Green everything + Killer Cardio Circuit
I’ve mentioned before that I tend to suffer from workout accomplishment amnesia. This means that I’ll run 10 miles and then a week later, on my long run day, I doubt my ability to do more than 3. It shocks me that I was able to do such a long distance the week before.
Anyone else?
Workout Accomplishment Amnesia (WAA, which appropriately sounds like “wahhhhh”) is also common on my teaching days. Since my teaching days are pretty clustered together (Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday), by the time Wednesday rolls around again, it’s crazy for me to think about teaching anything, let alone Zumba.
“You mean I have to jump around and remember all of these dances while keeping people hyped up?!”
And yet somehow it happens.
We danced to this song yesterday, and I’m kind of obsessed with it:
(For those at work, the video consists of oiled bodies in skimpy island costumes. If you like reggaeton, maybe just download the song and trust me on this one haha)
When I got home from work, made had my favorite waiting for me.
And a tamale ๐
I made a little green juice to go with it.
Green juice pairs perfectly with a green tamale:
2 stalks of romaine, cucumber, spinach, ginger, lemon and a little Stevia.
I also made Livi a baby juice with pear, romaine, cucumber and a little lemon. She had a little green mustache from drinking it- the cuteness killed me.
We went on a family walk, ran an errand, and were pretty tempted to get takeout for dinner. Then, we remembered the plethora of ready-to-eat food waiting at home. There was roasted veggie soup, salad supplies, pasta, eggs, and 4 chicken breasts worth of taco meat that I’d made in the slow cooker over night. A very random and very delicious dinner was served.
I was originally going to make a video to post today, but spent a chunk of the evening organizing some Winter Shape Up stuff instead. It’s going to be a good one, and I’m hoping to partner up with some awesome individuals to make it even more successful. If you have any ideas on things you’d like to see, or the best/easiest way for you to receive and check in with workouts, please let me know (fitnessista at gmail dot com, or you can always Facebook message me, too).
Since there’s no video, here’s a killer cardio circuit- it’s one of my faves when I want a quick, sweaty workout.
For even more fun, enjoy the 12 days of fitness as the workout exclamation point ๐
It’s day 9:
9ย lateral lungesย (each side)
8 bicep curls
7 tricep dips
6 pull-ups
4ย toe touchesย (each side)
3 mountain climbers (each side)
2 pushups
1-minute plank (can be 6 rounds of 10 seconds up, rest for 3 seconds)
I’ll be doing it with my classes again today- they’re in for a treat.
Have a very happy almost-Friday!
See ya later.
Head’s up: The Zumba Exhilarate set is on promo now via OpenSky if you’ve been wanting to check it out! I love being able to Zumba at home and feel like I’m in a class atmosphere… or a music video ๐
Retry later
Yumm, the tamale looks so good. And you just remined me to start again with the green smoothies – I really love them but most of the time I eat the veggies before they make it to the blender ๐ Love that Cardio workout, thank you! Will go right off and do it!
let me know how you like it! enjoy your day ๐
Can you make green juices in a vitamix? or do you think it’s better to stick with a juicer? thanks!
you can, but they’re technically smoothies because the pulp and fiber is still in the drink. this is a popular one:
i also have a vitamix and attempted to make a green juice once. i’ve read people using cheesecloth or some other mesh/strainer type product to get some of the pulp/fiber out. wont be as smooth as from a juicer, but it’s an option. does take a little work though. ๐ i need to experiment again. i tend to add TOO much to my green smoothies and make a mess.
that’s a great tip- thank you!
That tamale looks yummy! Also, green juice- can you make it without cucumber? I’m allergic…
of course, try it with pear or green apple
Yes, I totally know what you mean about Workout Amnesia! I think it helps to track your workouts and take a peek at your progress every so often. ๐
i still can never believe i actually did it!
I only had a tamale once at a restaurant and it was cold – almost like they’d just taken it out of the fridge. That somehow didn’t seem right but I’m no tamale expert and never ordered one since. Maybe if I can find someone to make them that really knows how then it would be fun to try again!!
Love that circuit workout! I just downloaded Limbo for my class too! Can’t wait to get some choreography to it! I feel the same as you about teaching. Sometimes I can be unmotivated about teaching but the second class starts I’m in love with it again! It’s amazing how much a class’s energy can get you going!
