
Hey everyone! Happy Monday to ya 😀 Hope your morning is going well so far.

Last night, it was so glorious to have a meal at home with the pilot, even if that meant I had to cook it 😉

We had a version of Rachael Ray’s Salmon Salad with orange vinaigrette. I’d made it once (and healthified it), so I just rolled with what I remembered. You can see the original Rizzle recipe here.

The star of the show was wild caught Salmon from Whole Foods


I seasoned it up with sea salt and pepper, pan-seared it, and baked it off in the oven.

While the salmon baked away, I blanched some asparagus (which the pilot and I call “asparagi”), made the dressing out of orange juice, zest, agave, olive oil, rice vinegar, red onion, salt and pepper and sliced up the red onion, segmented oranges and pitted kalamata olives.

Here’s the finished product:

salmon salad

Perfect salad beast feast for two 😀

salmon salad (2)

‘Twas glorious.

I also put some raw okra chips in the dehydrator.. if they taste how they smell, I will post the recipe (and the vegan pasta primavera one) this afternoon.

okra chips

Before I go, there’s something I wanted to ask ya’ll about.

The pilot and I were talking on the way home from J-ville (and sorry, no it wasn’t about babies) and I told him that my blog views were significantly lower last week. It also happened to be the same week that I launched my OpenSky shop… I have no idea if the lower pages views were due to spring break, or related/unrelated to the OpenSky shop, but it got me wondering if OpenSky shops, giveaways, reviews and the like turn you guys off.

Personally, I really like them… for the most part and if they’re done tactfully.

I try to keep reviews on the blog minimal, unless it’s something I bought with my own money and totally love, or if a company sent it to me and I would have bought it anyway. That’s why you’ll never see junky products on the bloggy that I wouldn’t usually consume. The same goes for OpenSky- there will never be anything in there that I don’t use myself.

I think that product reviews are a really helpful way to learn about new things, giveaways are fun, and OpenSky is super convenient (because you can find all the blogger’s favorite things in one place). I think if done well (and not overdone), they can all be amazing assets to a blog. However, I don’t like to look at a blog and see it as a commercial. Content should be #1.

So I’m wondering what you think about all of this???

I love my OpenSky shop so far (and you guys rocked out the foam roller promo- thank you!), but if it means losing readers at the sake of making some extra [eggplant] bacon then it’s not worth it. You guys are what makes this blog the super fun place that it is and without you… well, it’s lame without you. I really cherish and appreciate each and every single bloggy out there.

Don’t be afraid to be honest in the comment section– I’m really anxious to hear your thoughts. Please be general and keep positive energy flowing—if I see any obvious personal attacks at one of my fellow bloggies, I’ll have to delete it.



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  1. Jessica @ How Sweet It Is on March 22, 2010 at 8:10 am

    I agree with you that content is number 1. I don’t really like product reviews, but someone mentioned on a panel at fitbloggin this weekend that product reviews make your blog more relevant and seem ‘real.’ Not sure how I feel about that, but when I love a blog, I read no matter what – regardless of a few product reviews! 🙂

  2. Naomi (onefitfoodie) on March 22, 2010 at 8:14 am

    I do like reviews, and I think the opensky shop is a great idea. I do believe in the idea of making your blog truly YOUR OWN and however you want to do that, is great with me! I have been introduced to many foods just from food product reviews alone, so likeyou said, when done tactfully I think its a great addition to any blog!

    like Jess said, when I love a blog I read it and love it no matter what!

