Driving Miss Daisy

Hi guys! How are ya?? Hope your Monday has been bueno.

We’re on our way to Hotlanta and tomorrow THE BAHAMAS. I can feel the ocean breeze already πŸ™‚

Check out my seksi driver:


Oh yes πŸ™‚

Today has kind of been a whirlwind of packing and last minute to-dos but it feels so good to *almost* be in vacay mode. I also went to the library and grabbed some books:

– Freakonomics

– My Sister’s Keeper and

– Julie & Julia

are they any good??

Some of the eats:

Post-Insanity (Core Cardio and Balance) Oats with Vega Protein, banana, and Koala Crispies


Leftover black bean burger accompanied by unpictured sweet potato fries (since they looked less than glam heated on a napkin)




-other half of Vega protein

-almond milk

-other half of banana

-frozen cherries

-raw cacao powder

-heaping handful of spinach

A bar in the car split with the pilot


(Chocolate Chip Fit bar.. recipe is on the bloggy from yesterday)

And now we’re at a service station and Bella is helping me blog πŸ˜‰


See ya soon!



Life update: I quit my job as the Lead Fitness Instructor for the base gym yesterday…and it felt really, really good. It was getting to the point where it was too frantic and time-consuming in conjunction with my two other jobs, so I decided to call it quits. Sanity > Money . I’ll still be teaching Zumba but won’t be responsible for hiring/keeping track of the other instructors and making the schedule anymore. I usually HAAAAATE quitting jobs but feel pretty good about this πŸ™‚

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  1. Marina M on May 11, 2010 at 9:27 am

    Freakonomics is one of my FAVORITE books. If you like it, Superfreakonomics is good too, and Malcolm Gladwell’s books have a similiar approach to looking at life through econ and sociology =]

  2. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic on May 11, 2010 at 9:40 am

    I really, really, really like those 3 books! Freakonomics is awesome and super interesting, My Sister’s Keeper is a definite cry-fest (so000oo much better than the movie), and Julie & Julia is a really fun read (although to be honest I LOVED the movie and saw that first before reading the book). I hope you like all 3! Have fun on your vacation!

  3. allison @ livingoneday on May 11, 2010 at 9:49 am

    eeeee have so much fun! jealous over here in cold, windy, rainy PA!! question – what kind of ketchup do you use? heinz has high fructose corn syrup, but my organic one from whole foods doesnt EXACTLY look or taste like the real thing, and yours does!

  4. Melissa (Melissa Likes To Eat) on May 11, 2010 at 9:53 am

    I’m so excited for you and your fabulous trip!!! I read My Sister’s Keeper….prepare to cry. I haven’t read Julie & Julia yet but want to.

  5. Jean on May 11, 2010 at 10:53 am

    I “read” Julie & Julia on audiobook – pretty good. Just be prepared that there’s virtually NOTHING in the book about Julia Child & her life – that was all for the movie when they more or less melded the two books together. I think I liked the move better b/c of it.

    I think I “read” My Sister’s Keeper on audiobook, too (long commute = lots of “reading”). After you’re done w/the book, you’ll have to get the movie – you’ll need lots of kleenex for it.

    Hope you have a good vacation!

  6. Brittney on May 11, 2010 at 11:12 am

    You picked three great books! I’ve read all three and liked them all. I’m a sociology nerd and found Freakonomics really, really interesting. Plus there are a few pages dedicated to MY NAME in the book- lol! I haven’t read Super Freakonomics yet, but want to. My Sister’s Keeper was really good too. I liked the movie and the book- the endings are different but I found both interesting. Julie and Julia was also a great read but slightly different from the movie, because the movie is based on that book and also Julia Child’s My Life in France, so you may be wondering where more of the story about Julia Child is while reading. Anyway, enjoy them!

  7. Retta @ RunRettaRun on May 11, 2010 at 1:35 pm

    My Sister’s Keeper is SO good. Get your tissue handy! Have fun on your getaway!! πŸ™‚

  8. Erin on May 11, 2010 at 1:37 pm

    That’s a great picture of you!

  9. Laury @ thefitnessriot on May 11, 2010 at 4:53 pm

    “Whole Paycheck” I like that, and I am going to use that…that is the story of my life :/

    Congrats on the big step with your job! I know how hard it is…but being a fitness trainer can be tough when you are spreading yourself too thin…it become SO overwhelming and you get burnt out. It happened to me, however now I am looking for more work (I own my business, and the economy made me take a BIG hit–starting to catch up now)

    My Sisters Keeper is SUCH a tear-jerker…but great!


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