Stayin’ alive

Many bloggers will go outside and take lovely pictures of foliage or flowers for their posts. Everything is pretty much dead over here, except for the grass and this cilantro: which I havenโ€™t watered in at least 4 months. Itโ€™s a survivor, for sure. Also, the perfect complement to the baby meal my friend Liz…

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Talking Shiba

For those of you who have also been missing your daily dose of Vies, here ya go: Ash and her hubby put that video up last night- the Pilot and I were cracking up watching it. Theyโ€™ve taught Vies so many cool tricks. Over Easter, they filled Easter eggs with treats, hid them, and taught…

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Baby and Bell

When we first announced we were expecting, we were often asked how we thought Bella would take having a sister. I never really thought it would be a problem- Bella loves babies. However, Bella also loves being queen of the castle. Iโ€™m still convinced that Bella knew I was pregnant before I did, and also…

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Options for newbies

Bella says โ€œgood morning!โ€ โ€“ she seems to be the only one with extra spunk today. Weโ€™ve been waiting until late morning to come downstairs and start the day. As good as it feels, I think by next week when the Pilot goes back to work Iโ€™ll be ready to get going a little earlier.…

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WSU 2012 Playlist

Itโ€™s not deliveryโ€ฆ. itโ€™s dinner, courtesy of my friend Kelly ๐Ÿ™‚ She and her baby came over to chill for a while, and brought the Pilot and myself some dinner. Gluten-free pizza with peppers, basil, and Daiya (the Pilotโ€™s had reg cheese and pepperoni on there- Kelly and her pilot eat almost exactly the same…

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Why I love being a mom

Iโ€™m putting together a Family post together on post-delivery body, and in the meantime wanted to bring you a very special post from my friend Emily. Iโ€™ve had the pleasure of hanging out with Emily before, and sheโ€™s just as amazing as youโ€™d imagine from reading her blog. She has been a great resource for…

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Even better

Per your requestsโ€ฆ. 7 inches, NBD.  Iโ€™m actually wearing them right now! Ok, not quite, but moccasins are close ๐Ÿ˜‰ Speaking of pink and sassy, someone got a haircut today:   So fresh and clean, and she smells like flowers. Keeping up with the theme of the past week and a half, we laid low…

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Adventures in breastfeeding

I can always count on my good friend Jeni for advice. When I first got pregnant, she told me that I would be tempted to learn and read as much as I could about pregnancy and childbirth, but to definitely take the time to learn about baby care and breastfeeding, because breastfeeding is tough work.…

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Quitting the gym

Itโ€™s a gorgeous day over here <3 Iโ€™m still wondering if weโ€™ll ever get a real winter. If not, fine by meโ€ฆ Last nightโ€™s baby meal (and cake!!!) were fantasticโ€ฆ Kyle and Meg came over to enjoy the goods with us, and the shrimp curry was incredible. Giant chunks of potatoes and jalapenos- Iโ€™ll have…

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Pilot Becomes Dad: My Side of the Birth

Hi everybody. I hope you guys are doing well. As you probably know, Ginaโ€™s pretty busy these days, so when I offered to write a post about my perspective on the great day oโ€™birthing, she didnโ€™t argue too much. Well, it was a hell of ride from where I was sitting and I wasnโ€™t even…

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Winter Shape Up 2012

Baby, itโ€™s cold outsideโ€ฆ. and the perfect time to start cranking out those fitness goals and feel amazing, just in time for the spring sun to come out. Winter Shape Up always begins in mid or late January, because itโ€™s the ideal amount of time to see serious results without burning out from lofty New…

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What you didn’t know

Hey everyone! Hope your night is going well <3 While I get things ready for tomorrowโ€™s Winter Shape Up excitement, hereโ€™s a beautiful and very important guest post from Meagan, who has left many amazing comments here on the blog. I sent her a little email to see if sheโ€™d be down with guest posting…

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