  3. Christina on March 22, 2010 at 8:16 am

    I agree that content is #1. I think a product link (or opensky link!) from the blog is the best way to show the products you love and use without having your blog sound like a commercial. When I really love a blog I read it every day and tend to skip the product review stuff unless it’s something I’m really interested in.

    p.s. I read your bloggy every day =)

  4. Jessie (Vegan-minded) on March 22, 2010 at 8:19 am

    I enjoy reading product reviews by bloggers who’s opinions I trust (such as yours). I don’t see it as a commercial, but more of a way to share knowledge and information with readers. Personally, I like to know what others think of a product before I go and spend money on it, especially on expensive food items and such. However, if a blog was nothing but product reviews and OpenSky promotions, I would probably be turned off. Who doesn’t love a good giveaway though? 🙂

  5. Ian on March 22, 2010 at 8:21 am

    I think what you’re doing with your blog is not only great but up to you! I like a good, relevant review now and then, but content is ALWAYS #1 😀

  6. Holly (The Healthy Everythingtarian) on March 22, 2010 at 8:21 am

    i wouldn’t worry about – blog views ebb and flow. the weather is getting nicer, people are spending more time away from the computer and the like. just blog what YOU want to blog about, and people will come 🙂

  7. ann on March 22, 2010 at 8:22 am

    I like the reviews and the ways to pick up things from open sky easily. I have bought from open sky about 3 times and love them. You are so good to ask for feed back but like you said, if its done tactfully I think its good.


  8. Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin on March 22, 2010 at 8:22 am

    I really like both product reviews and giveaways on blogs. I don’t know too much about OpenSky but it seems like a lot of bloggers are using it lately. I think as long as there’s enough content and your personality still shines through, theres no problem with doing reviews/giveaways/opensky, etc.

    Spring break could definitely be a factor, and the weather was so nice everywhere that maybe people were out enjoying it more and less time at the computer??

  9. Jenny on March 22, 2010 at 8:23 am

    Reviews are a part of the blog world! Keep em coming!

  10. Laura on March 22, 2010 at 8:24 am

    I have mixed feelings. On one hand, I love hearing about new products, and I’ve enjoyed many of the products I’ve been sent to sample that I would have never known about if it weren’t for my blog. In fact, I have just started a small business and hope that I can share how fabulous the products are through a small amount of blog advertising. On the other hand, I tend to focus less on a blog’s content when it seems that the blogger is just writing about certain topics for monetary gain. That’s a turn-off for sure. There definitely needs to be a balance. I will always gravitate more toward blogs that are about personal experience, etc. than the ones that seem more like a business endeavor. And, I’m not saying that Fitnessista is like that at all! I’ve been a long-time reader and don’t expect to stop any time soon.

    • MAJL on March 22, 2010 at 8:37 am

      I agree with Laura; I have mixed feelings about it too. I appreciate hearing product reviews from actual people instead of infomercials. However, last week, I was really disapointed when it became apparent that my fitness role model is just about selling products. I post product reviews on my blog too and have recently decided that I will try to minimize this or to focus on smaller local companies.

  11. Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine on March 22, 2010 at 8:27 am

    I love your blog no matter what!! I tend to get tired of reviews every day, but if that starts to happen usually keep reading anyway and just skim over the review part of the post. Keep up the great work!!

  12. Laura on March 22, 2010 at 8:27 am

    Honestly, I was traveling last week with my boyfriend who is on break from grad school. I check your blog on my phone while away from my cell phone. Does cell phone viewings show up as a hit for your internet ratings? Anyway, I know a lot of people are traveling and/or prepping for weddings right now.

    Love your blog!

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:16 am

      yup, i think cell phone views count 😀
      thank you! <3

  13. Elizabeth on March 22, 2010 at 8:27 am

    I typically read Fitnessista for the Gina personality. I kinda like to hear about the cool dehydrators or mung bean pastas you use, but I think I’m consuming enough stuff right now. Also, I noticed a few other bloggers whom I read regularly have started doing the Open Sky thing (and other promotions as well). I checked it out and it wasn’t something I was that into (I just really don’t need to buy more schtuff). So I’ll keep reading about your fitness adventures and pilot shenanigans and wine yoga but I may skip over the OpenSky type stuff. But I will always check your bloggy. <3

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:15 am

      thank you!! <3

  14. Melissa on March 22, 2010 at 8:34 am

    I definitely think it must have been due to the gorgeous weather and spring break. Since I trust what you use, I personally love having access to your favorite products. I think your blog is 100% quality content and I will continue read as long as you’ll continue to write 🙂 I think it goes to show how classy and dedicated you are to your blog that you’d ask this…so thanks for caring about your readers!

