Proof of (food) Life

Ciao, guys.   (Me trying not to stand out like a tourist) Ginaโ€™s shopping for a netbook so she can more conveniently write post during her short lunch break, so she once again solicited my help. Of course, Iโ€™m more than happy to sub in and this time I actually remembered to take pictures! I…

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Caught in the act

โ€ฆ of a sweet embrace with my Cullen juice ๐Ÿ˜‰   (U of A REPRESENT, haha) This girl was hankering for some veggies in a serious way. I think it was because we planted our little garden, which got veggies on the brain ๐Ÿ˜€ The pots contain seeds for basil, cilantro, RAINBOW CHARD, parsley, dill,…

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I got these awards last week from the lovely RhodeyGirlโ€”so here are some random facts about yours truly ๐Ÿ˜€ 1. Iโ€™m terrified of motherhood. Not the actual process of raising children but rather the process of having them. I convinced that being pregnant would be like having an alien inside your belly. 2. I danced…

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Viesa and Me

Hey everyone! No, the Fitnessista isn’t suddenly typing in a much deeper voice. You’ve got The Pilot for this post. My better half is taking a much needed break this morning before starting her day. So, how’re you guys doing? I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was great. After working until midnight with…

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