Focus On: The Tone It Up Plan

As you guys know, I’m a huge fan of the Tone It Up girls. They’re super fun, don’t sell themselves out by pimping out phony diet pills or supplements, make great workout videos, and I secretly wish that they would adopt me 😉

Tone-It-Up2 Source

They need a preggers girl on the team, right? Haha.

About a month before I got pregnant, I bought the Tone It Up plan via their website. I had heard quite a few people talking about it on Twitter and I like to know as much as possible about diet and fitness plans, so I decided to buy it up.

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What is it?

A comprehensive diet and fitness plan, including recipes, workouts and a 7-day slimdown. I’m pretty sure it was $120 when I bought it (but is now up to $149.99) and you receive a hefty PDF file with the eats and workouts, and from then on, you’ll receive emails from the Tone It Up girls, access to their Tone It Up community (message boards, etc), and meal plan updates (they recently sent out a new summer version of the meal plan).

The pros:

I loved the option of being able to choose between the original plan, vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free or gluten-free vegetarian. [Now they’ve added pescatarian, too, which is awesome] The eating plan is pretty fantastic- all clean eats, no fake stuff, and they make it very clear how to set up each meal and snack. There are a lot of options and ideas offered.

-No calorie counting.

-New ideas! Quite a few recipes are things I’ve seen before [and that you’ve seen before, from reading healthy living blogs], but there was some new stuff in there too.

-It can be followed as a lifestyle and isn’t a “quick fix diet, then go back to the way you were eating before” plan. I’m always an advocate for eating styles that can be maintained over the long term.

-Love that it isn’t carb-phobe or fat-phobe… it really is a balanced, well-made eating plan.


The cons:

-As with many eating plans I’ve researched, it can be very low calorie, so it helps to be aware of your activity level and if you’re needing excess fuel.

-The workout plan wasn’t anything too special [to me]. It was a lot of very basic moves (nothing that made me say “whoa!” or anything that I haven’t seen before), but it just goes to show that what we look like is really more of a product of how we eat. Work out for health and fitness (and sanity!), but clean eats are really going to make a visible difference.

-It’s expensive. For being 97 pages, many of us probably wouldn’t pay $149.99 for a 97-page lifestyle book at the bookstore. Quite a few recipes and workouts can be accessed for free via their website (and here! always free), so you can access many of these things and learn a lot without paying. However, the purchased meal plan is very structured and breaks everything down in a straightforward way, so it’s definitely feasible to weigh the costs and benefits.

Do you own the Tone It Up plan? Do you like to follow a more structured eating style, or just go with the flow?

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  1. Aylin @ GlowKitchen on August 17, 2011 at 11:00 am

    I love them too! They are sassy and fun and exactly the kind of visual motivation I need to hit the track running.

  2. Cat @Breakfast toBed on August 17, 2011 at 11:02 am

    $150?!?!?!? Yeah, that wouldn’t happen. Holy cow.

  3. Casey @ Pocket Full of Sunshine on August 17, 2011 at 11:02 am

    I kind of go with the flow. I just LOVE to eat and while I eat really healthy for breakfast and lunch, pretty much every day, I kinda allow myself whatever I want at dinner (cheese fries, bread, pasta…the list goes on, haha) and just try to eat small amounts of it. Then I have another smoothie in the morning and feel fine. 🙂 I just love yummy food so much, and I don’t want to limit it once or twice a week! I work out pretty much every day, too, so that helps.

  4. Destini on August 17, 2011 at 11:04 am

    I haven’t heard of them. The price seems pretty hefty when I have a personal trainer. But maybe for those that don’t this would benefit them. But also with this type of thing its hard to customize a plan specific to your body and your goals. I also find having a trainer with me pushes me a lot more then if i was to do something on my own. But it is nice to see positive reviews on home workouts.

  5. Lauren @ Sassy Molassy on August 17, 2011 at 11:04 am

    I like their videos. They definitely have a certain style – fun, laid back, beachy. I don’t know that I’ve ever done their workouts, but it’s fun to browse once in a while at the videos and recipes they put on their site.

