
Hey everyone! Happy Monday to ya ๐Ÿ˜€ Hope your morning is going well so far.

Last night, it was so glorious to have a meal at home with the pilot, even if that meant I had to cook it ๐Ÿ˜‰

We had a version of Rachael Rayโ€™s Salmon Salad with orange vinaigrette. Iโ€™d made it once (and healthified it), so I just rolled with what I remembered. You can see the original Rizzle recipe here.

The star of the show was wild caught Salmon from Whole Foods


I seasoned it up with sea salt and pepper, pan-seared it, and baked it off in the oven.

While the salmon baked away, I blanched some asparagus (which the pilot and I call โ€œasparagiโ€), made the dressing out of orange juice, zest, agave, olive oil, rice vinegar, red onion, salt and pepper and sliced up the red onion, segmented oranges and pitted kalamata olives.

Hereโ€™s the finished product:

salmon salad

Perfect salad beast feast for two ๐Ÿ˜€

salmon salad (2)

โ€˜Twas glorious.

I also put some raw okra chips in the dehydrator.. if they taste how they smell, I will post the recipe (and the vegan pasta primavera one) this afternoon.

okra chips

Before I go, thereโ€™s something I wanted to ask yaโ€™ll about.

The pilot and I were talking on the way home from J-ville (and sorry, no it wasnโ€™t about babies) and I told him that my blog views were significantly lower last week. It also happened to be the same week that I launched my OpenSky shopโ€ฆ I have no idea if the lower pages views were due to spring break, or related/unrelated to the OpenSky shop, but it got me wondering if OpenSky shops, giveaways, reviews and the like turn you guys off.

Personally, I really like themโ€ฆ for the most part and if theyโ€™re done tactfully.

I try to keep reviews on the blog minimal, unless itโ€™s something I bought with my own money and totally love, or if a company sent it to me and I would have bought it anyway. Thatโ€™s why youโ€™ll never see junky products on the bloggy that I wouldnโ€™t usually consume. The same goes for OpenSky- there will never be anything in there that I donโ€™t use myself.

I think that product reviews are a really helpful way to learn about new things, giveaways are fun, and OpenSky is super convenient (because you can find all the bloggerโ€™s favorite things in one place). I think if done well (and not overdone), they can all be amazing assets to a blog. However, I donโ€™t like to look at a blog and see it as a commercial. Content should be #1.

So Iโ€™m wondering what you think about all of this???

I love my OpenSky shop so far (and you guys rocked out the foam roller promo- thank you!), but if it means losing readers at the sake of making some extra [eggplant] bacon then itโ€™s not worth it. You guys are what makes this blog the super fun place that it is and without youโ€ฆ well, itโ€™s lame without you. I really cherish and appreciate each and every single bloggy out there.

Donโ€™t be afraid to be honest in the comment section– Iโ€™m really anxious to hear your thoughts. Please be general and keep positive energy flowingโ€”if I see any obvious personal attacks at one of my fellow bloggies, Iโ€™ll have to delete it.



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  1. Whitney @ Whitinspired on March 22, 2010 at 9:18 am

    I don’t usually like reviews because most of them are always glowing and never say anything bad about the product…it feels fake to me. But the giveaways and open sky promos don’t bother me. And reviews wouldn’t bother me enough to stop reading someone’s blog. There has to be another reason blog views were down…who knows. Maybe it was spring break?

  2. Cynthia on March 22, 2010 at 9:21 am

    Content is what you put in your blog – so whether you are reviewing products, selling products, telling us about your day, etc., that is content. I don’t understand the difference between content being #1 and reviews & selling products – it is all content.

    That said, I don’t mind the Open Sky shop as long as it doesn’t become something you mention regularly in your posts. I appreciate the reviews and I appreciate knowing what works for you and what products you are passionate enough to recommend to your readers.

    That said, to be perfectly honest, I am lowering my blog reading because so many blogs seems to say the same thing. When I think of content I want more than how someone spends their day. I want tips, advise, interesting topics that lead to discussion. I believe too many bloggers are getting lazy and posting a chronology of their day and then asking a simple question at the end to get comments. That is content that does not appeal to me. One of the reasons I like your blog is because you keep it interesting and seem to find good balance.

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:07 am

      i totally agree <3
      thank you!

