20 random things

Hi friends! It’s been an amazing day of exploring, relaxing (um, I might have napped for 3 hours) and meeting up with friends. I was so excited to finally meet Johnice from Reebok, Kelli, who works for IDEA, Kasey (+ her cute mom!) and hang out with my the lovely Julie again.

I love reading random facts posts from fellow bloggers, and figured it would be a fun post for today since it was a traveling day.

Here are some random things that came to my brain:

I used to dress Bella up in dresses, bows and T-shirts when I was in college. She forgives me.

My favorite classes to teach are Zumba, barre and any type of dance class (World Beat or DJ dance). Even though I love them, and have been teaching for a while -5 years fitness, taught dance classes for 7 years before that- I still get nervous every.time. My work friends laugh at me because I pretty much have a panic attack before every DJ Dance or World Beat class even though they always end up being fine. The class I love to take the most: yoga.

My favorite yoga pose is dancer pose, but I’m starting to get stronger at arm balances, which I also enjoy.

Desert yoga  1 of 1

I love pulling weeds.

Contrary to what my site may suggest, my favorite color is purple.

My favorite piece of jewelry is the “O” necklace Livi and the Pilot gave me for Christmas. I can’t wait to give Livi the promise ring her dad gave me when we were in college.

I could eat egg burritos with salsa for every meal.

I’m not a great swimmer. Of course, I wouldn’t drown in open water -I can doggy-paddle like a champ- but it’s not something I care about improving. I’ll enroll Livi in swimming lessons, just so she knows how to swim and she loves the water, but if she decides she’d rather be a “float on a noodle” kinda girl like her mama, that’s cool too.

Ventana pool

My favorite date nights are wine nights at fun restaurants with the Pilot. I like parties, too, but enjoy small gatherings even more.

I let my hair air-dry as much as possible, because then I use the curling iron to make waves and smooth it out. I like to think that letting it dry naturally and then heat-styling the heck out of it cancels each other out 😉

Whenever I feel tested to the max, I try to imagine what nana would do. She has enough patience for 10 people.

When I was little, a German Shepherd bit me in the face. I was trying to give it a hug -I was 3 or 4?- and its teeth went through my cheek. I have a V-shaped scar on the left side of my chin from the attack. The only other times I had stitches was when I fell and broke my nose.

When Kyle and I were in day care, the “big kids” and the “little kids” were separated by a gate. I would sit by the gate and hold his hand underneath. We still talk/joke about it and have been best friends since we were little.

I feel like I was supposed to live in NYC.


Non-chocoately desserts are usually just “ok.”

The Pilot and I met at Starbucks, which many of you already know. Since then, we love to go to that same Starbucks for afternoon jolts of coffee dates.

The day I had Livi was the most challenging and best day of my life. I’ve never felt my true limits, the kind of unconditional support from my husband and family, or so much love in my heart all at the same time.

Sometimes I think I miss singing/dancing/performing, but the Sing! app is just as fun 😉 The Pilot can destroy me on a couple of songs, too, which is amazing.

Speaking of voices, only the family/Pilot knows the high-pitched insanity that ensues when I’m talking to the dogs.

This morning…afternoon… I had the best breakfast sandwich of my life. It was totally vegan, savory, and topped with the slightest bit of maple syrup. I can’t wait to recreate it at home.

Ok, friends. Your turn!

If you could live ANYWHERE, where would you pick?

Meal you could eat every day? 

and anything else random you’d like to share! I always love hearing your stories and learning more about all of you <3

Have a great night.





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  1. Suzi @ Confessions of a Fitness Instructor on August 7, 2013 at 8:36 pm

    I’m split between living in NYC and right in WDW. I love them both so much! But I’m also dying to go to Europe so I wouldn’t be surprised if I changed my mind once I’ve been to England, France, Italy and Greece 😉

    And I could without a doubt eat pizza everyday for the rest of my life.