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:15 am

      i LOVE my bloggy readers <3

  15. Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg on March 22, 2010 at 8:35 am

    I don’t mind product reviews…every once in a while, you know? I have to admit, I like original recipes and fitness advice much more. BUT, I’d be willing to bet that your lower hits were just a fluke! I don’t mind the blogs that use Open Sky– it’s nice to get all of the products you endorse in one area. That being said, I think it does kind of make the blog feel more “business-like”…but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just a change in tone!

  16. Anna on March 22, 2010 at 8:38 am

    That salad looks amazing! I will have to try that vinaigrette…I’ve also discovered that lemon juice, agave, olive oil, pepper, garlic and oregano is delicious on salad and asparagus 🙂 I wouldn’t worry about your opensky or product reviews; you rarely ever focus on that anyways. And when you do promote something you love, well, you love it because it is awesome! (i.e. EVERYONE should own a foam roller. they are amazing!) I’d attribute lower blog hits to weather, spring break, vacation, etc and not worry about it. Like someone else said, do hits register when people read blogs on their phones, google reader etc? I rarely ever actually go to a blog site and mainly use my reader for time and convenience.

  17. laura dishes on March 22, 2010 at 8:38 am

    I don’t think that people are dropping off b/c of your shop or reviews. This time of year is always busy and the weather is getting nicer, so I wonder if that had something to do with it?

    I personally don’t really like reviews- most of the products either aren’t in the stores yet or they’re not easy to locate. It only gets to be too much when someone is making every meal with free products, and you certainly don’t do that. Thanks for writing and always being real! 🙂

  18. Adriana on March 22, 2010 at 8:40 am

    I love your blog and I like reading your recipes a lot. A part of that is knowing what products you use. I don’t mind the product reviews or the Open Sky at all. Of course if all you did was product reviews I wouldn’t be that interested. As others have said content is #1!

  19. Caryn on March 22, 2010 at 8:42 am

    I find the product reviews really helpful, and although I don’t know if I’ll ever buy from Open Sky, I don’t mind reading about/skimming over that part on your blog. Same as everyone else so far, I’ll keep reading your bloggy even if you write about giveaways, reviews, and Open Sky. And all of those things seem to be beneficial for the readers anyway…it’s hard to be annoyed when you’re giving us free stuff and helping us shop! 😛 As long as it’s still “you” it’s still fun to read! 🙂

  20. Laura on March 22, 2010 at 8:42 am

    I read because I loove your blog! You are adorable, inspirational, and your blog has always been unique to YOU. I actually like the opensky shop. It is a great way to have access to the products you know and love. Besides, who doesn’t wanna make a couple extra dollaz? If you’re putting so much time and passion into something, then why shouldn’t you be compensated? Keep up the great work Gina 😀

  21. Alison on March 22, 2010 at 8:42 am

    Hey Gina, I want to say first that I’ve followed your blog for a while and it’s one of my favorites. I think you’ve got a great thing going on! I love the mix of fitness and food, vacations and fun nights:-) I have appreciated your product reviews (I tried Juice Beauty because of you!) because you have always been adamant that you reviewed products honestly and told readers when they were free.
    Truthfully, because of my really high opinion of you and your blog, I was kind of taken aback with the OpenSky shop. To me, it sometimes looks like bloggers take advantage of readers that way…instead of saying, “I like this product and you gotta try it!” they make money off their readers. I think you’re a genuine person and that was not your intention at all, that’s just my (insignificant but true) opinion.
    PS I think you’re right about Spring Break – I bet your traffic will go back to normal this week:-)

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:14 am

      ahhh! did you like the juice beauty?? i’m obsessed 😉
      i totally know what you mean about the opensky thing. it makes me sad, but i can certainly see how readers would view it that way

      • Alison on March 22, 2010 at 1:54 pm

        The Juice Beauty wasn’t strong enough for my skin once I got pregnant BUT you inspired me to look for something all natural to use and my skins been doing great:-) I’d definitely recommend Juice to other people – thanks for letting us know about it!

