From the Inside Out
Hey guys! How are you? Thank you so much for your kind comments about the dog dealio <3 It’s heartbreaking, but everything will work out the way it’s supposed to. The good news is that I’m waiting for the airline to call me back about Vies riding in the cabin with me. *Fingers crossed*
I just got back from a much-needed, BEAUTIFUL yoga practice. <3
I took class from Rob, who teaches in a few Orlando/Winter Park studios….
and he led an incredible class. I love when yoga instructors come over and adjust students during class and push you deeper into the poses- it was everything I could wish for. He also played amazing music! Lurve.
After an awesome yoga class, I always feel like my body was turned inside out. That all the stress/worry is gone and everything is new and fresh. Weird? Is it just me? 🙂
Practice was followed with a green juice (the same combo from yesterday)
and a breakfast that I’ve taken a break from for a little while –I was having it everyday- but now it’s back:
Breakfast cookie dough cereal!!!
-1/2 C oats
-1/2 scoop Sun Warrior
-1 T cashew butter
-almond milk
-cinnamon, Stevia, vanilla and lots of cacao nibs
Get in muh belly.
Today I’m going to film a little workout video for you guys and pack because Viesa and I are taking a little road trip tomorrow. Any guesses to where we’re headed? My birthday is Friday, so we’re going to celebrate tomorrow night.
I’m out! See ya later today with the final week of Bridal Bootcamp 🙂
Something to think:
“Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend – or a meaningful day.”
Dalai Lama
Today’s tip: Just as it’s important to switch up your workout routine, it’s also importante to switch up your fitness surroundings. It’s easy to arrive at the same place you’ve been going to, get comfortable and kick it into auto pilot. I’m going to be making an effort to check out more of the yoga studios in Orlando (I almost always go to OPY or Bikram)- it’s an easy way to challenge myself and check out something new.
I love the idea of switching up your fitness surroundings! Keeping everything fresh means constant motivation.
I love your monkey cup! Target?
Happy early birthday! 🙂
Yay for November birthdays! Yeahhhh Scorpios. 🙂
Happy early birthday!!! I hope the pooch gets to ride in the cabin with you…I will keep my fingers crossed for you…I can only imagine how worried you are!
Have a great road trip!
Part of my routine is switching it up — exercising outside when it is nice enough, going to the gym or working out at home. If I spend too much time doing one of those things I get bored, so yes, switching it up is a must!
I like how your Aunt has the same silverware as my parents 🙂
Your “Tip of the Day” is so right on! I think we all can get stuck in a routine and you are absoloutly correct to S-w-i-t-c-h it up! That is why I love living by the beach, you can never have a boring time there. 😉
How exciting-Birthday week! Yay! 🙂
I have that placemat in a brighter orange!! I can’t get the price sticker remnants off the front though so I always use it face down :/
I’m really , really bad at switching up my fitness routine- I wouldn’t call it a rut, but I know I could benefit from switching it up a bit!!
i can’t get the price sticker off either! that’s why the bowl is always on the right side 🙂
VALDIZZY! happy early birthday!
I COMPLETELY agree… yoga helps me turn my world inside out too! I’m extremely looking forward to my class tonight… I need it… life’s been a bit stressful ’round these here parts!
I agree with switching surroundings. I do it every time I get bored with my routine. It’s a bit pricey (sticking to the same place would be the cheapest option), but I’m worth it ;-P
I love when yoga instructors help you get into poses! I’m going to yoga class tomorrow and I can’t wait 🙂
Oo birthday, exciting!
i dont have a fitness routine because i get bored easy. but i am going to Mexico in January and need to whip myself into shape. can’t wait to see the video, maybe it will help me get back into a routine.
I love switching it up because I get bored easily! And yay for another november birthday! this is the best month to be born in I must say.. 🙂 love the green juice in the monkey glass!
I absolutely love that quote. Thank you for sharing! I do the same strength routine 3 times a week, but I’m always switching up my cardio. I get burnt out fast on repetitive yoga classes, so I like to practice at a wide variety of studios. I know you are in Otown, but if you’re ever down in South Florida, you must check out Kula Yoga Shala – it’s completely donation based. I love the concept!