  6. Alex on August 17, 2011 at 11:05 am

    i don’t think i would feel right paying $150 for a book. it would be different if it came with some workout DVDs, but i’d personally rather invest in a Beach Body workout system. i would be willing to try it, but not for the cost, unfortunately, because it sounds like it’s right up my alley. i’m curious – how are the workouts structured? is it set up as a weekly plan, or a pick and choose as you go sort of thing?

    thanks for your feedback on this – i always love your fitness product reviews.

    • Fitnessista on August 17, 2011 at 11:06 am

      i should have mentioned that- it’s set up as a weekly plan (you do different workouts each day)

  7. Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat on August 17, 2011 at 11:05 am

    I don’t own the book, but I do love their website! It’s always good for motivation and new recipe ideas. 🙂

  8. Hillary [Nutrition Nut on the Run] on August 17, 2011 at 11:06 am

    My friend recently bought, so I’m interested to hear what she thinks about it. I like that they have so many different diets to suit everyone.

  9. Leanne (Bride to Mrs.) on August 17, 2011 at 11:08 am

    I used to follow really structured (aka. strict) plans but I realized that I don’t want to have my life revolve around rules anymore.

    Now that the wedding craziness is done with, and I’m settling into normal life again.. I want to begin eating healthier meals (even just meals cooked at home.. I seem to be living at restaurants lately!) and doing *fun* things for exercise (not just running on a treadmill). I’ve always liked kickboxing so I’m looking for a class in my area… I think if I can find something I enjoy, I’ll stick with it!

  10. Kate on August 17, 2011 at 11:08 am

    thanks for the review I havent seen to much of their stuff but have heard of them. I think what they are doing is great and love that they are such a good example!

  11. Brandi @ The Vitamin Bee on August 17, 2011 at 11:09 am

    I’m a big fan of the TIU girls but I just could not bring myself to pay $150 for the diet plan. I at least want to see what I’m paying for first, and that’s not an option with their plan. At least their YouTube videos are free!

    I’m a go with the flow eater. I tried the 6 meal a day thing during marathon training to curb my hunger (and gained weight, never again) but it was awful. I eat healthy but I have what I want when I’m hungry.

  12. Leila on August 17, 2011 at 11:11 am

    I have the nutrition plan and looooove it!!!! I bought it this past February and have already seen QUITE a bit of difference in muscle tone. I’ve toned up by 15lbs (AKA lost 15lbs of fat) and have seen significant muscle definition. Its true what you said, alot of it is all about what you eat not just working out (although thats just as important)! Thanks so much for featuring these ladies!!!

  13. Jessie on August 17, 2011 at 11:11 am

    I bought the Tone It Up plan about 2 months ago. I saved up for it and bought it. Unfortunately, I haven’t been using it as “strictly” as I should be (my fault, not Tone It Up’s fault!) but it still has helped me IMMENSELY. Karena and Katrina are the most amazing people EVER and the community involvement from other girls on the plan is just awesome. I love it and I’m definitely getting myself over some of these “doubt” hurdles to fully use the plan. And, for someone who had NO direction with food / exercise, this is perfect and inspiring. 🙂 There’s my Tone It Up pitch for ya 😉 It’s great to know you’re a fan too!

  14. chelsea on August 17, 2011 at 11:13 am

    I bought the tone it up diet plan with my birthday money and wish I hadn’t =/ It’s really not THAT special haha. It’s stuff you can pretty much research on your own if you know your way around the internet..I do love the tone it up girls though <3

  15. Frannie on August 17, 2011 at 11:15 am

    Tone It Up should pay you a percentage for marketing them 🙂 I found out about TIU from your website a few months ago, and I have loved it!

    I find your product review extremely helpful – thank you for freely offering great advice and reviews.

    p.s. I have also used your reviews for the purpose of purchasing Insanity and looking into Physique57

  16. Carrie on August 17, 2011 at 11:15 am

    The last time I paid $150 for a *book* was in college. That much for a 97-page PDF? I don’t think so. I’ve never heard of them, but checking out their website now. Thanks for the info!

  17. Kaleigh on August 17, 2011 at 11:15 am

    I ordered it in June, and I do love it. I’ve had great success with it, because it has taught me how to eat, and when to eat. I love that it doesn’t focus on calorie counting.

    Furthermore, I don’t know if it was mentioned – but it is a life time membership! Already I have received an update with about 20 pages more of material and info. I realize it’s a large price, but I personally haven’t seen that information or construction of a meal plan out there before.