  22. claire! on March 22, 2010 at 8:42 am

    Gina – I LOVE the reviews and the OpenSky promos. These kinds of opportunities is what makes me grateful for having blogs like yours to refer to! I am constantly searching for new, healthful, and natural products, and those are just the kinds that you write about and feature on your shop. You obviously know what you’re doing when it comes to getting jiggy with your health, and its great to be able to seek your honest and informed reviews on things. I say, keep it up!

  23. Molly @fuelherup on March 22, 2010 at 8:42 am

    The occasional giveaway is fine, and I appreciate honest product reviews.

    That said, personally, I find too much annoying. There was recently a rpominent blog that I just quit reading cold turkey because all of the sudden, it was all about OpenSky, recipes for certain companies, and OpenSky.

    What really got me is when she had a really great OpenSky deal ($1 for a bottle of something). There are no ingredients on OpenSky, but as this was a healthy living blog I trusted her judgement. When it arrived, teh first ingredient was high fructose corn syrup. I was honestly blown away and have stopped reading that blog.

    So far yours seems legit- not sure why your page views re down!

  24. Heather (Heather's Dish) on March 22, 2010 at 8:45 am

    i think a lot of people’s views were down…mine were, and I know that Tina at Carrots N Cake said hers were too. Anyone that reads your blog is likely doing it because they like what you have to say, and I would never stop reading just because you opened an OpenSky shop – I like you too much! 🙂 I would just do what you feel is right and no one would ever blame you for it!

  25. Kelly on March 22, 2010 at 8:47 am

    I don’t mind the give aways and reviews, they make me want to try new things. I like your blog and I’ve still been reading every day 🙂

  26. ida on March 22, 2010 at 8:47 am

    I don’t mind product reviews as long as they are a small percentage of content. it is a good way to learn about new stuff. i do think it’s lame when the same product shows up on like 10 blogs in one week though.

    as far as open sky, i haven’t purchased anything off it, nor do i plan to(unless you can put some macaroons on there!). But it doesn’t make me stop reading a blog daily

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:13 am

      i totally know what you mean
      and i WISH they would let me add some macaroons in the packages- that would be awesome

  27. sadie on March 22, 2010 at 8:48 am

    I love your reviews – however I do think Opensky makes me feel like you are reviewing something just to sell it not just since you found out how awesome it is. It did turn me off this past week – but didn’t stop me from reading. It just made me go “oh no! another blog sucked into trying to sell us things”.

  28. Kristin @ Iowa Girl Eats on March 22, 2010 at 8:53 am

    A lot of schools had Spring Break last week – which is why a lot of people saw some dips. I wouldn’t worry about it AT ALL!! 😀

  29. Christie on March 22, 2010 at 8:55 am

    It was Spring Break for a lot of people last week so I would imagine that is why your viewers were down.

  30. Pam on March 22, 2010 at 8:56 am

    Hi Gina! I don’t normally comment or even read the comments b/c I read you through my Google RSS Reader. Do those count as unique page views? If not I’ll try to click through to your actual blog to read when I remember 😉

    As far as the products go, I like seeing what you actually eat and use. I don’t care how much you review, as long as you are sincere, you know? Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods owe you commission or something though… since I started reading your blog I’ve gone through so much raw AB, kale, Lara bars, KOMBUCHA!!, and various other raw/healthy goodies in addition to my voracious produce consumption, haha.
    Happy Monday 🙂

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:12 am

      hey pam,
      google reader views don’t count. it’s too bad, too because a lot of people read blogs that way!
      so glad that you’ve found so many awesome products through the blog world 🙂

      • Lindsey512 on March 22, 2010 at 12:18 pm

        Ohhhh, I always read through Google Reader. That’s a shame!

