Quinoa Trail Mix Muffins

Sometimes I pretend to know things that I do notโ€ฆ but only when I’m talking to the Pilot. “Turn left here!” “Are you sure?”  “YES! Okโ€ฆ no, not really.” This is partially because I like to mess with him, and also partially because when I tell him things that are indeed fact, he asks me…

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Baby protein

When I first started breastfeeding/bottles, getting to feed Livi solid food sounded like a dream and the days of no bottles seemed so far ahead of us. Now, solid foods are a fun part of everyday life, and only 2 months left to go until no bottles! It’s hard to believe that we’re almost at…

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Healthy Halloween Treats

One of my favorite things about Halloween weekend is lurking Facebook for all of the costume and party pics. Some of my favorite costumes were from friends that live far away (like my college-days downstairs apartment neighbor who was Honey Boo Boo). With Liv, our weekend was pretty low key (even though we had a…

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10/28: Meals and Fitness for the week

Spent our Saturday night with Harry Potter. NBD. (Random: does anyone say “Harry Potter” in a high-pitched voice with a British accent? Me too) When I got home from work, the Pilot had so kindly made dinner for the family: (he called Renee’s Organic Oven and went to pick it up. Their gluten-free slice and…

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Take it slow

After last weekend’s frenzy, it feels good to have a weekend without too much going on. A fun Friday with just Liv and myself, a girls’ night, short Saturday at work, getting to see my favorite people on my lunch break, and not sure what we’re up to tonight and tomorrow. We have some things…

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Tech detox, quickies and faves

2 weeks later, and we are still without a working downstairs TVโ€ฆ and not really missing it. Even though I’ve never been a huge TV person, the past couple of weeks made me realize a few things: -it was a huge waste of energy to have the TV on for background noise -the absence of…

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Meg: DIY Glitter Cup

There are few things in the world prettier than glitter. My coworker came to work one day with one of those Starbucks cups (the double walled kind), and it was a sparkly purple. I was so smitten, I had to try it myself and share it with you all! What youโ€™ll need: -A double-walled cup…

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It’s a celebration

(lyrics to one of the songs that was on the “banned from the wedding” list along with “Electric Slide”) Indeed it was ๐Ÿ™‚ When the Pilot got home from work, the entire family was here and dinner was hot and waiting. Madre grilled steaks, and I made twice-baked potatoes (with turkey bacon, chives, veggie broth…

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Supporting themselves, or selling out?

Thank you so much for all of the wonderful birthday wishes for the Pilot <3 He’s been enjoying reading them throughout the day- I’m excited to celebrate when he’s home from work. ย  (It was my first time doing streamersโ€ฆ using medical tape to hang them up. Don’t even ask. Liv got a kick out…

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Happy Birthday, Pilot

I can’t help but think of birthdays a little differently now. Sure, it’s a great day to celebrate the people you’re close to, but at the same time, I find myself thinking of the nervous anticipation and excitement their parents must have felt. I now know what that feels like, and it’s incredible. So today,…

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Homemade Almond Milk + flavor variations

I’ve never been a huge fan of drinking milk plain. Even when I was younger, if it wasn’t colored and flavored with the Cocoa Puffs I was eating, I wasn’t a huge fan. I’ve remained that way with milk, until I met almond variety. To me, it tastes so much lighter and milder than the…

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Spicy almond butter kale chips

Not really, but 8 was my limit for the day. I had all of the odds in my favor (beautiful weather, gorgeous scenery, woke up on my own before the alarm went off), but it was a tough run. Sabino kills me every time, and I had to add an extra little loop at the…

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