  2. Danielle Volandt on August 7, 2013 at 8:42 pm

    1. If I could live anywhere, it would be with my husband. He’s a Marine and I’m in medical school (it’s not super close to a base), so we’ve never lived together longer than a summer while we were in college. When I think of places I’d like to live, I can’t imagine anything other than the feeling I get when we do get to “live” together, even in the middle of nowhere. Nothing would make me happier!

    2. I could eat banana pudding every day (guess that’s not technically a meal…) I’ve also never felt satisfied after having banana pudding… it’s never enough haha! I also LOVE breakfast foods and could eat breakfast foods 3 meals a day for the rest of my life and probably be satisfied. Especially home fries. Yum, carbs!! 😉

    • Karissa on August 7, 2013 at 10:59 pm

      Your response to #1 melted my heart a little. I pray that day you and your hubby get to really live together is soon!! 🙂

      P.S. Banana pudding is the only pudding I like… even though I hate bananas… 🙂

  3. Lora lee frazier on August 7, 2013 at 8:43 pm

    I love pulling weeds too. I’m obsessed with it. I consider myself OCD with it.
    I also use to dress up my dog. I’m definitely going to check out the sing app and would love some tutorials/ instructions on arm yoga poses. I’ve mastered crow but that’s about it.

  4. Vidya on August 7, 2013 at 8:44 pm

    If I could live anywhere, it would be right here in Toronto. 🙂

    Meal I could eat everyday?? Can we change the question to “Meal I could eat everyday and not gain weight?” 🙂 PIZZA with lots and lots of goat cheese!

    I love your random facts! Especially the one about you and your brother!! <3

  5. Sam on August 7, 2013 at 8:44 pm

    If I could live anywhere it would definitely be on the west coast- San Diago, maybe even someplace like portland. Just anything than the fast pace city life I live now. Born ad raised in NYC and sometimes I dream of having more space to garden and just listen to the quietness of the world. I don’t know if I could choose one favorite me but grilled cheese and a PB & J sandwich are definitely up there. I also really enjoy the smell of the winter. It’s weird but the cold air is fresh and I feel like I have such great memories that revolve around colder weather especially because on my second dte with my bf (of now 6 years) we sat outside on a bench in the november cold. It brings back good memories. Loved reading this blog specifically. I always like them but this one may be my favorite!

  6. Christy L. on August 7, 2013 at 8:45 pm

    If I could live anywhere, I would pick Asheville, NC! We talk about retiring there sometimes.

  7. Holly @ EatGreatBEGreat on August 7, 2013 at 8:47 pm

    I love random fact posts! My favorite color is purple too!! I’d love to live in a tropical location and I would eat pizza everyday! 😉

  8. Amanda Perry @ Sistas of Strength on August 7, 2013 at 8:48 pm

    I love this! I haven’t been posting as much, but I should just post what’s on my mind and be random since that’s how I feel lately. haha

    I am with you! I could eat egg quesadillas with veggies in a brown rice wrap for every meal right now. With a little salt and lots of pepper. Lots.

  9. Abby @ Change of Pace on August 7, 2013 at 8:54 pm

    I love learning about bloggers through these posts, too!
    Scary about the dog bite; I’m glad it didn’t ruin your love of dogs!
    If I could live anywhere, I think it would be somewhere in Arizona or the Denver/Boulder area of Colorado. Or, if it wasn’t halfway around the world I’d love to live in one of the suburbs of Sydney, Australia. I also think it would be fun to live on each continent for a couple years to absorb the different cultures. (I think I need to strike it rich so I can start planning some of this!)

  10. Katie on August 7, 2013 at 9:11 pm

    I love that story of you and your brother! My brother and I used to take all of our pillows and blankets and sleep head-to-head in the hallway right outside our parents room. So, when they would wake up in the morning, they would pretend to “step” on us and that made us giggle so much!

    I would live somewhere tropical. No doubt.