It’s on ZIN TV!!! Go to “Recently added” and it’s there. I started watching it last night, but I couldn’t get over Gina’s drop crotch pants. I have to go back now that I know how great the music is.
the music is INCREDIBLE. i wasn’t lovin the pants either
I’ve got some serious WAAAAAAAAAAAAA after TWO MONTHS off the gym! Not entirely sure how I even managed to tie my training shoes…
Ahh, I thought I was the only one who suffered from WAA! How can 3 miles seem impossible when 13.1 was so easy?? At least, now I have a reason… WAA ๐
I have you to thank for the incredible playlist I have full of Daddy Yankee! Whenever I am listening to him all of a sudden my pace goes crazy on my runs. Which could be just perfect for the Miami Marathon ๐
I am the exact same way when it comes to running!! I ran 2 half marathons in 2012, something I said for years that I couldn’t do, and as proud as I am they don’t seem real. I’m not even sure that makes any sense but it’s like I don’t feel like there’s any way I did that you know?!
I wish my juicer wasn’t is storage 1000 miles away! I may just have to get another one. I miss green juice!
I love that song! Thanks for sharing! And that tamale looks soo good!
it was outta control
I love green juices – nothing refreshes like em! However, though I am not normally a lazy person I loathe cleaning my juicer! Anyone else?
me too! i make myself clean the juicer before i can enjoy my juice. it really takes like 3 minutes but i haaaate it
Good tip! Glad to know I am not the only one ๐
I am the same wayyyyyyyyyyy…especially if I haven’t in run in a longggg time (aka now). But at the same time I keep telling myself that if I did before, then I must be able to do it again, right?
love the song! today i stumbled upon a random Bee Gees station i’d set up on pandora, so i rocked out to Night Fever while i was on the elliptical lol
Yup. Workout amnesia!
That song had me dancing in my chair. Thank you for the mid-afternoon pick-me-up ๐
no prob- happy you liked it ๐
I wish I was better at jumping rope so that I actually could do it for 10 minutes! But I love cardio circuits so I’ll give the other two a go and add in something else to replace the jump rope!
I really wish I had a juicer but I keep putting it off because I want to get a Vitamix, which is kind of a 2-in-1 in that sense. But I just can’t quite bring myself to part with the dough…!
you could sprints on the elliptical or bike instead ๐
Your killer cardio circuit def looks like a killer so I am up for the challenge!!
let me know what you think!
Hi Gina,
I am an avid reader and love your blog. I had a personal training question for you. I have been attending this bootcamp for a while now. I love it. The people I work out with it feels like a family. My only concern is that one of the instructors sometimes gets a little out of hand and i wonder if the extremes he goes to can be more harmful than good? For example on Wednesday he made everyone in the class do 100 burpees, 100 jump squats, 100 pushups, 100 situps, and 100 squat jumps using a band. He then said everyone had to continue to do burpees if they finished early till everyone was done. this is usually a 45 minute class. But is that excessive?
i’m sorry but that’s ridiculous. it’s irresponsible on his part and unnecessary.
Just a quick question – I’m a juicing newbie (and have the same juicer as you!) but whatever I do, I can’t get my greens to juice! Any tips for getting them to juice instead of just spitting them into the pulp collector?? Thanks!
I’m committing to not drinking alcohol for all of January and am trying to replace it with fresh juices in my juicer! Thanks for the great idea for green juice. So far I’ve been too chicken to try but I think this post is enough to push me over the edge.
And I love that you call it WAA. I am definitely stealing this and using it!
Hi! I just hurt my ankle and can’t put too much weight on it. Do you have any ideas for a nice workout to get a nice sweaty workout? Thanks!
do you like swimming??
Never heard of WAA before, it interests me that you have it… Only time I’ve ever experienced something like that is when I don’t think I’m able to accomplish something because I feel too tired or whatever, but knowing that I’ve done it before acts as a great self-motivator to keep me going!
Green juices/smoothies = nom, looks great! I can’t think how long I’ve been doing a similar thing, although in my concoction I use kale, cucumber, avocado, celery and apple juice, I’d recommend you try it, the taste is fantastic, much better than it sounds!
The cardio looks like a killer, I’m only getting back into cardio recently, had been doing weights alone, but I think I’ll wait a bit before I take it up to your level! ๐
Have a fantastic, diligent year! ๐
Loooooooove that song!, thanks Gina
That really makes me hungry… Yummy..
I have WAA so bad! I’m a new runner (couch to 5k yo) and I always doubt myself when I get out there, saying “I can’t run for this long”. Even though I meet my goals MOST of the time I still feel this way. It’s the strangest thing! Now that I’ve noticed this kind of thinking I’m trying to reverse it! I can do it! I already have!
How much ginger do you put in? I have attempted to mix it into my juicing and it always comes out to over powering, so any tips you might have are definitely welcome ๐
Also that song was amazing!
start with a small amount (like a coin sized amount). you can always add more, but you can’t take it back!
i’m glad you liked it