    Here’s how I justified the price: 1. I used to be on weight watchers and ultimately found it to be too gimmicky, and too pricey for me to sustain any real benefits. As a student, weight watchers meetings were $15/week. So in 10 weeks, I easily had spent $150. Tone It Up is fantastic because it’s a one time cost for a lifetime membership. I will always have this plan. There is something that needs to be said for paying someone for their intellect!

  18. Dani on August 17, 2011 at 11:19 am

    How can you watch their videos without getting insanely jealous that they live on the gorgeous Strand in Hermosa Beach?? LOVE it there!! I want to work out on the beach all day!!

  19. Elizabeth @ reads recipes runs on August 17, 2011 at 11:19 am

    I heart the Tone It Up ladies! Their workouts are killer (seriously, their cardio pyramid almost made me pass out) and they are always super positive–I follow them on Twitter and Facebook. I would LOVE their meal plan, but I just can’t get behind paying that much. They do post recipes on their site and if you sign up for emails, you can get tips and whatnot from them from time to time (they don’t overload your email). I love that they focus on real food, real ingredients and very limited chemical consumption, tips anyone can live by, even if you aren’t trying to lose weight!

  20. Jess (In My Healthy Opinion) on August 17, 2011 at 11:19 am

    I’ve been intrigued by TIU for awhile now, but just haven’t convinced myself to buy it! I’m not sure I will; it seems the more I focus on rules, the more I just want to eat everything in sight! They seem great though, and I love their video and community! 🙂

  21. Girl In the pink on August 17, 2011 at 11:21 am

    Wow, $150 is really steep – you could almost pay for a gym membership for like 4-5 months!

  22. Erinn on August 17, 2011 at 11:22 am

    I am a huge fan of Tone It Up and love that when you purchase the plan, you receive constant updates from them. Their workouts are not easy and they frequently post new routines that you can mix and match to your liking. I sometimes still combine calorie counting to see how much I was consuming on the plan, but their plan reminds me a bit of Tosca Reno’s Eat Clean Diet. You focus on portion sizes and the quality of your proteins, carbs, fats, etc instead of being obsessive over empty calories. This actually does help and you find yourself changing your entire lifestyle. Plus, they are super cute, always interacting with people on Twitter and Facebook, and always host awesome giveaways on their website. Love them!!

  23. Kiah on August 17, 2011 at 11:33 am

    Thanks for the rundown, Gina! I wouldn’t pay that much, especially with the plethora of health and wellness bloggers, and all the (free!) info ya’ll put out. Thanks for sharing!

  24. Blair @ A Blair Affair on August 17, 2011 at 11:33 am

    “it just goes to show that what we look like is really more of a product of how we eat. Work out for health and fitness (and sanity!), but clean eats are really going to make a visible difference.”

    This is so true! Thanks for saying this.

  25. Meg on August 17, 2011 at 11:33 am

    I do enjoy the tone it up girls, but I think I’d enjoy ’em 100x more if they had a Fitnessista on their team 😉

  26. Aine @ Something to Chew Over on August 17, 2011 at 11:34 am

    I definitely wouldn’t pay that – there’s so many free top-quality resources out there (like your blog obviously 🙂 )

  27. lindsey on August 17, 2011 at 11:36 am

    yeah, they are super fabulous but I don’t know if I would pay $150 for their plan. I’ve been doing Tosca Reno’s Eat Clean Diet for my maintenance and have really been having a lot of success with it. I think I will just continue to watch the TIU girls’ videos for new workouts 🙂

  28. Kelly on August 17, 2011 at 11:36 am

    Thanks for the review!!

  29. Jill @ SA Newlywed on August 17, 2011 at 11:41 am

    Eek! That girl in the blue bikini is THIN!! I like my women with a little more curve!! 🙂

  30. Laura on August 17, 2011 at 11:47 am

    I have the plan, and I love it. I was wondering if you’d read it since some of the meals/snacks you post are very similar to what’s in the plan (Meta-D, sunflower seed topped avocado…). 🙂 I agree the plan is pretty expensive BUT I think it’s worth it! K&K always respond quickly to emails, are willing to recommend substitutions, and provide other support you wouldn’t get if you just purchased a book or DVD. They really do take on the role of your trainer. I never got the feeling that they were responding to my tweets or emails because they had to, but more because they truly wanted to help.