  3. laurie on March 22, 2010 at 9:21 am

    i don’t like reading reviews of random products, but I LOVE open sky–so many times I am curious as to what brand/where to get a product mentioned on a blog, and it is really convenient to be ablet o go to open sky. i hope you get a lot of positive feedback for open sky so you don’t stop offering it!

  4. RhodeyGirl on March 22, 2010 at 9:27 am

    I think the page views being down is more to do with the first nice weather than anything else. Don’t be too alarmed! I like your OpenSky shop, although it can be a bit overwhelming at times to see three different promotions on 3 different blogs on the same day. Maybe that is something to mention to them at OpenSky- keep the deals and such to one blog in a specific genre on a day.

    I love your blog and appreciate all reviews and everything. I don’t think you do that many, which I do also appreciate.

  5. Heather on March 22, 2010 at 9:32 am

    I’m going to go out on a limb and say that a majority of your readers are college students, and the past few weeks and the upcoming weeks are either mditerms and/or spring break (depends on where you, I guess — us Floridians had spring break two weeks ago, while the people in the Great White North are probably still wearing coats! ha), so I was on the Internet less. I have taken A LOT of food/fitness blogs off my reader because I felt like there were too many reviews and they’ve gotten too advertise-y, but I haven’t felt that way about yours. I like the OpenSky shops and think they are great to get the same products you love, I just hate when people advertise it every second because then it feels like it’s all about the $ or something. Your posts rarely (if never) feel rushed and like you’re doing it “because you have to” so I appreciate that. I don’t like reading blogs where it feels like an obligation to post 2-3x a day because that is what their readers expect, yet they skip out on content or something (which, to me, screams that the blog is all about $ and not community/sharing their experiences/etc). Sometimes skipping a post for your sanity or because you were busy shows that you are HUMAN. And you do that, so I like it ๐Ÿ™‚ Just my dos pesos, as you would say.

    ALSO, in terms of reviews, I like that you only review things that you would buy. When you start reviewing sugar-laden snack foods that are filled with gross ingredients, then I’d probably visit less, but you stick to your ethics and I appreciate that. So personally, your reviews don’t bother me.

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:06 am

      awesome- thanks girl!

  6. Nicole on March 22, 2010 at 9:32 am

    They are okay at a minimum..but how do we know you are pushing the product because you really truly love it or because the company made you a great offer you couldn’t refuse. I love your blog and read it daily (even last week!) ..But if you started the blog as a hobby and it’s a fun supportive place for you.. Why need the financial gain from it?

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:05 am

      i don’t need the financial gain- this is just for fun! which is why i’m saying i’ll stop open sky if it turns you guys off. my readers are number one. always ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Julie on March 22, 2010 at 9:37 am

    I agree that content should always be number one. I read blogs because I like the content and the people writing it. I don’t mind a review every now and again, but when the blogger is pushing it or talking about it non stop, linking the the site, ect., it can get annoying. When the blogger is all about making money and not connecting with the reader I lose interest.

  8. christin on March 22, 2010 at 9:39 am

    I don’t like when bloggers do reviews on products companies send them. That really, really bothers me. I feel like of course they aren’t going to say anything bad! I don’t mind reviews so long as it’s clear that it’s something YOU love and weren’t asked to try from someone else. I feel like opensky is a pretty good way to review products but I honestly wouldn’t check it if you never remind me it is there.

    but giveaways=LOVE. like that gift card you did a while back. i mean, who can REALLY complain about that!???

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:04 am

      hahah very true. i don’t think i know of anyone who would kick a free gift card in the face

  9. Haleigh on March 22, 2010 at 9:44 am

    I think you have had less views because spring is finally here and people are going outside instead of staying inside on the internet! You shouldn’t worry about page views girl! Your bloggy is pretty awesome ๐Ÿ™‚ As for the giveaways, product reviews, etc.. personally, I don’t like it when bloggers review products that companies have sent them and they are over enthusiastic about the product when it obviously isn’t as great as they are making the product out to be. It’s exactly what you said in your title a “blog-mercial” On the other hand, I like the thought of open sky and product reviews of products that you (as in the blogger) loves and has bought for themselves instead of being sent from another company. And I love giveaways!! Especially ones that include delicious macaroons!! Great topic Gina! I am curious to read what every one has to say! xoxo

  10. Beth on March 22, 2010 at 9:46 am

    I love the reviews and giveaways (still waiting to win one, darnit!) and I actually bought shiva rea’s dvd because of your review. I was a little busy this weekend so didn’t get a chance to read (ran in a race and got engaged (!!)) so I hope I didn’t contribute to the shortage!