GOSH, you should go to that yoga studio more often! I loved today quote and tip so much! both are great advice! 🙂
happy early bday Gina!:)
Oooh maybe I should take up yoga. I’ve been feeling stressed lately – I want to be turned inside out! 😉
Ummmm…how cute is your monkey cup?!
I love the “something to think about” quote that you posted! It is always good to try and make every day meaningful. I feel like I am constantly living in the future and planning ahead. It’s a good reminder to just live in the moment and concentrate on making that moment or day meaningful rather than focusing on the future too much 🙂
Hmmm? I’m really not sure where you’re headed! My best guess would be back to Valdosta to see friends from when you lived there? Either way, I hope you have a safe trip!
Your “tip of the day” is totally spot on! I actually tried a new studio this weekend, and it’s completely refreshed my workouts! I love finding new motivation like that! 😀
Hope the airline lets Viesa ride in the cabin with you! (and please let us know what airline lets you do that!)
I loove yoga! For me it is a great release. When I feel my muscles releasing I think that a lot of that unintentional stress goes away as well making you feel soo good. That is also how I feel about running. It is such a great way to get out of your head and just be.
I just read yesterdays post about Viesa – I’m so sorry you are in this position! So glad you’ll atleast get updates and get to visit her.
I love when yoga instructors come and make adjustments too – helps me out so much, especially since I’m not that experienced. I’m excited to see how you celebrate your birthday! 🙂
great quote and i love that monkey cup. adorable!
I love yoga euphoria 🙂 it’s really one of the best feelings! And I so appreciate adjustments – my instructor gently pushed me all the way to the ground during pigeon pose the other night and it was awesome… I had no idea I could go that far!
Bikram makes me feel this way and I love it!
If you’re trying out new yoga studios in Winter Park/Orlando, check out Full Circle Yoga in Winter Park. I know Rob teaches there some days…but I have a serious love for Marilyn’s Hatha class. I have never sweat so much in yoga, and it’s not even Bikram! 🙂
that’s where i went this morning 😉
Glad you’re feeling better G 🙂
Hi Gina. Any suggestions for overcoming shyness or anxiety when it comes to trying a new workout? As much as I’d like to try a yoga studio class, I can’t seem to overcome my anxiety to actually do it. Any tips you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
usually teachers are SO helpful when they know it’s your first class
just get there early, tell the teach it’s your first time, and remember that no one cares what you’re doing- they’re too worried about themselves! just have fun 🙂
I seriously eat breakfast cookie dough cereal every single morning…love it!!
Just yesterday I posted about change. About changing up our diets, workout routines, health supplements we take and that although finding our groove with things is great, and some things that work well, just don’t mess with a good thing…but knowing when to change things up when they arent working anymore, or not working as well as they once did, that’s KEY, too. To know when to change, when to stick w/ tried and true, it’s a balancing act but great to try to determine when to mix it all up a bit!
Love that you are trying out new and diff types of yoga studios. Awesome.
There is no greater gift, IMO, that a teacher can give his or her yoga students than a wonderful assist/adjustment. Being able to help guide your students deeper and into the essence of the pose is like a gift from heaven and is truly the mark of a good teacher, I believe. It’s the #1 thing in teaching I always give my 110% with my students b/c it’s so awesome when the right assist happens at the right time 🙂
And his tattoos. Swoon. I’m in love 🙂 Omg.
i kind of have a crush on him. don’t tell tom, haha
That’s a really awesome picture of the yoga instructor! I can almost hear the “om” 🙂
Hope you and your doggy get to Tucson safely! <3
That’s a really awesome picture of the yoga instructor! I can almost hear the “om” 🙂
Hope you and your doggy get to Tucson safely! <3
Oh Gina I am just getting caught up and that whole ordeal with Viesa stressed me out so bad! I know how you love her sweet face, and I hate you have to find a new home for her. But, you are totally doing what is best for your little family. She will be so happy with your friend, and that is a blessing that you found a good home for her. Sigh. Good luck in Tucson. I will be thinking about you!
