Rumba of tears
Good morning! How are you? Things are bueno over here 🙂
Last night, the Pilot had a night flight, so Bella and I went to walk at the park. When he was done flying, Bell and I met him at Zona 78 and kept him company on the patio while he ate dinner.
We told her to sit or lay down the whole time he was eating, which she obeyed, but looked up at us with crazy eyes the entire time. She got a tiny piece of bread for being so good.
I ate dinner before the park, but didn’t snap a pic because I didn’t think you’d want to see it- savory oats are a little weird-looking, especially when topped with hot sauce and mustard. They were also seasoned with a hefty amount of Dancing with the Stars tears- what an emotional episode.
Breakfast was a major indicator that it’s time to grocery shop over here:
Brown rice toast with almond butter and jelly
I scrawled out a tentative grocery list
[thinking I need to add macaroon ingredients to that?]
and am about to head to a couple of appointments.
Hope you have a wonderful morning and I’ll see ya later!
Something to think:
“I’ve found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances, Be more active, Show up more often.”
Brian Tracy
Something to read:
The Reebok toning shoes really are a scam
Healthy diet may cut risk of birth defects
Omg I cried watching J.R. Martinez, that was such a beautiful, emotional dance!
Bella looks so adorable and happy getting ready for her walk. That’s awesome she will sit and stay while people are eating, my puppies put their head in my lap, stretch up so that they’re eye level with the table to see whats on it, and generally beg until they get some. They’re little puppy vultures! ;p
haha! she tries to do that at home, but usually we can convince her to be good out in public 😉
I really love that quote and find it to be very true. Thank you for the lovely reminder!
How is almond butter? I recently switched from whole milk to almond milk and like it so far.
you’re asking the girl who goes through a jar a week, so i’m a little biased 😉 once you go almond, you never go back
I actually don’t really like peanut butter anymore! Almond butter is life changing! 🙂
JR is from my hometown and graduated from high school with me(although we weren’t friends). Everyone is so excited and proud of him!
Such a great Brian Tracy quote.. I’ll remember that one – it’s so true! Have a great day Gina!
that episode of dancing with the stars and JR was so touching! it was awesome. when the one judge was critizing some of the dance, we were like SHUT UP! but i guess it is a competition. It was so moving. loved it.
i need to pop a few things into the dehydrator again, including some macaroons. i’ve been slackin!
Dancing with the Stars was so good last night! J.R. definitely made me tear up and I can see I wasn’t the only one!
I love that Reebok was reprimanded for their poor form. I’ve had so many people ask me about those “toning” shoes the past few years and I keep telling them there is no evidence to support it.
What a good dog– our dogs go crazy in public settings. We tried to eat lunch with them in an outdoor cafe in Boston once, and it was a disaster…they need to go to etiquette school 🙂
My mom has a Bichon that has a very similar face to Bella! My mom is the one that will always slip him something, even if he has to wait until after everyone eats! So he will beg, because he knows she will give in! He won’t beg to anyone else! (Unless scrambled eggs are involved)!
Thanks for posting the video! I didn’t watch last night but heard it was amazing!
Haha, love Bella’s crazy eyes 🙂
Love that quote! Lately, I’ve been trying to take more chances, which means more things are working out. Funny how that happens!
Yes, if I saw Bella’s face, I’d give her a piece of bread too. Adorable!
Love that quote!
Savory oats kinda scare me.. I need to give ’em a try one of these days though.
just re-watched the rumba on you tube and i’m now dripping tears into my bowl of cereal. so touching.
Toast with AB and jelly sounds like a good breakfast to me — when I eat things like a hard boiled egg + leftover spaghetti for breakfast is my reminder to get to the grocery store 🙂
Wow, such a powerful number. She used a lot of her same choreography that she did with my fav rumba she ever danced (when she danced with Slavik). Karina is one of the reasons I got into ballroom dance in the first place.
But I think her dance with JR was even better because of all the meaning involved and all that he’s gone through. JR is legitimately a great dancer. 🙂
I just wanted to give you a heads up of my $50 LuluLemon giveaway on my newly re-done blog. I thought you might be interested since I see you wear a lot of Lulu 🙂 xo
I love dog friendly places! Ours is pretty good when we take her out – she just lies under the table and people-watches 🙂
That’s so funny that you did not want to show us your savoury oats! I bet it would look good to some people! I am with you on being moved by dances. I am not usually a super emotional kinda gal, but dance is always something that can get me!
My lab, Jet, does the same thing. He will listen and just sit while we eat, but the entire time he is staring us down just hoping that a little scrap of our food will leave our plates!
I decided to try brown rice toast after reading about it here on your blog. I got the Ener-G brand brown rice loaf, and I cannot get over the texture. Is it supposed to feel like it is disintegrating. Wondering if all loafs are like this or if it is the brand I tried.
just saw regis and kelly and kelly was just talking about that dance with j.r. martinez…wow… so beautiful
I knew those toning shoes were a scam! I read up on them when I first saw them come out and had heard that some even caused injuries.
Thanks for posting that link about the Reebok shoes… I own RunTones, and honestly, I didn’t notice they had supposed ‘toning’ benefits until I got them home. I bought them because they were bouncy and incredibly comfortable and I’m still really fond of them. The exercise I’m doing in them should produce the results, not some so-called toning shoe! 😉
My mom wants to get a big wicker basket for the front of her bike and take her dog (he’s a Lhatese, a Lhasa Apso x Maltese) Charlie for leisurely cycle rides. I’m not sure he’ll be a fan. Do you think Bella’d stand for riding around in a basket on a bike??
Ha, I feel ya on the un-photogenic nature of savoury oats! But it’s also one of my favorite meals as well, with lots of hot sauce. Your grocery list looks a lot like mine, I have to list the dishes below so I can remember why I am buying that can of chipotle peppers in adobo sauce in the first place. I think you should most definitely add macaroons to that list!
Every time I see that dancing with the stars clip I tear up. What a beautiful dance from such an incredibly INSPIRING man. Ps: why is Bella so cute?! I cant take it! 🙂
I thought of mixing oats with cheese before realizing i have a serious cheese addiction to overcome… im never making that because if i ever find out it is good, i’ll probably will be living of off cheesy oats. Sticking with sweet oats all the way…
I bet Bella was so happy to get that tiny piece of bread. 🙂
Hi! I’ve recently found your blog and am obsessed…your meals have made me try Goat Cheese….and umm…my husband HATES you now because I’m OBSESSED!!!!!!! I put it on everything and just ate some in my soup to make it a bit more creamy…ugh…thank you so much!
hahah! welcome to the little blog.. and to the goat cheese obsession 🙂
That’s so funny! Barb, Im right there with you. Im glad it’s not just me!!! I too have become a fan!!! Gina you have become my online BFF/go to !!! lol (: thanks for all the tips/pics/ advise.. you ROCK (:
I didn’t watch dancing with the stars b/c I was going through my own blogging hell with my site being down, but I’d sure like a piece of AB & J toast…it looks perfect. 🙂
I never comment..but felt the need to today because I just set my first everrrr breakfast cookie in the fridge for tomorrow! Can’t wait to try it!
oooh! happy first bfast cookie! 🙂 let me know how you like it
I never got into Dancing With The Stars but I do always keep track of who gets brought on each season and who goes home each week. Yes, I’m weird. 🙂
I really thought it said “magic glazed salmon” on your dinner list! I would like the recipe for that, please. 🙂
haha magic glazed salmon sounds amazing
Almond butter it is then! I’ll pick some up when I brave the store this weekend. Thanks!