  11. ashleigh on March 22, 2010 at 9:47 am

    I like product reviews and giveaways a lot. I have tried a ton of new products because I have seen them on peoples blogs. Examples would be all natural PB, kombucha, nutritional yeast which I just bought for the first time yesterday and love, as well as different vegetables that I see people cook with. It’s really beneficial for me! Plus I love to try and win things, but I only enter a giveaway if it’s something I would actually like to try. In regards to open sky I actually got a chance to order a cheap food scale from Kath’s open sky shop and I would love to help a blogger out if it’s something I already want to purchase.

  12. Kathleen on March 22, 2010 at 9:48 am

    I think that product reviews are a really helpful too. I am more likely to try something I have heard about on the blogs, especially if it is something I have on the fence about trying. Maybe views were down because of the flu? I had it(it is one not covered by the flu shot of course) and it has been going around.The opensky shop is great too. I have ordered when it is something I want to try and can’t get it where I live.

  13. Steph at Steph's Life In Motion on March 22, 2010 at 9:48 am

    I really like your blog and your “unique” speak! ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t mind reviews as long as they are honest and not obviously sponsor-driven. OpenSky wouldn’t turn me off from your blog at all. It’s interesting to see what you use. I also really love the mini-videos…keep ’em coming! I think the traffic was down from Spring Break as others said. You’re all good sista!

  14. Showty on March 22, 2010 at 9:49 am

    My personal opinion is that I love reading your tips and advice. I like that you are real and that you have struggled with weight in the past and have overcome it. I like that you have a sweet tooth and admit it.

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:02 am

      heck yeah i have a sweet tooth. it’s a pretty wicked one, too ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. jessica on March 22, 2010 at 9:52 am

    I don’t mind product reviews at all. I think they are very helpful. Especially done by you because you purchase a lot of products with your own money. However, I think all the “extras” are getting out of control such as OpenSky, a million promotions along with it, and other endeavors (which I’m now speaking of other blogs not yours without going into too many details). The way you have been handling OpenSky is great and helpful. But I don’t think it’s helpful when posts have promotions at the end of every single post and the promotions are not even that affordable to the readers. Just my two cents!

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:02 am

      awesome- i totally know what you mean

  16. Jen F. on March 22, 2010 at 9:53 am

    G – I frequent 11 blogs daily and have moved yours to the top of my favorites – you’re the first blog I read everyday. Reviews are interesting as long as there aren’t very many on a weekly basis, I agree with Cynthia about keeping Open Sky to a minimum. Your decorating has inspired me – I used a couple ideas at my house recently (specifically your living room deco – big tree – minimum items on the wall, etc). Your healthy eating habits and exercise have also inspired me to make better choices and have taught me what and how to eat and how to keep track of these things in a notebook on my weight loss journey. I love your nicknames (bizzle, Validizzy, etc). You’re truly an inspiration and I look forward to checking out your blog everyday!!

  17. Erin Alexandria on March 22, 2010 at 9:54 am

    I like your reviews of products & have been inspired to buy things because of your reviews [medjool dates, Larabars, etc] but OpenSky bothered me a bit. It didn’t stop me from reading your blog, it just kinda turned me off your product reviews. I know you get a small % of money from the sales and that’s great, but now I don’t know if you are pimpin’ these things for the money or because you really recommend them. It’s a mixed feeling, definitely. Plus – and I hope you don’t mind me saying this, when I looked up some of the products on Amazon, etc they came up at lower prices. I know you don’t set the price, but I don’t feel like OpenSky is the best value.

    But I still love the blog!

