20 random things

Hi friends! Itโ€™s been an amazing day of exploring, relaxing (um, I might have napped for 3 hours) and meeting up with friends. I was so excited to finally meet Johnice from Reebok, Kelli, who works for IDEA, Kasey (+ her cute mom!) and hang out with my the lovely Julie again.

I love reading random facts posts from fellow bloggers, and figured it would be a fun post for today since it was a traveling day.

Here are some random things that came to my brain:

I used to dress Bella up in dresses, bows and T-shirts when I was in college. She forgives me.

My favorite classes to teach are Zumba, barre and any type of dance class (World Beat or DJ dance). Even though I love them, and have been teaching for a while -5 years fitness, taught dance classes for 7 years before that- I still get nervous every.time. My work friends laugh at me because I pretty much have a panic attack before every DJ Dance or World Beat class even though they always end up being fine. The class I love to take the most: yoga.

My favorite yoga pose is dancer pose, but Iโ€™m starting to get stronger at arm balances, which I also enjoy.

Desert yoga  1 of 1

I love pulling weeds.

Contrary to what my site may suggest, my favorite color is purple.

My favorite piece of jewelry is the โ€œOโ€ necklace Livi and the Pilot gave me for Christmas. I canโ€™t wait to give Livi the promise ring her dad gave me when we were in college.

I could eat egg burritos with salsa for every meal.

Iโ€™m not a great swimmer. Of course, I wouldnโ€™t drown in open water -I can doggy-paddle like a champ- but itโ€™s not something I care about improving. Iโ€™ll enroll Livi in swimming lessons, just so she knows how to swim and she loves the water, but if she decides sheโ€™d rather be a โ€œfloat on a noodleโ€ kinda girl like her mama, thatโ€™s cool too.

Ventana pool

My favorite date nights are wine nights at fun restaurants with the Pilot. I like parties, too, but enjoy small gatherings even more.

I let my hair air-dry as much as possible, because then I use the curling iron to make waves and smooth it out. I like to think that letting it dry naturally and then heat-styling the heck out of it cancels each other out ๐Ÿ˜‰

Whenever I feel tested to the max, I try to imagine what nana would do. She has enough patience for 10 people.

When I was little, a German Shepherd bit me in the face. I was trying to give it a hug -I was 3 or 4?- and its teeth went through my cheek. I have a V-shaped scar on the left side of my chin from the attack. The only other times I had stitches was when I fell and broke my nose.

When Kyle and I were in day care, the โ€œbig kidsโ€ and the โ€œlittle kidsโ€ were separated by a gate. I would sit by the gate and hold his hand underneath. We still talk/joke about it and have been best friends since we were little.

I feel like I was supposed to live in NYC.


Non-chocoately desserts are usually just โ€œok.โ€

The Pilot and I met at Starbucks, which many of you already know. Since then, we love to go to that same Starbucks for afternoon jolts of coffee dates.

The day I had Livi was the most challenging and best day of my life. Iโ€™ve never felt my true limits, the kind of unconditional support from my husband and family, or so much love in my heart all at the same time.

Sometimes I think I miss singing/dancing/performing, but the Sing! app is just as fun ๐Ÿ˜‰ The Pilot can destroy me on a couple of songs, too, which is amazing.

Speaking of voices, only the family/Pilot knows the high-pitched insanity that ensues when Iโ€™m talking to the dogs.

This morningโ€ฆafternoonโ€ฆ I had the best breakfast sandwich of my life. It was totally vegan, savory, and topped with the slightest bit of maple syrup. I canโ€™t wait to recreate it at home.

Ok, friends. Your turn!

If you could live ANYWHERE, where would you pick?

Meal you could eat every day? 

and anything else random youโ€™d like to share! I always love hearing your stories and learning more about all of you <3

Have a great night.





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  1. Susie M. on August 9, 2013 at 2:52 pm

    I would love to live in North Carolina! My family vacations there every year, and we have so many great memories there. NC also has some great hiking trails and beaches (of course)!. But other than that I would love to live in San Diego. My perfect weather is 60-80 degrees, and since itโ€™s like that all year long, Iโ€™m pretty sure itโ€™s my dream place. Plus, California screams healthy living, which I love. Sadly, Indiana does not!

    As for a meal I could eat everyday, this was a hard one. My favorite food is sushi, but Iโ€™m pretty sure I couldnโ€™t eat that everydayโ€ฆand I would die of Mercury poisoning. SO, I would have to say either egg sandwiches or cerealโ€ฆ is that lame?!

  2. caroline deveze on August 9, 2013 at 4:38 pm

    where is that top youโ€™re wearing in dancer pose from? love the back so much!

  3. FitBritt@MyOwnBalance on August 15, 2013 at 7:47 pm

    Oh I love this post! I feel like you really get to know bloggers more when they share these random tidbits! If I could live anywhere, it would by Sydney, Australia. My husband is Australian and we lived there for two years before moving to NYC. I loved it!! It was a city on the beach and it was so beautiful. I could eat pretty much any type of pasta every single day. I never get tired of it. I like to joke that I must be part Italian (there is no possible way).

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