  31. Mellissa on March 22, 2010 at 8:57 am

    I think product reviews are worth doing and it helps me try some new products that I wouldn’t normally and I like the concept of Open Sky as well. If something is a really good deal and I would normally use it I would definitely order it. Keep doing everything you are doing 🙂

  32. Tracey @ I'm Not Superhuman on March 22, 2010 at 8:57 am

    I don’t mind product reviews as long as it’s not too often. I appreciate it when the blogger really stands behind something, but since I’m not likely to go out and buy most things (um, saving money—or trying to) I tend to read over them pretty quickly.

  33. Paige (Running Around Normal) on March 22, 2010 at 8:57 am

    Content is definitely #1. I don’t mind giveaways, product selling, and reviews every now and then. But when a blog has a new product review on it every other day, it gets repetitive and a little frustrating.
    And with the Opensky deal – it’s just that I’ve been seeing it on so many blogs lately. I totally get the appeal, but it’s just so common anymore. But on awesome blogs like yours (where I like to see your faves) I do like it:) Hope that explains my POV accurately…
    Have a great day!

  34. kirsten on March 22, 2010 at 8:57 am

    I definitely like product reviews! Open Sky doesn’t bother me, I would say keep doing it the way you are, having it as one section of a post instead of a whole post dedicated to a specific product/sale on Open Sky.

  35. Nikki on March 22, 2010 at 9:00 am

    Yeah I agree with everyone who has stated that blog reviews and opensky talk is good when it’s to a minimum. I started and continued to read your blog because of the great food and exercise advise that you so willingly dole out for free. It’s not to say that I would stop reading your blog if you kicked up the product mentions, I just wouldn’t read it every day like I do now. I hope you don’t take offense to that because I truly love your advice and your winter shape up helped me lose 15 lbs so obviously you know what you’re talking about! I just don’t get the healthy inspiration your blog normally gives me, from product reviews.

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:11 am

      WHOA! that is so awesome! i’m glad the shape up went well for you 🙂

  36. Jodie on March 22, 2010 at 9:02 am

    It really does not bother me about your Opensky shop. I like reviews from real people not infomercials or ads because I can’t really tell if they are telling the truth. I know with Spring break last my business was very slow,so that was probably the reason. You have a great blog, I would not worry too much. Have a wonderful week.

  37. Ellen on March 22, 2010 at 9:02 am

    I saw a noticeable dip too–glad I wasn’t the only one! I think people are getting excited for the warmer weather and maybe not on the computer as much, but I think the novelty will wear off a bit 🙂 (Esp in NYC when it snows again…because it WILL.)

    I think you’re doing a great job…your personality really shines through, and you find a way to keep even the simplest things interesting. I haven’t checked out your OpenSky stuff, so I can’t comment on that, but now I’m curious about it, so I will. I think product reviews are fine as long as it’s not set up like a book report. SO many bloggers do that! Videos are great. I got a free pair of New Balance Zumba sneakers and did a little video about them and my experience with the class yesterday. Quick, easy, and (I hope) fun! Check it out!

  38. Paige (Running Around Normal) on March 22, 2010 at 9:02 am

    Oh, and also meant to say – I’m sure the viewings are down due to spring break. You’ve got a lot of dedicated readers, myself included:)

  39. anon on March 22, 2010 at 9:04 am

    I hate giveaways — boring and waste of space. I don’t mind open sky. And I think most reviews are a waste of time b/c most bloggers give positive or lukewarm positive reviews because they don’t want to offend someone. Just my honest thoughts. I love your blog and read it just b/c of your voice.

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:10 am

      thank you, anon 🙂

  40. Katie on March 22, 2010 at 9:05 am

    Nope, still love your blog :). I think with spring break and the time change (more daylight!) plus a warmer change in weather around the colder parts of the country might have to do with it- people just getting outside and not in front of the computer as much. My blog views were really low too though.