    Meal I could eat daily – I love appetizers and happy hour, so I would have to say Pinot Grigio, chips and dip (salsa, guac, queso), and cheese. 🙂

  11. Sara on August 7, 2013 at 9:12 pm

    If I could live anywhere, it would be Seattle. Or the west coast in general. Anywhere but Florida. Haha.

  12. JennP on August 7, 2013 at 9:18 pm

    I lived in Toronto until elementary school, when my family moved to Florida. As much as I have loved my 22 years as a Floridian, my heart aches when I visit friends and family in Toronto. I feel like it’s my soul city!

  13. Laura on August 7, 2013 at 9:25 pm

    I’d love to live in Puerto Vallarta!!! It’s my favorite place in the world!
    I can’t wait to hear about your breakfast. Have fun in LA!

  14. Crystal on August 7, 2013 at 9:25 pm

    I’d live in southern CA or anywhere in Hawaii. And I could probably eat some kind of Mac and cheese every meal except my stomach would be hurting so bad from all the cheese lol.

  15. Vera on August 7, 2013 at 9:26 pm

    If I could live anywhere, it would be somewhere warm all year round . And the meal I could eat every day is any type of pasta dish. I have to try and not buy noodles too often or I would make pasta every day. Doesn’t matter what sauce, I love them all.
    As for the daycare you and your brother went to; my kids are also separated and when I go to pick them up at the end of the day, my 1 year old son runs to my daughter because he’s missed her so much. And he cries if he sees her across the playground and he can’t go to her. It’s so cute.

  16. Kelly @ Kelly Runs for Food on August 7, 2013 at 9:28 pm

    I would totally live in NYC too! I absolutely LOVE it there and have a bunch of friends from college that live there. The downside- my husband is a southern boy and hate NYC. 🙁 Maybe he’ll come around!

  17. Karen @ Runner Girl Eats on August 7, 2013 at 9:40 pm

    I would LOVE to live in Denver…or anywhere in California. I could definitely eat chocolate every day. and usually do 😉

  18. Stephanie on August 7, 2013 at 9:42 pm

    If I could live ANYWHERE, I would move to Washington, D.C., or Charlotte, North Carolina. The residents of NC have such a charm to them it’s infectious!

  19. Rebecca P. on August 7, 2013 at 9:47 pm

    I would life in DC in a blink of an eye! And I could eat sweet potatos loaded with cinnamon every day! I was bit on the nose by a my aunt and uncles dog once. Scary stuff, but I didn’t need stitches thank God!

  20. Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves on August 7, 2013 at 9:48 pm

    I kinda really want to live in Telluride, CO. After seeing Meredith’s (from Family Fresh Cooking) pictures of the gorgeous mountain tops and fields, I think it would be awesome to hike there all the time!
    And I would definitely eat overnight oats every day. That could be repulsive for some people, but I LOVE overnight oats! It must, must, must have some kind of nut or seed butter though. 🙂

  21. Kristen on August 7, 2013 at 9:49 pm

    I live in TN and I got to say, I think this is where I want to live forever. There are definitely other places I want to visit but not live. TN suits me. 🙂
    If I just HAD to pick a meal to eat everyday, it’d have to be PB&J sandwiches. There’s just something about em that I never get tired of.
    Random fact: When I was about 6 or 7, I insisted that my name was Rebecca Chadding. This went on for about 3 weeks. I would ignore my parents if they called me by my real name. I’m sure they just LOVED that phase. Haha

  22. Ali on August 7, 2013 at 9:57 pm

    If I could live anywhere, it would be Boston (for a city) and anywhere in the mountains in Colorado or Montana! I miss the mountains every day.

    I would eat taco salads and buttercream frosting everyday. Every. Single. Day.

    That’s hilarious about your brother! My sister and I grew up in the country without any neighbors and were best friends. For two years, we had all of our school friends absolutely convinced we had an older brother, Charlie, in college. Haha, we both really wanted an older brother! 😀

  23. PluvK on August 7, 2013 at 10:01 pm

    I’m born and raised in Hawai?i… I couldn’t live anywhere else! But it’s expensive to live at home. My husband and I work hard to make ends meet, even though we both have great jobs. As for a food I could eat every day, that would definitely be SUSHI!