    I also didn’t mind the price because they send you an updated PDF with new recipes every few months. $150 for all of that isn’t so bad… If it was $10/month for the community, it wouldn’t seem so unreasonable, and would actually be more expensive after a year or so on the plan. I get the feeling that the Tone It Up girls really devote A LOT of time and energy to maintaining and updating the plan, and I don’t mind paying them for their time.

    • Kaleigh on August 17, 2011 at 3:47 pm

      couldn’t have said it better myself!

  31. Brittany @ Itty Bits of Balance on August 17, 2011 at 11:47 am

    I’ve heard of the Tone It Up girls but never really knew what they were about until I read your review. Thanks Gina!

  32. Ginna on August 17, 2011 at 11:48 am

    I subscribe to their emails but haven’t tried anything yet. I don’t think I would ya the $150 either. On another note, I would like to see a more in depth post on your exact workout plan while pregnant (cardio, weights; how often, what exercises?). Were you at all worried in the beginning about miscarriage and heavy exercise? What kind of exercises would you NOT recommend in early pregnancy (before 8 weeks or even before the first timester). I know you said you toned it down but would still like more details!

    • Fitnessista on August 17, 2011 at 3:15 pm

      k i can do a more thorough post 🙂

  33. Becky @ Fit Chick on the Fly on August 17, 2011 at 11:52 am

    Don’t think I could bring myself to pay $150 bones for a book. I’ll stick to your blog for the FREEEEE stuff 🙂 Thanks for the awesome review though!

    • Alex on August 17, 2011 at 12:43 pm

      I agree! I can always count on your blog for some awesome tips. I have learned so much from you!
      Thank you, Gina!

      • Fitnessista on August 17, 2011 at 3:13 pm

        <3 !

    • Fitnessista on August 17, 2011 at 3:15 pm


  34. Holly @ The Runny Egg on August 17, 2011 at 11:53 am

    I have thought about getting their plan, just to see what it is about, but the pricetag + not really knowing what I’d be getting has been holding me back — thanks for the review!

  35. Irene on August 17, 2011 at 12:10 pm

    Thanks for another great review! I have been hearing a lot about these trainers but I think I’m going to save the money and buy the Physique 57 volume 2 dvds instead. I can’t stick to strict meal plans anyways. I always need way more calories than planned or I’ll get a crazy migraine. PS: I know you posted this a while ago, but congratulations on having a girl! I don’t have kids yet but I secretly *really* want a daughter. Its not that I don’t want boys, I definitely do, but I being a girl myself, I think I have a better idea about all the specific things to look forward to with a daughter. And little girl clothes are THE CUTEST!!!!!

  36. Kristen @ Chocolate Covered Kristen on August 17, 2011 at 12:18 pm

    I’m not a fan in general of diet plans unless they are specific to your needs. I think they are great tools, but not necessarily great for the long run. For less you can go to a RD or trainer/nutrition counselor to get you set up and have someone teach you how to exercise properly. With all of the cheaper (or even free!) resources out there I can’t really see spending $150 for a book of information. However, I have done a few of their youtube workouts – they are pretty good! I’ve done a few core workouts and definitely felt them the next day.

  37. Claire @ Live and Love to Eat on August 17, 2011 at 12:20 pm

    I feel like all of this information is already out there somewhere… if you do your research and know your body, you can design your own plan for free! 🙂

  38. Emily @ Glitz Glam Granola on August 17, 2011 at 12:29 pm

    I love these “Focus On” posts- I feel like I learn so much! The general ideas of the plan sound good but the pricetag does not, especially when it’s information that you can get elsewhere. I don’t like to follow strict plans because then life happens and it gets all screwed up and I think that only brings guilt. I’d rather focus on healthy eating most of the time so that those splurges are fun!

  39. Dynamics on August 17, 2011 at 12:34 pm

    I might possibly purchase this but not if I do not receive a book. Having to print my own is a turnoff. I think if you are new to healthy eating and working out it would be worth the 150 bucks. If you have been reading blogs and learning, learning, learning it might not be worth the 150. JMPO Gina, do you still do Dance Trance or it is just Zumba now? Is there a website that teaches the Zumba moves?