  41. LindsayH on March 22, 2010 at 9:05 am

    I don’t think the dip in visits is related to any of those things, but since you asked how people feel…
    I don’t mind product reviews or giveaways as long as they are genuine and truly related to the theme, tone, and content of the blog. Doing reviews and giveaways “just because” a company offered to sponsor one rubs me the wrong way, and it’s so obvious when that is the case (I’m not saying you do this, Gina! Not at all). But other than that, if things are genuinely of interest to the blogger and the reviews are honest, then I think they are great. I will say that I personally am not a big OpenSky fan, but it would never stop me from visiting a blog I enjoy unless it became obnoxious. I thought it was kind of unique at first but now it seems like everyone has one and while I see an occasional good deal, I’m more likely to buy something from a place that has free shipping, or to find it locally.

  42. Kathryn on March 22, 2010 at 9:06 am

    I love your blog and dont mind the reviews or opensky (and I LOVE the giveaways!) I dont know that I’ll ever order from Opensky but it doesnt bother me at all. I also think its nice to have all your favorite products together, since some can be hard to find.

    I’m guessing readership was down because of breaks (or maybe even because the weather is getting nicer). I know I was reading blogs less in general bc I’ve been outside enjoying this weather!

  43. thirtyandhealthy on March 22, 2010 at 9:06 am

    Hey, I adore your blog and have read every post since I stumbled upon it a couple of months ago. Before that I had no idea health/food blogs existed! I don’t personally like promos and giveaways because I can’t take part, living in Britain. But that’s only cause I get jealous 😉 I still love reading the blogs, Open-sky would not put me off reading. x

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:09 am

      thank you!
      well, i’m jealous that you live in britain 😉

  44. Jenny on March 22, 2010 at 9:06 am

    Mmm salmon.

    I think it’s definitely strange to hear about your views being down, but I personally don’t think one way or the other about things like reviews or the Open Sky shop. I don’t do a lot of online shopping, so I’m not “into” the Open Sky as much as others, but I still appreciate that you are able to share products with us!

    This may have nothing to do with it, but I was on spring break last week (and I know many others were as well), therefore I was not reading blogs at all. Maybe just this time of the year is getting hectic for people?

  45. Lizz on March 22, 2010 at 9:07 am

    I like them! You always have great information. I read through Google Reader so I don’t know how that affects your page views from me. Keep the info flowin’- I love it!

  46. Sarah @ Daily Nibbles on March 22, 2010 at 9:10 am

    I think that you do it tastefully. I too enjoy reading about you and your food and fitness views, but I think the Open Sky and product reviews are infused to the blog well, meaning that they don’t dominate the blog.

  47. Lauren @ Eater not a runner on March 22, 2010 at 9:13 am

    I like product reviews for sure, especially if they are open and honest. Opensky I don’t really get, because you can get (most) of the products from amazon or another store MUCH cheaper.

  48. Therese on March 22, 2010 at 9:13 am

    I don’t mind it as long as it’s not blantantly obvious that a blog has turned into nothing but a cash grab. But your blog isn’t like that. I find that when I’m reading food/fitness blogs I end up buying a lot of products that you guys use anyways (hello coconut butter!!!) so having it available on something like OpenSky when there are people who have trouble finding it where they live is actually kind of nice. As long as it doesn’t dominate the blog and change the style of it, why not?

  49. Kirby on March 22, 2010 at 9:17 am

    No worries lady – spring break + gorgeous weather are the culprits for sure! The OpenSky promo didn’t bother me at all because you’re only selling things you use. Giveaways on blogs usually annoy me, but to me at least, OpenSky is different. I read you every day! Glad you had a great trip 🙂 And thanks for being sensitive to what your bloggies love!

  50. Stacey on March 22, 2010 at 9:17 am

    I love your positive energy, Gina, and your genuine enthusiasm for health and wellness. Keep telling us more about what works for you, whether it’s in the form of OpenSky promos, your speeches, or giveaways.

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