  24. Amanda on August 7, 2013 at 10:10 pm

    Brooklyn, hands down! I’d so love to live in NYC…As for eats, it’s more like the few food items I could (and do!) eat every day: broccoli (I never get sick of it), tortilla chips (this is like its own food group for me), and some sort of nut or seed butter (if I go a day without almond butter, hell literally freezes over).

  25. Amy @ The Little Honey Bee on August 7, 2013 at 10:11 pm

    This is such a cute post 🙂 dancer’s pose is definitely the hardest for me. Live anywhere? London. Meal everyday? Oatmeal with peanut butter, choc chips and banana!

  26. Sherri on August 7, 2013 at 10:19 pm

    I live in CT to be close to my husband’s job in NYC but I wish we lived in Vancouver near where he grew up. My in laws are the best people alive and I wish my baby girl (due in 4 weeks) could grow up around her cousins.

    I could eat sushi for every meal. Ok maybe not for breakfast. But at lunch and dinner, definitely.

    One more random fact: I always assumed I would get married but never dreamed that It would be to someone who was so perfect for me and who I would love so completely. And it makes me think, when our daughter arrives… my heart may just explode into a billion pieces and that will be the end of me lol!

  27. Kinsey on August 7, 2013 at 10:20 pm

    If I could live anywhere, it would be Switzerland–it is so gorgeous! And I could eat roasted sweet potatoes with every meal, they are amazing.

  28. Laura Pignataro on August 7, 2013 at 10:26 pm

    Awe that story about you and your brother is so sweet!

    If I could live anywhere it would be San Diego. I love it there.

    I could probably eat tacos every single day…..especially shrimp tacos, yum!

  29. Danica @ It's Progression on August 7, 2013 at 10:29 pm

    If I could choose any place to live it would be somewhere in California. My husband and I are working on getting job placements out there right now! 🙂

  30. kim on August 7, 2013 at 10:33 pm

    i moved from nyc to sf after 30 years of living there & have never looked back!
    i LOVE SF!!
    current fave meal -sunflower seed butter on apple slices!
    random fact – i love my sports bra!

  31. Karen on August 7, 2013 at 10:36 pm

    My favorite color is periwinkle and I could eat Mexican food everyday for the rest of my life. I would live in Southern California in a heartbeat! I was just there last week for a 10 day trip and in fact took a Physique 57 studio class. My heart sank when I read you were there this week…and that Tanya is teaching there this week too! I would love to meet you both! Enjoy LA!!!

  32. Karissa on August 7, 2013 at 11:01 pm

    Such a fun post!! 🙂 (And a 3 hour nap, sounds amazing!) Your blog and Julie’s are actually completely my favorites- so cool you guys got to hang out.

    If I could live anywhere, at least for a little while, it’d be in China. Maybe Nanjing or Beijing.

    Hmmmm food I could eat everyday…. oh that’s rough (I have an inner fat kid)… Probably ice cream.

  33. Erin @ Girl Gone Veggie on August 7, 2013 at 11:14 pm

    I love this post! I would live in Hawaii, although I’m really enjoying exploring Omaha, my new home.

  34. Sami on August 7, 2013 at 11:18 pm

    Red Bean paste Steam Buns!

  35. Melissa on August 7, 2013 at 11:26 pm

    I went to discovery here in Tucson, and my older brother and I were sperated by a fence and would hold hands too. That is so funny!

    • Fitnessista on August 8, 2013 at 2:01 am

      We went to discovery, too!!

