What the Heck is ‘Healthy?’
Hi guys! Happy Monday! Hope your week is off to an amazing start.
I started mine off with a sweaty iron-pumping sesh, a trip to the post office (package is on the way, my Pilot lurve), and a glorious breakfast.
It’s been too long….
They were just as amazing as I remember 🙂
So as I’m sure you guys know, there’s been a lot of brouhaha in the blog world this past week. A lot of *bad* happened, but some very thoughtful and much-needed conversations occurred as well. I especially loved *this post* by my friend Heather regarding blogger responsibilities.
Throughout last week, quite a lot of talk went down classifying bloggers’ actions/training plans/eating styles as “healthy” or “unhealthy”.
It got me thinking: What the heck is healthy, anyway??
Disclaimer: If you are currently struggling with ED or in recovery and think that reading about this topic may result in a trigger effect or is a sensitive issue, please skip the rest of this post. I don’t ever want to offend or influence others, just share my experiences and what has worked for me and what hasn’t. Everyone is different and knows how certain things affect their bodies and minds—it’s up to us to use our best judgment.
“Healthy” is such a subjective term and what is considered healthy and normal for one person, may be not-so-healthy to someone else. In the beginning of my weight loss journey and even into maintenance mode, I thought *healthy* was about perfection. While I never had an official eating disorder, I definitely participated in disordered eating, which I’m sure many women unintentionally do when they’re flooded with so much information and trying to find a balance.
There was a [very short] time in college when I ate a few Quaker granola bars for each of my meals and snacks. It wasn’t for weight loss or anything like that, but they tasted good, were inexpensive and I thought they were *healthy*. Going for an entire day without a fruit or vegetable is anything but. When I was trying to lose weight, I tried a variety of crazy diets (all of which I’ve written about on the blog) and there was a time when my life was very sugar-free, fat-free, low carb and chemical-laden. I tried so hard to be what I thought was *perfect*, almost all of the time, which I now know isn’t a fun or healthy way to live.
I eventually realized that “healthy” is IMperfection. Not being afraid to skip a day at the gym, eat indulgent desserts without regard to calories or fat, and cutting yourself some slack… not just with fitness and eating, but with life. Taking time for a nap, a pedicure, a snuggle sesh, or a glass of vino and great chat with a friend.
On the other hand, I think it’s so important to make fitness and nutrition a priority, without taking it overboard, for long and happy lives.
So what’s the difference between healthy and unhealthy?
Is it the intention behind actions? The comfort in not always being *perfect*?
What does healthy mean to you??
I’m OFF work today, so it’s time to run amuck in Orlando. And by that, I mean do laundry and get groceries before dance tonight 😉
See ya later today!
Healthy to me right now means taking care of myself so I can keep up with my three little girls!
Healthy, to me, is living mindfully and enjoying the way I focus on how I treat myself – what I eat, how I move, and with whom I interact. I happily choose to focus on fresh fruits and vegetables; walk as much as possible, practice yoga and barre; and surround myself with family and friends who inspire and comfort me. It’s also being confident in who I am.
Taking care of your mental, physical, and emotional needs, so you can prosper and help others!
Healthy means doing everything I can to be better both physically and mentally. Having the energy to do my workouts and get stronger every day. Healthy is not beating myself up if I miss a workout one day or if I have a cheese burger and fries on the weekend. It’s just enjoying the journey of getting fit for me and my family more than anything.
Healthy to me has three components, and you have to take care of all three parts to be healthy: mental health, physical health, and consumption health. In other words: feel welll, exercise well, and eat well. Take care of yourself and be happy! It’s not always easy, which is why I’m excited to be participating in the SSU – to push my body and learn new recipes and excersises to help me continue ue being healthy even after these four weeks are over 🙂
Healthy is having a good relationship for food. Yes we need our fruits and veggies but it is nice to occasionally have a piece of cake to celebrate with loved ones. It is also not overdoing it with your workouts but having hard days and easy days so your body can rest and recover.
Healthy to me is listening to your body. Eating nutritious foods with “fun” food as well. Moving your body everyday and knowing when to rest it.
Healthy is about how you feel for me. I may not run the farthest or the fastest but if I make an effort to exercise or eat more vegetables I feel healthier. I honor how my body feels and with that I can be healthy!
Healthy to me is doing the best that I can and not beat myself over every little thing.
healthy means doing the best to take care of my body! eating well and moving daily is the key 🙂
Healthy = a good life balance between food, exercise, love and support!
Healthy means a wicked combo of eating, sleeping and exercising right as well as knowing when you need to take a break for your physical, mental and emotional health. As women and mother’s we tend to overload and put everyone else’s needs before our own, often putting ourselves on the backburner until we eventually burnout.
Throwback post comment! I think healthy is doing what keeps you feeling fabulous while keeping you happy. And it’s personal, like fingerprints. My version of what makes me healthy doesn’t match my husband’s, my son’s, etc. It looks different for everyone. We have a personal responsibility to ouselves to do the research, try stuff out, and find our own version of “healthy”.
Healthy to me is being in a state – both physical & mental – where you can enjoy life.
For me, healthy means taking the time to cook nutritious meals at home. It also means getting outside at least once a day – for a dog walk, a run, or whatever I have time for!
Love these sneaky posts..they test how well I’m paying attention. Being healthy means moving my body every day even in small ways and eating well (with room left for the occasional splurge on special treats) esp fruits and veggies…yumm!