Hi, I love your blog but I’m a lurker and I rarely ever comment. I feel for you and your dog situation, but I have to say that as a non-dog owner (I have a small fear of animals that could eat me if they choose), I would be very unhappy about getting on an airplane and finding a dog sitting in the seat next to me. I know it will be safely stowed away in its cage or whatever, but I definitely would try to either switch my seat or get on another plane. I suspect someone with allergies would say the same. I would not trust that your otherwise well-behaved dog could keep it together during a bumpy flight (I barely can). I am not at ALL trying to be mean, and I know this is an emotional thing for you to have to deal with–you have a great heart and Viesa is luckier than she knows to have such a caring and thoughtful owner. Maybe I don’t have all the facts about the exact way you will go about getting the dog on the plane, but I’m just putting my two cents in. 🙂
thanks for the two cents 🙂
Happy pre-birthday! I missed your last post and just read through it. I’m so sorry you have to deal with that–it’s so sad. But you’re doing the right thing.
November 12 is the best day for a birthday! (I might be biased since it’s mine too.) Happy early birthday Gina. And you’re so right about the yoga thing…nothing, NOTHING, makes me feel as centered and willing to take on the world as yoga.
birthday twin!!! happy almost-birthday 🙂
i feel exactly the same after a yoga class, especially a hot yoga one, so relaxed and stress free. I also like it when the yoga instructor is interactive with the class and fixes and alters postures 🙂
good luck with the viesa situation
When you make your green juice, do you use a blender or a juicer or something else? I’ve never made one before but it’d be a cool how-to video to see!
juicer- i’ll totally do a how to video 🙂
Going along with the above comment, what juicer do you use? I checked out the one in your OpenSky store but I definitely can’t afford that as a college student, haha- did you ever try a cheaper one? Preferably one that can do fruit + veg? Thanks!! 🙂
Hiya! Just wanted to mention that oats have gluten in them, if you are still trying to avoid it. You can get them certified gluten free but of course they’re $$ then…
oats don’t have gluten- they’re usually contaminated in the processing of them. i can usually eat them with no probs
Sorry, I have celiac sprue and so for me contamination is really basically the same as “having” gluten. That’s what I meant.
But I remember now that you are just gluten intolerant. Again, sorry, didn’t mean to bother you.
I’ve read that you also have to eat glutenfree. And now I read that you still eat oats. Can you digest that without a problem? I also have to eat glutenfree because of coeliakie and I’ve always been told that oats are forbidden, but that not everybody agrees. I’ve looked again on the internet and I’ve found that the problem is that they use the same machines for wheat, oats,…
Since I know I’ve got coeliakie, I didn’t dare to eat oats, but I know I really liked it. So I would like to hear your opinion and expercience with this issue.
Oh and I’m from Belgium, not really a glutenfree paradise, but it’s getting better 🙂
hey! so cool to hear from someone in belgium 🙂
i can eat oats with no probs. check out bob’s red mill- they have certified gluten free oats
Oh thanks for the info. I’ve never looked at the information of different brands because I thought it was always a forbidden thing. But now I’m going to have a look at the health store 🙂
It’s amazing how much difference simply changing your surrounding can make. Whether it be with working out, at work, or in class. Heck, even switching seats every now and then brings on a whole new light!
I usually run the same route around the park all the time, but today I switched it up and it felt so refreshing!
whoo hoo!
I am glad you are getting a friend to take the puppy to her new home. I would be heart broken in your position. I just wanted to let you know that I got my dog because she couldn’t get along with another dog she lived with. I didn’t know what puppy love was until she came home with me. I feel so lucky that I ended up with my little girl. So the moral of the story is, there can totally be a happy ending. My dog visits her old house twice a week (while I am at school for 8 hours) gets to see her other mom, and the brothers and sisters (doggie) that she got along with and is totally kept separate from the “mean” dog. She is just as happy to get dropped off there as she is to see me when I pick her up. Its a good thing when critters get to the places they need to be, even if its not where the people originally think they should be.