You’re my inspiration board
Hey everyone! Hope your day is going well 😀
I’ve already been robbed of blood.
I’m proud to say I didn’t cry or pass out. The pilot was with me and held my hand, and the tech that did it was a toughie and I was convinced he’d make me do push ups if I was a wuss. So I was brave 😀
Last night after dinner (I’ll post the pics later because the pilot took a few while I was at work), we watched the super chef battle and I finished my inspiration board.
I even bedazzled it with little jewel stickers 😀
I blurred out some of the goals for this year for superstition’s sake –there are 3 very big ones I’d like to focus on this year, but don’t want to jinx myself by telling the world before they’re actually in progress- but I’m sure if you look closely you could figure (almost) all of them out 🙂
So as most of you guys know, an inspiration board is something you create when you want to evoke change in your life. You create a “vision” what you see yourself accomplishing and use it as a daily reminder of your goals. I know that Oprah and Caitlin have made inspiration boards… it’s gotta be a good thing, right?
Here are *some* of the things I will do in 2010:
- Continue to blog and increase traffic by 50%
2. Create my own luck (if you want something, you have to go after it!) and look into becoming a personal chef
3. Strengthen… not only my body (as I’ve gotten a little weak in the past year) but my mind and heart as well. I let things affect me easily and need to become a stronger person
4. I will continue to practice yoga, meditate and pray more, love more (not only others, but myself as well) and judge less. I wouldn’t say I’m a judgmental person, but I need to put myself in other people’s shoes more often and try to understand where they’re coming from.
5. Continue to run and participate in races, because they’re fun and it gives me something to work towards 😀
So there you have it 😀
I have no problem looking at that for the next year 😀
Off to lift weights with Jeni –the people at the lab gave me the go-ahead- then a training appointment and teaching my first yoga class. It’s a beginner/int class, but I’m super nervous!
Have a wonderful day!
Have you ever made an inspiration board?? Get on it- I’d love to see it! 😀
LOVE the board!!
I’m glad you got your blood drawing ordeal over with! I haven’t made an actual board; I kept a file w/ inspirations/visions in it. It really does work. I’ve read The Secret and other motivational books. Good stuff! I’ll get on it.
I LOVE IT! I want to make one now myself! I especially love the “Burn baby burn quote,”…burning through all your goals in full swing and power 🙂
I LOVE your board. I’m planning on doing mine this weekend and putting it over my desk 🙂 You’re such an inspiring and refreshing lady! Thanks!
So awesome! I have all the stuff to do mine too, I just need the time to do it!! 🙂
Fantastic goals though!!
Wow – this is AWESOME! What a great idea to have an inspiration board! Your posts, your board, and YOU are completely inspiring to all of us. Here’s to a wonderful 2010!
Oh Gina, I love your inspiration board! And honestly, YOU are an inspiration to me. I hope you have a wonderful day like you deserve. May all your dreams come true!
xoxo 🙂
I love your board! I want to make one now 🙂
Gina I love it!!! You are making me want to make one, too!!!
Great board with lots of inspiration! Wishing you lots of love, happiness and success in 2010!
That’s an AWESOME board! Love it, Gina. Great idea:)
Great goals, too. Can’t wait to find out what the big ones are. Either way, wishing you the best of luck!
How exciting about your first yoga class! Good luck!
That’s an awesome idea.
And congrats, you’re a trooper =]
I’m going to make a vision board this weekend with some old magazines! I love this idea of something to look at every day.
Lookin good! My favorite is “Love more, Judge less.” One day I shall be motivated to make one of those suckers.
Love your board! Way to set your intentions!
I know what you mean about not wanting to jinx goals – I am in a similar position and it (metaphorically) killed me to start telling people other than my husband. *fingers crossed*
I love the board! It’s so creative- I don’t know if I have the attention span to cut out & glue cute pictures lol. But I can make an inspiration list! (For those boring, type A personalities like me)
hahah i’m a type a, too 😀
I am a HUGE fan of vision boards! I made my first one back in October when we got a TON of free magazines from Craigslist. I’ve already found that I need to update it because most of the stuff has already happened. I think I might use a cork board and thumbtacks for my next one so I can update it as inspiration hits.
Yours is BEAUTIFUL! So creative! 🙂
Awesome!!! I really need to work on mine. On my to-do list tonight!!!!
I love doing vision boards!! I actually put one together over the break also!! Mine was a lot of travel and career stuff! I love doing them, it’s so centering and inspiring!
Hi Gina!!
LOVE the inspiration board! Its beautiful 🙂 I have a few little fitness questions for you…. what is your e-mail address? I tried the fitnessista gmail acct, but I dont think it went through 🙁 Hope you have a wonderful tuesday!!
hey caroline!
please re-send it.. my email box is a disaster, haha
fitnessista at gmail dot com
What a creative way to set out your goals. It’s so pretty and inspiring! Awesome Gina!!
I love your board.. You have inspired me to make my own by the end of the week!! I have so many goals this year that I want to accomplish and having them spelled out in front of me will help me reach them
I think your big ones are my big ones!!! Or at least one of them. I’m thinking one of your other big ones is something I’ve already done (a couple times) and don’t plan on doing again. Uh, yeah…I’m talking about practicing law. I might just do this board thing, though. The girls would think it was a “Mommy” craft.
I have a feeling you are going to accomplish all that you have envisioned and MORE!
practicing law! how did you know?! haha
we can do it 😀
Congrats on being brave enough to give blood today (not fun, i know!!)…edward cullen would have been proud 🙂
I love making vision boards!! I started making them after reading the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrnes. Have you read it?
