ™‚ Hereโ€™s what happened this weekend: –The Pilot made turtle burgers –I posted a Firework 8-minute cardio blast –My first sardine experience We ended up having a not-so-traditional 4th of July dinner, but delicious nonetheless. Stuffed chicken, balsamic mushrooms…

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They were telling the truth

I feel NORMAL again ๐Ÿ˜€ As in, my energizer bunny energy is back, my cravings for salt and vinegar chips, dairy, and Veganaise on everything are gone (veggies are back!), and I donโ€™t feel like Iโ€™m on the verge of tossing my gluten-free cookies all day. Everyone kept saying that the second trimester is amazing…

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This place about to blow

Hey hey hey ๐Ÿ˜€ How are ya? Things are bueno over here ๐Ÿ™‚ A day full of quality time with the Pilot, but our sunny 4th of July was short-lived since the angry clouds rolled in. The storm waited until I got inside with bags of groceries (thank youuuuuuu), and then POURED like cray cray.…

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Happy Fourth!

Hi friends ๐Ÿ˜€ Howโ€™s your morning going? When my alarm went off this morning, I went into instant freak-out mode: โ€œI have a conference call in 10 minutes and an eye doctor appointment and oversleptโ€ and then I remembered thatโ€™s all TOMORROWโ€ฆ. hit the snooze and slept a little while longer ๐Ÿ™‚ After a TurboFire…

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A Grill Experiment

Heyyyyy ๐Ÿ˜€ How are you? Hope youโ€™re having a fabulous night <3 Guess what?! My belly has officially popped! JK. LOL. Just a little fun with some summer watermelon ๐Ÿ˜‰ We cut it up to take to the madreโ€™s, along with a glorious grill feast. My contributions were: Massage kale salad (wilted kale, lemon juice,…

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Time for a throwdown

Why hello ๐Ÿ™‚ How are you? Hope youโ€™re having a chillax kinda Sunday <3 It felt heavenly to sleep with no alarm this morningโ€ฆ when I woke up at 8:30, it felt like I had slept for 3 days. After crawling out of bed, taking Bell out and putting on the Casey Anthony trial, I…

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What I wore: 7/2

Last night we went to a family BBQ, after I crawled out of bed from a post-work nap ๐Ÿ™‚ I actually had to get ready in 10 minutes since everyone was there and we were late (per usual), so I can always count on a dress to save the day when Iโ€™m short on time…

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