Healthy to me is balance.
Healthy to me is about balance….a lot of healthy food, but with a good mix of indulgences!
Healthy is all about how you feel, both mentally and physically. Feeling happy, centered, and strong…that’s my version of healthy!
Healthy means having energy for my busy day!
I love this throwback post thing! Healthy to me means eating clean and staying active, even if it’s only walking. I have a medical condition that sometimes make it difficult to get out of bed without pain. My doctor wrote me off, saying that this was how my life was going to be. I became determined to not live like that and have vastly improved my life just by doing what I can each day. I’m no marathon runner, but I take it one day at a time, and maybe someday I will run a marathon!
Healthy means feeling good but not obsessing 🙂
Healthy = balance. Everything in moderation and eating more “plants” then anything else. Feeling like food is fuel for my body!
Healthy to me is keeping myself mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally balanced while making it through grad school to become a nurse practitioner. And hopefully not driving my patient, supportive husband crazy in the prIt’s all about balance and knowing that some days you will give more to one area but that’s okay. Healthy is grace. Healthy is nourishment. Healthy is movement. Healthy is laughter.
Left out the word process. Haha
Healthy to me is being free of clutter and excess in both my physical and mental self. It’s finding a balance that benefits me in all areas but is also lifelong.
Healthy to me is staying active, eating well, and taking care of myself mentally/spiritually. Sometimes the three don’t always go together, but I think part of being healthy is finding the balance that makes you happy.
Healthy is living in a way that brings more peace and energy in your life. Move and exercise to be more awake and feel invigorated, eat to feel nourished and alive!
Healthy to me means respecting my body with the right foods, excercise and rest. It also means not working a thousand hours a week and sneaking in some fun now and then. 🙂
Healthy to me means always prioritizing healthy eating and workouts, as well as little indulgences and moments that make me happy! Without he occasional ice cream or few days off from the gym, my lifestyle would never be sustainable!
Healthy to me is treating my body right and giving it the nourishment and care it needs and treating my mind and my soul right by not being too critical and being gentle and kind with myself
Healthy to me is being happy in my own skin. Feeling mentally good is so important to me to be healthy. Also treating my body with good foods to energize my workouts because that makes me happy and makes me feel good 🙂
Healthy means being able to keep up with my toddlers
Healthy to me is everything in moderation and being comfortable with myself.
Being healthy means making choices that make you feel good. That can include fitness, food or any other area of your life. Make choices that energizes and inspire you !
Healthy to me is finding the balance with nutrition and exercise, doing the things that make my body feel good. Most of the time it’s fruits and veggies, sometimes it’s cookies!
Healthy to me means clean eating, exercising diligently, and maintaining great relationships! Mind, body and soul!!
Healthy to me is fueling my body, mind, and soul with positive foods, thoughts, and actions. Creating a lifestyle that I am proud of daily is my healthy goal!
Healthy for me is being comfortable with where I am in my weight, fitness and mental health.
healthy to me is being strong, fit, add able to keep up with my kiddos (especially my 2 year old!)
Healthy to me means eating well (but enjoying treats!), getting good sleep, and fitting in exercise in some form every day.
Healthy means being active every day, eating vegetables and fruits, and being aware of how foods make me feel
Healthy is taking care of yourself so that you can be the best you, for yourself and your family.
Healthy to me means finding a good balance between great exercise and enough rest, clean eats and moderate treats, and setting a good example for my family. I feel like as long as I have the energy to keep up with my toddler and still take care of myself and my husband, I’m doing okay finding that balance. 🙂
Healthy means listening to your body and doing your best to care for it properly. Healthy is having a positive mindset.
I think of health both as a direction in life as well as a destination. I can’t be healthy if I’m not at a certain place (like when I was 20 pounds overweight and hated physical activities because they reminded me of how out of shape I was, I was definitely not healthy then), but I also need to continue to move toward greater health and healthier patterns (like if I were to stop my exercise and eating habits now and suddenly start to sit around at home and eat processed junk all day…kind of like I did before 🙁 I would not be healthy either). So I feel pretty healthy now because I’m stronger and fitter, and I see myself differently, and I take better care of myself, and I’m trying to move in a healthy direction every day!
I also think health is holistic, meaning it’s not about looking a certain way or losing weight (which does not necessarily = health), but about being healthy in all areas of my life–physical (fitness, eating patterns, sleep), emotional/mental/psychological (self-image, stress), relational (how I’m doing with the people in my life), spiritual (however you understand this, though for me it’s how I understand myself in relation to God). These different areas affect one another, such that I don’t think, for example, that I can really be physically healthy without also taking care of my emotional health.
Healthy to me is feeling good about the choices I make for my body like exercising and eating right but also not feeling bad about taking a day off from working out or enjoying frozen yogurt!
Healthy is being able to do things I love (without pysical or mental restrictions). Healthy is feeling good about who I am, right now, right here.
Healthy is feeling good and accomplishing the things that you want to do.
To me, healthy is taking care of myself mentally and physically so that I feel good, my body is strong and flexible, and I’m able to do all of the things that I enjoy. I think balance is definitely essential to being healthy — I want to feel good after my workout, not so exhausted that I just want to lie down for the rest of the day! And the same thing for food — I really like eating lots of whole grains, fruits, veggies and tofu/beans and they make me feel great, but it’s also important to indulge sometimes and not feel deprived, especially when it comes to Mexican food and chocolate chip cookies with sea salt! 🙂