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:00 am

      hey girl,
      loved your comment. thank you for being so honest!
      i know that price matters most when you’re online shopping and for the record, i will NEVER pimp something because i want to make money off of it. i’ll only be linking to products that i use and love

      • Erin Alexandria on March 22, 2010 at 12:39 pm

        You are such a huge inspiration to me, your blog is the 1st thing I check when I have the opportunity. ๐Ÿ™‚ Goji berries, caco nibs, Mary’s Crack, almond butter!! & Greek Yogurt are also some of the other things I’ve purchased [and loved! that are now regular staples] because of you. I would -never- drop this blog like it’s hot ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Lauren @ BIOCHEMISTA on March 22, 2010 at 9:54 am

    I really like the reviews and videos (but also like negative reviews too because not everything one tries is great, right?). For me the OpenSky shopping seems a little biased when bloggers post products because it leaves me thinking “Is this really a good product or does the blogger just looking to make money?”. I’m talking about ALL bloggers when I say this so please, please don’t be offended ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Jessica P. on March 22, 2010 at 9:56 am

    I really don’t have a problem with any of it. I of course love giveaways- who doesn’t like the chance to win free stuff!!?? I probably won’t buy the stuff from Open Sky, but that’s because I don’t do much online shopping, but I do like to look at the site and see what all the bloggers recommend and possibly buy something similar at my local health food store. It’s fun to see bloggers product reviews too- I haven’t noticed too many bloggers only posting positive reviews. The blogs that I read tend to post honest reviews, with both positive and negative comments on the products, so I don’t have a problem with them.

  20. Stepf on March 22, 2010 at 10:00 am

    I think that as with most everything else, you’re tasteful about your Open Sky promotions. There are certain other prominent bloggers (think Beantown) who seem like they’re just trying to get free stuff and make a quick buck. The products you’re promoting in your Open Sky store seem to be products you’ve already endorsed–not just stuff you got for free. ๐Ÿ™‚ We’re all loyal Gina fans here. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:25 am

      thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Vicky on March 22, 2010 at 10:03 am

    G$ – I liked the OpenSky, I may not buy the item from OpenSky, but it’s great to see all your fav’s. I have bought MANY of the things you use, (mostly from Amazon or our local health food store) because I like you and trust you. You are a honest girl, and it is obvious you love to help others. Your blog is always the first one I read every morning! Just posting this concern on your blog, shows you are not out to make $$$. Keep up the awesome work!

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:24 am

      thank you!
      yes, the money is just the icing on the cake but i’d be happy to do without it. you guys are all my top priority <3

  22. Brie (The Fit Bride) on March 22, 2010 at 10:08 am

    I think what a lot of readers don’t realize is that product reviews are usually good because, at least for me, there’s a screening process before I ever post a review. I will turn down offers to review products I KNOW I won’t like or review well–like if a company’s yogurt has HFCS in it, I will just say “no thanks” and pass on it. So, a product really has to clear that initial hurdle of “Is it worth my time/the company’s time to even bother sending it?”

    This means I only wind up getting products that pass the initial “this is something I think is good in principle” test. Then, if I get something that I thought I’d like and I wind up hating (which hasn’t happened), I’d contact the company and say honestly “Hey, I really didn’t like this product, do you want me to post my negative review or should we just forget this ever happened?” So, there’s another level of screening. When people complain “I only see positive reviews!” I just don’t think they realize everything that happens before a product makes it into a blog post!

    I actually think I’m harder on products I get for free because there’s such a heightened sense of obligation to readers. I’m pretty nitpicky, and have actually updated reviews later on to reflect problems that pop up the longer I use/wear a product.

    Anyway, that said, I like giveaways and I don’t mind OpenSky, but all things in moderation. I think there was a bit too much on the OpenSky end last week, but I’m assuming that was because it was new and it will scale back a bit from here on out.

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:23 am

      i’m much harder on products i get for free, too

  23. BethT on March 22, 2010 at 10:10 am

    Gina, I will read our blog regardless. But as a general rule, I hate the Open Sky stuff on all blogs. I know why people do it, and I’m sure it works for some, but it just seems to be a bit much – and as you said, it feels a bit infomercial-ish. You should do what works for you (as I said, I’ll read your blog anyway!) but I sometimes wish bloggers would stick to somewhat unobtrusive ads and keep their content focused on what they do best.

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:18 am

      i totally agree ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Tami on March 22, 2010 at 10:10 am

    i am not a fan of open sky, mainly ’cause one blogger out there starts a shop, then another and another and another and it’s all just the same stuff….i think it was last year, every blog seemed to be giving away a quaker bathrobe or something like that…it’s just annoying to me but its YOUR blog and you need to do what is right/works for you, i’ll still be here reading!

  25. Megan @ Healthy Hoggin' on March 22, 2010 at 10:15 am

    I’m sure the dip in views is more likely to do with Spring Break and nice weather! I love your blog because your fun personality shines through, and your meals are inspiring! I’ve been experimenting with raw foods for the past two years, so it’s nice to find people in the blog world I can relate to.