Have a wonderful day, Gina!
yes, i’ve read it and totally believe it 😀
That is such a good idea! I will definitely be making one of those next week! But I do think your blog/you inspire me more. Waking up every morning and reading your blog helps me stay motivated throughout the day.
thank you so much adrienne, for reading my little blog <3
Oh wow-so creative. I love it. I used to make those when I was younger and never even thought of doing one like this. What an awesome idea. Great job on giving blood. I wish I could do that, but I pass out every time. Good luck with all your goals.
ooo i love it! i can’t wait to make one this weekend 🙂
and i just wannna echo what Adrienne said, thanks so much for being such a great motivator and inspiration for all of us!!!
thank YOU for reading and keeping me going! <3
Congrats on donating blood! Like you were, I am a blood donating virgin and I really need to get out there and donate. I am registered as a bone marrow donor, but have never given blood. Duh!
Love the inspiration board idea. I am going to make myself one next week!
It’s beautiful! I LOVE collages. Congrats on getting over your fear of having blood drawn.
PS-I have a blog now too!
Your vision board looks great!! I love doing stuff like that! I think I just might have to make one myself 🙂
Beautiful, inspiring board, Fitnessista!!!!!! I’ve made one too and a vision board mind MOVIE! It’s fun and easy. I use my – all you need to do is upload some pics, add some inspiring words, pick some music and voila! Your own vision board movie. Fun, fun! You’ve got so many good pics, you can prob make an AWESOME movie. I had to scrounge around for my pictures since I’m not much of a photobug. (Note to self: take more pics in 2010!!! LOl.)
thats an AWESOME idea! thanks for sharing the website 😀
great inspiration board!!!
You are truly an inspiration. I LOVE the idea of an inspiration board. Where did you hang yours 🙂 I think I may have to try making my own…I’m so much more of a picture person…thanks for sharing yours!
HI Gina,
Your vision dream board looks great, I did one for myself with a picture of a beautiful man with a wonderful heart in the middle of it. That’s exciting you’re teaching yoga, you’ll be great teaching it. A personal chef, how exciting would that be, I have a good friend who worked as a personal chef for a family and really enjoyed it.
that’s AWESOME! girl, it will happen. i promise. just keep having fun and before you know it, prince charming will fall out of the sky. 🙂
Your inspiration board is so cute! It’s a great idea to get someone pumped about change. Thanks for sharing yours!
It looks inspiring. I think I am going to go home and start working on mine.
Gina, what techniques are you planning to employ to increase traffic on your blog?
i’m not exactly sure yet! i know i want to make a facebook page, but that’s it for now 😀
Good job being brave at the blood drawing. I’m the same way….I feel like I’m going to pass out every time. I’ve gotten better since I’ve had kids (you get poked A LOT when you’re pregnant) but I learned that I need to lay down when I have blood drawn. It helps A LOT. Don’t be embarrassed to tell the technician’s you need to lay down. They rather have you do that than pass out. 🙂
hahah that’s exactly what i had to do! i was like “can i please lay down? if i see anything, i’m done” 😉
That’s a wonderful idea!!!
Nice work on being a big girl at the doctor 😉
I finished my vision board the other day. It’s up on my blog. Your’s looks fantastic!!
I love it, it’s really neat. I’m pretty sure I figured out your big goals and they are pretty darn exciting! I’m sure you’ll accomplish all you want and more. 🙂
I LOVE your inspiration board. I can’t wait to work on mine this weekend. Thank you for the inspiration!
Good luck teaching tonight!! You will do great 🙂
love the board, too cute! So random question but is there anything particualr that you would like to do to increase your traffic flow?
You’ve inspired me to make an Inspiration Board, it looks fun and INSPIRATIONAL!
How’d the yoga class go? I love yoga.
HI Gina,
My name is Tieghan Gerard. I read your blog daily and have learned so much about nutrition and healthy living. I have discovered that is defiantly a passion of mine and I am looking into collages with human nutrition degrees. Anyways, I was wandering if you had any good toning moves for me? I a not looking to lose any weight I would just like some definition in my muscles, well really I would just like to be stronger! I am a very active teen. I hike every day for around two hours, up huge mountains. (I live in Breckenridge, Colorado) I do practice yoga, though I have not been to a class for a month due to moving from Ohio to Colorado. I am very up on my nutrition and eat very healthfully. I would be very appreciative if you have any strength training/toning moves you could send me. Thank you for your time!
P.S I LOVE READING YOUR BLOG!!! It seriously is so much fun for me and I learn so much! AND I am only 16!! I love Living a Healthy lifestyle!
hey tieghan,
thanks so much for your kind comment and for reading my little blog!
have you checked out the summer shape up?? it’s under the workout tab at the top, week 1 is where is starts. it has sample weight plans that i think would be exactly what you’re looking for 😀
Love your board! I used to do a treasure map every year…the ones from 08 and 09 are linked below…
this year I’m working on a dream book so it can ebb and flow as my dreams and plans change or new ideas come into view.
Vision boards are so powerful! I had one last year and so many of my “visions” came true! I even put up a picture of a bedroom that I liked (furniture wise) and my room looks almost exactly like the picture I put up. Effort is key- but there is magic in the board!
You inspiration board has inspired me to make my own! It would be nice to have something hanging up that you see everyday so you don’t forget what your goals are!
Good work on getting the blood taken! And I love the inspiration board 🙂
your board is beautiful! i really wanna make one now, i will hopefully this weekend =)