    • Fitnessista on August 17, 2011 at 3:13 pm

      youtube has so many zumba videos! and i plan to start dt again after the baby is born

  40. Shayla @ The Good Life on August 17, 2011 at 12:38 pm

    I like the Tone It Up girls and they got some rockin’ bodies! I agree in that it’s about a way of eating for a lifetime and I like how a lot of their recipes are available on their website. I haven’t bought the plan, but you’ve peaked my interest to!

    And I love what you said here: “it just goes to show that what we look like is really more of a product of how we eat. Work out for health and fitness (and sanity!), but clean eats are really going to make a visible difference.” I totally agree – I always thought I could eat whatever I wanted as long as I worked out like a maniac – not the case. Once I really cleaned up my diet, focused on whole real foods, and exercised to relieve stress and keep my sanity, I was not only a happier person but my body thanked me for it on the inside and outside 🙂

  41. Brittany on August 17, 2011 at 12:47 pm

    I have the plan as well and really like it! I agree, it’s a little pricey but it does have a lot of good info and ideas. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it.

  42. Alyssa @ Life of bLyss on August 17, 2011 at 12:47 pm

    what have I not seen these girlies before? I like the sounds of the plan, but I don’t love the sound of the price. but VERY cool they’re not afraid of carbs or fat. I need a diet that incorporates a little of everything! 🙂

  43. Hillary on August 17, 2011 at 12:48 pm

    I’ve never heard of the Tone It Up plan, but you’re assessment kind of says it all: $149 for things you’ve heard before is a bit on the expensive side!

  44. Kathleen on August 17, 2011 at 12:52 pm

    Interesting… I can’t figure it out though, do you pay all that money for one “plan” or do you get the vegan, vegetarian, regular, etc. all for that price? I guess for all of the plans the price is okay but $150 for just one plan seems like a little much.

    The girls are insanely pretty & fit though and their hair! Holy guacamole, I wish mine did that!

    • Fitnessista on August 17, 2011 at 3:12 pm

      nope- you have to decide which plan you want

  45. Danielle on August 17, 2011 at 12:53 pm

    I bought this plan and there weren’t any workouts included in the plan. Well mine anyways… I also don’t like the restrictions of having no carbs after lunch, that to me is a diet and not a lifestyle. I found it quite similar to Body for Life.
    On the positives-It has great recipes esepcially the salads 🙂 And the girls are very sweet and I love getting update e-mails and videos to watch!

    • Danielle on August 17, 2011 at 12:54 pm

      I guess the diet is different from Body for Life now that I think of it. A lot of the same ideas with 5-6 meals/day and portion sizes. But Body for life allowed dairy and carbs at any time as long as they were properly portioned.

  46. Andrea on August 17, 2011 at 1:21 pm

    I totally agree with you! I work out for fitness, good health and stress relief, but if you are really looking to lose weight it is more about the food or fuel that you are feeding your body than the work out. It is also so important for me not to think of myself as ‘on a diet’ which has an end but rather living a healthy lifestyle forever ? Love the blog I am a new reader and think you are hysterical!

    • Fitnessista on August 17, 2011 at 3:12 pm

      hanks girl!

  47. Suzi @ Confessions of a Fitness Instructor on August 17, 2011 at 1:30 pm

    I love the tone it up girls! I want to be adopted too 😀

  48. Melissa on August 17, 2011 at 2:00 pm

    I have the TIU meal plan. I bought it about a year ago. I had already lost 60lbs on my own and was looking for something to use as a lifestyle plan. I do not follow the plan 100%, but do use it as a guideline.

    I looked at the price as an investment into my health. If you go to a Nutritionist for even 2 appt’s you’d pay well over $150. So to me it was well worth the price.

  49. Jamie@cupcakedynamite on August 17, 2011 at 2:06 pm

    I love their workouts on youtube! I’d never buy the plan because I feel like I know enough from reading blogs for almost two years now. Every time I see “TIU” I automatically think “UTI” which makes everything unpleasant…baha! Those girls are gorgeous and so fit.

  50. Katelyn @ Chef Katelyn on August 17, 2011 at 2:22 pm

    I do both — I am structured in each meal and snack (I make sure to not eat all carbs, all fat, or all protein…hello, stupid) so I try to be quite balanced in that sense, but my timing for meals and snacks is mandated by mah belly 😉

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