    As for reviews and giveaways, I think you do them well– incorporating them into your posts, recommending only high-quality products, and not so often that your blog has become a “blog-mercial.” I’ll admit, I have stopped reading blogs that do reviews on processed foods every other day. And as far as the OpenSky store goes, I think it’s fine as long as you don’t push it on your readers too often. I doubt I’ll be buying anything from OpenSky, since it seems more expensive than other online options, but if you run some great promo with free shipping, maybe you’ll convert me! And I’m definitely going to keep reading!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  26. MaryZ on March 22, 2010 at 10:16 am

    I really like hearing about products that work for you and use on a regular basis. I think the Open Sky is awesome because it brings all your goodies to one spot. Some items you talk about on the blog are hard to locate locally.
    I do want to say the reason I read your blog is for the fitness tips as well as the healthy recipes. I love hearing about your day and how you fit everything in including making healthy meals. As for the fitness part, I have used many of your play lists and the workouts you post (interval training posts are awesome!).
    Thanks for all the great posts!

  27. livelaughlove15 on March 22, 2010 at 10:19 am

    i was on spring break, which is why i wasn’t viewing your blog but i made sure to catch up when i got home! giveaways and stuff don’t bother me so keep ’em coming! good luck ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. Marissa on March 22, 2010 at 10:19 am

    My opinion is that I don’t like the OpenSky promo. There are so many bloggers who have an OpenSky store now and some of those bloggers haven’t even used all the products in their store. How can they recommend something they haven’t even used? I know that’s not the case with you but new readers may not realize that your OpenSky store is different and may assume that you haven’t used all the products in your store either.

    Depending on the blog, I find the product reviews mildly interesting or a complete turn-off. If the blog is always reviewing products, it’s a turn-off. If product reviews are a once in a while thing (like yours), it’s mildly interesting…I usually skim the product review but don’t read it in depth. I have yet to purchase a product I saw reviewed on a blog.

    I read blogs for ideas on new meals or sneaky ways to increase my fruit and veggie intake. The most valuable blogs to me are those where the focus is on whole foods in interesting combinations (like your breakfast cookie!). The only new products I’m interested in trying are fruits and veggies I’ve seen at the grocery store but have no idea how to prepare them or what they taste like.

    P.S. Just wanted to say that I love your blog b/c your hubby eats differently than you and my boyfriend eats differently than me…you always give me some great ideas for meals I can put in the slow cooker for him that satisfy his meat-loving needs! Thanks!

  29. AKP on March 22, 2010 at 10:20 am

    I like reviews ๐Ÿ™‚ I love seeing new products!!!
    MY FAVORITE things you blog about are the new exercise moves and programs!

  30. kim on March 22, 2010 at 10:21 am

    I like your blog and tutorials..but I’m really not a fan of opensky. IMO it makes your reviews unbelievable…especially when it’s “I like this..and now buy it from me for commission.” A LOT of blogs seem to do that and it’s really annoying. I can’t trust what you are saying 100% in the review.

    The other thing is that I feel with all the bloggers existing, past, and still to come – some blogs are getting repetitive. I’ve drastically cut back on the blogs I read because they seemed to all be the same. I’ve also started looking for people who I identify with more. I still follow this blog, but that’s because your voice has remained unique. But some others I just can’t stand seems like the same thing every day.

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:26 am

      i totally agree– no one wants to read the same thing day after day

  31. Bethany on March 22, 2010 at 10:25 am

    I like the reviews and promos, and I don’t think they’re something that need to be changed. Someone mentioned that the majority of your readers might be college students, and there might be something to that: I’ve had finals this past week AND my computer broke, so I haven’t been able to check blogs that I love as often as I’d like :(.

  32. kristina on March 22, 2010 at 10:25 am

    gina ~ i personally enjoy seeing how bloggers spend their day mostly w. the food that they eat alongside w. photos galore! i love photos and i also like it when they get a little more on the ‘personal’ side. i understand that some may not want to disclose much about themselves i.e. photos, etc., but i personally find it more interesting and personable when they do. and although i don’t normally care for product reviews, i like how you do them! i wouldn’t be alarmed by the low count, just wait it out for a bit and i’m sure you’ll see the numbers up again soon ๐Ÿ˜‰

  33. Susan on March 22, 2010 at 10:28 am

    Honestly, I skim through a lot of reviews because I can’t buy a lot of the fancy food products where I live in Canada, or I’d never throw down the cash to buy it anyways. It’s just like a tease to read about how awesome something is that I’ll never be able to try! I do get really excited about new products though, and I’ve been exposed to a lot of great ones through blogs.