  36. CourtStar @ StarSystemz on August 7, 2013 at 11:52 pm

    Great post 🙂 I may copy you and do the same on my blog, such a great idea : ) I can not live without cinnamon topped sweet potatoes! They are seriously heaven, as you know! If I could live anywhere it would be Calabasas,CA, random I know but I have lived all over the world and I love how the Valley is the perfect combo of suburban life + LA glam. Sending you fun times at the Idea Conference! Love + Shine CourtStar

  37. Katie O on August 8, 2013 at 12:11 am

    If I could live anywhere in the world, I’d choose a small town in England- like hope, England, UK.

    I could eat scrambled eggs with avocadoand salsa and trader joe’s hash browns every living day.

    I’m in possession of two degrees in classical voice and keep trying to find ways to combine that with my love of fitness and natural health

    I swaddled my son in a pink swaddle me because we got one for free!

  38. Caitlin @PieceOfCait on August 8, 2013 at 12:32 am

    I totally agree on the non chocolate desserts ; )

  39. J on August 8, 2013 at 12:37 am

    If I could live anywhere it’d be Santa Barbara, where I lived for a while post-college. I miss the lazy days and fact that I could wear tank tops without getting catcalls. I could eat a long lazy brunch every day, actually I met my pilot at brunch, funny how the flock to places that serve coffee haha.

  40. Jenny on August 8, 2013 at 1:32 am

    If I could live anywhere it would be in Norway, probably in Geiranger specifically, (the header pic on my blog is a sample of the beauty that I experienced in Norway) 2nd choice would be Edinburgh, Scotland. I love to be outdoors and i love lots of trees and mountains.

    A meal I could eat constantly would be any kind of pizza, I love all pizza as long as it is not greasy and as long as I switch up toppings or flavors or crusts I never tire of it.

  41. Joelle (on a pink typewriter) on August 8, 2013 at 1:34 am

    I love this post! My favorite color is baby yellow, and if I could live anywhere……. well gosh, I just moved to San Diego and am glad to be back to the west coast, but I’d say NYC. I lived there for a few years and would HAPPILY go back (if someone would pay my rent for me 😉 ).

  42. Christina @ The Beautiful Balance on August 8, 2013 at 1:41 am

    I am the same way with my hair. I always let it air dry because I feel like I’m killing my hair less than if I blew it dry and used a flat iron.

  43. Elle @ The Clean Project on August 8, 2013 at 1:42 am

    Oh my goodness I could eat pancakes with real maple syrup and bacon all the time! I was definitely meant to live anywhere hot. This four seasons thing is not for me!

  44. Kasey on August 8, 2013 at 1:51 am

    So glad we got to meet you, love!! Definitely want to catch up more this weekend!

  45. Michaela on August 8, 2013 at 3:44 am

    I live exactly where I had always wanted to live – London 🙂 you gotta make your dreams come true!

  46. Lucie on August 8, 2013 at 4:24 am

    Love those random facts!
    San Diego or NYC are actually the places I am supposed to live. Concerning I live in Switzerland, I am pretty far away though 🙂
    And I could eat pancakes or overnight chocolate oats for every meal. Never get sick of it!

  47. Jenny on August 8, 2013 at 5:42 am

    If I could live anywhere, I would say Colorado. Funny because I have never been there but the allure of green space, mountains, and outdoor activity with some snow throw in all sounds so appealing. Should probably visit before I actually decided to move there 🙂
    I could eat breakfast every day. I love carbs and fruit, which comprise my breakfast mainly. It is the only meal my dad ever used to make growing up so it makes me think of him and the memories we shared around a stack of pancakes with the dish towel over his shoulder and the spatula in his hand.

  48. Meghan on August 8, 2013 at 5:47 am

    I have a scar on my lip from trying to hug a Beagle when I was 5! The story about you and your brother is so sweet too.

  49. Jackie on August 8, 2013 at 7:25 am

    I love this post!! So fun! I’d live in NYC or California!!

  50. Danielle on August 8, 2013 at 7:49 am

    Love all the fun random facts! How cute is the story about you and your brother?! I love it! If I could live anywhere it would definitely be somewhere warm and by the beach. San Diego comes to mind immediately!

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