Wacky Fitness Fads
Hi guys! How’s your morning going? Mine has been bueno- I’m so STOKED that we leave for Hotlanta tomorrow! 🙂
Last night I had a few training appointments and then Jeni and I hit up Longhorn for dinner, since my pilot was flying late.
House salad, no cheese or croutons, balsamic on the side
(Jeni had the GENIUS idea of asking for only romaine in her salad, so I copied her. I despise iceberg lettuce)
Salmon + veg + plain sweet potater
After dinner, we each went home and grabbed our puppers, and met for a long nighttime walk through the neighborhood (we’re neighbors, too).
It was perfect 😀
This morning, the pilot is sleeping in and I made b-fast cookie dough cereal (I’m hooked!) to start the day:
(trick: don’t add the smashed banana to the *dough*, just add more milk and add the sliced banana on top if you’d like)
I’m out of almond butter, so I had to use frosting Maranatha Dark Chocolate Peanut Spread as the base. It was a tragedy, I telll ya 😉
I loved reading your comments to last night’s post about the joker doctor. The doctor wasn’t a base doctor (it was OFF base!) so it just goes to show that where someone works doesn’t say anything about their capabilities—I’ve had a lot of really excellent doctors on base and a lot of goobers, too. Also, Fertility Awareness Method works well for a lot of people (especially those who are married or in monogamous relationships) and I love it. I’m not saying that everyone should follow this method, but for him to discredit something that obviously is going well with me was kind of redunk. I’ll be switching docs today 🙂
Well I’m off to meet a friend for coffee/tea and then heading to work!
Have a lovely day <3
Happy Birthday, Jenny!!! <3
Something to talk about: What’s the weirdest food/fitness trend that you’ve ever tried?
Something to read: My review for Crystal Light Pure Fitness + info about their $500 giveaway
Uggh…the cabbage soup diet we did with my dad years ago…involved a gross cabbage soup, bananas and skim milk! Ick…makes me nauseous when I think about it!
As a person who has worked in many aspects of health care, I won’t apologize for that guy. There are A LOT of doctors who now understand that ovulation happens at differnt times of the month for some women. We have people bring in internet handouts all the time on meds, symptoms, etc. Sadly, most of it is crap, but I never dismiss it, I always investigate. No good provider would ever discourage someone being educated and engaged in their own health care.
We saw a number of women who tried to use natural, timed birth control methods. We also saw our fair share of crying women when I would come back from the lab and inform them they are pregnant! They’d come in not feeling so well, can’t figure out what’s going on, ask them 48 times if they could be pregnant, no, no, I am REALLY in tune with my body.
You didn’t check one morning, your baby was up all night, your 2 year old woke up a 5 vomiting your 7 year old heard the comoton and started yelling…see how easy it would be to forget and blow it off? LOL!!