    I also have a no-buying-things-online rule, so OpenSky is kind of useless to me. Especially when I can get it a lot cheaper somewhere else.

    Oh, and my favourite giveaways are those that bloggers put together themselves, like care packages. It means the blogger has put time, thought, and their own money into it, which says a lot more about how they care about their readers ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. Emily on March 22, 2010 at 10:29 am

    I think a large part might be that Spring is here and I for one spend less time indoors and on my laptop. Over the last few weeks I’ve really cut down on the healthy food blogs I read that are similar in format to yours (I actually cut out most, and kept just three). I actually like it when you review things – like your toiletries – because I could tell you liked them because you were very clearly using them! I do tend to ignore giveaways, opensky or reviews of freebies given to bloggers as being an international reader, there’s not much point in them for me and also it gets kinda old reading reviews of products so many bloggers are given all at the same time. I appreciate that you haven’t done that ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. Kailey (SnackFace) on March 22, 2010 at 10:31 am

    Gina! You know I’ve got mad love for you and your blog, so I’ll be honest. I didn’t read much last week because it was finals week, and my mind was all over the place! I really think it’s a safe assumption that a ton of other people were in my situation.

    Whoah, I’m so glad you asked this question because after reading the comments, I’m thinking SnackFace needs a major kick in the rump. It gets so hard to stay fresh and innovative when you have a million other things going on (that, specifically, affect my grades/graduation, etc.), but I totally see how it seems like the same sh!t, different blog. (That last bit is speaking generally.)

    I think giveaways are fun, but I don’t really enter them. There’s someone else who needs it more than I do. As for Open Sky, I don’t buy things online, so it’s not particularly useful to me. But that’s just me!

    Anyway, thanks again for bringing up this hot topic! Love!

  36. Paige on March 22, 2010 at 10:34 am

    I think reviews and giveaways are fine as long as they are kept at a minimum and they are really honest. Like other people have said, it is really obvious when bloggers are promoting a product/giving it away just because they company contacted them — something I’m not a fan of. I really hate when like 10 different blogs are reviewing the same product within days of eachother. Snore! If I see a blog post is 100% product review, I usually won’t bother reading it. I’m also not in love with OpenSky…but I really think it depends on HOW you use it. Like the reviews and giveaways, if you do it infrequently and honestly, I don’t mind it as much. I understand that it can be a beneficial tool, but some blogs seem to be saturating their posts with OpenSky promos.

    That’s my two cents!

  37. ashley on March 22, 2010 at 10:34 am

    hi gina– i don’t know if you’re going to get a consensus on any of this besides that everyone loves your blog! i really dislike opensky and reviews of products that were sent by companies. i do, however, really enjoy reviews of products that you purchased with your own money. it seems more genuine and more like how food blogs USED to be. i understand the motivation for accepting and promoting goods from companies, but it just doesn’t feel authentic to me; i think the info-mercial is a good comparison. i want to read about people’s everyday lives, where they go grocery shopping and budget their spending, not relying on expensive freebies from companies (not referring to you here), and that is why product reviews throw me off.

  38. Heather on March 22, 2010 at 10:37 am

    I LOVE your blog. I subscribe to several different blogs (food, pageants, and various others) and yours is the only one that I read everyday. For me, it is SO inspiring to see that you go out for dinner with the Pilot and can still make healthy decisions about what to eat; but also that you have a sweet tooth and deal with that. When I first started changing my eating habits, I cut out everything that was sweet or could potentially derail my goals. After starting to read your blog, my view on that changed. It’s a good thing! As for the reviews and OpenSky, I like them. It’s a way for me to see what you use so I can try them. Although, I’ve been using some of the products since before I started reading (Juice and Pureology! LOVE) and it’s great to see that someone like you uses them. In a strange way, it makes me feel healthier, haha!! And last, (completely not relevant, but it was inspired by you) after you mentioned that you use Rent the Runway I ran over there and signed up. LOVE IT! So basically, just keep doing what you do. You need to make the blog what YOU want it.

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:53 am

      thank you, heather!
      and i LOVE rtr.. what an amazing invention ๐Ÿ™‚

  39. lizzy on March 22, 2010 at 10:38 am

    Gorgeous Girlie you are amazing! KEEP on rocking the open sky…so many people read blogs and aren’t sure where to find the goods that bloggers recommend…I think the open sky is an easy and convenient way to provide a means to get some great “blogger picked” goodies! I hope you are having a great monday! xoxo!!

  40. Shayna @ Cuts and Curves on March 22, 2010 at 10:38 am

    I don’t mind reviews. I like that when I go grocery shopping, I know at least one person’s opinion on items I’m going to buy.

    I love giveaways. Who doesn’t?! It gives you a chance to WIN something. Love it.

    Open Sky… I could really care less about. I’m the kind of gal who would never buy something off there, because I hate paying for shipping, and I know I can get the items cheaper else where.

    I love your blog. It’s my favorite. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:52 am

      thank you shayna <3

  41. Rebecca Kenefic on March 22, 2010 at 10:40 am

    my family and I love you and love to read everything about what you post, promos or not ๐Ÿ˜‰ i think a lot was spring break(last week was my first week BACK from spring break) and especially those student/teachers are just SWAMPED…so last week i ended up reading every other day..INSTEAD of checking immediately after you tweet(which i love btw)

    and i love that you put us first ๐Ÿ˜‰ you and mamma-pea are an escape for me(from work, school and my bf and son) so whatever you put up i will read!

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:51 am

      that is so cool- thank you!
      and i love mama pea as well <3

  42. ariel on March 22, 2010 at 10:41 am

    I’m delurking to say that I read your blog everyday and I’m not a fan of Opensky-centred blog posts. I wouldn’t stop reading your blog though!

  43. Aubrey on March 22, 2010 at 10:43 am

    I was on spring break also, so I wasn’t able to check your blog for almost 10 days! I def caught up when I got home though. Love your blog and your open sky shop!

  44. Katie on March 22, 2010 at 10:44 am

    I am so glad you asked this! I have been getting a little disenchanted lately with how commercial the blogs I read have seem. It seems like all of the bigger, more popular blogs all have an OpenSky shop, or are having raffles to get people to donate money towards a race they’re running/biking…..I understand the need to be compensated for the time that’s put into a blog (I know it takes A LOT!) but I’m kinda starting to feel bombarded with “buy this, buy that” on every blog. That being said, I’m still a reader! ๐Ÿ™‚

  45. Danielle (Coffee Run) on March 22, 2010 at 10:44 am

    I’m not really a fan of open sky or too many product reviews. I think reviewing a product you really like every once in a while is fine…but I personally find myself skimming past them. I love your blog! ๐Ÿ˜€

  46. Kelly on March 22, 2010 at 10:46 am

    If I had to figure out why your readership was lower, I’d venture a guess that it’s because the weather is frickin’ GORGEOUS for the first time in MONTHS up north (I’m in Pennsylvania) and we’re all outside enjoying it after our blizzard-upon-blizzard winter. LOL

    I enjoy the giveaways and open sky shops — I think they’re awesome!

  47. Beth on March 22, 2010 at 10:46 am

    My first thought wasn’t even that you were getting paid to do this (it just didn’t really cross my mind). I know people are constantly asking you what brand of things you buy/what you recommend so instead of having a ton of links this is one link everyone can go to and see what you use and what you say about. I think it’s great!

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:50 am

      thank you- i think it’s a pretty cool way to have everything in one place

  48. Heather @ get healthy with Heather on March 22, 2010 at 10:48 am

    I love giveaways… I mean who doesn’t like winning free stuff? I’m a fan of reviews too. It’s fun to read about new products I might like but may have not tried or heard of. The low stats could have just been a fluke too.

  49. Andrea (Off Her Cork) on March 22, 2010 at 10:49 am

    I don’t consider reviews, OpenSky, or giveaways as blog-mericals. Blog-mericals to me are those fake posts that seem like an infomerical, like, “Hey here’s what we’re having for dinner and oh by the way it wouldn’t have been possible without these great papertowels by Earth Killer!”. You know what I mean? Those are fake and clearly sponsored space.

    • Fitnessista on March 22, 2010 at 10:50 am

      LOL. earth killer. haha

  50. KellyB on March 22, 2010 at 10:51 am

    What you are doing is perfect. It was probably Spring Break!

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