More From the Blog:

All things that are pumpkin

We’re all about pumpkin parties at our house. On Monday, we had the cutest little group of babies over to pumpkin paint, and last night, we actually carved some. The night was appropriately filled with all things that are pumpkin: Nana brought over pumpkin loaf and pie, and we also enjoyedย pumpkin chili, pumpkin beer and…

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Gina: Navy finds

Besides department stores, which will always be staples that I love, I’ll go through store phases. I think it’s just that I like knowing I can go into a certain store, find something I like, and then leave. First it was Express (gotta love those mailer coupons) then Banana and J Crewย  currently LOFT and…

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New shoes + Friday Faves

Is it just me, or did this week fly by?? Not that I have a prob with it.. love the weekend so much. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that we were super busy. We had something going on every day, also have a lot of fun stuff to…

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Vegan stuffed pattypan squash

There are a lot of things I love about my husband. He takes such great care of Liv and myself (just when I thought I couldn’t be crazier about him, he became a daddy), works extremely hard, looks verrrrryyyy nice in a flight suit… and so many other things that I could go on and…

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Meg: A Guide to Boots

I truly donโ€™t remember what I wore on my feet during the winter months before I owned boots.ย ย They have been a solid staple in my closet for the past 5 years or so and I canโ€™t imagine bearing the cold weather without them. Last year Tucson dipped into the low 20 degree range (which is…

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What I’ve learned in 4 years

The other night, I was signing into my WordPress account and said to the Pilot: “I’ve written almost 3,000 posts.” 4 years. It’s like I’ve gone through undergrad all over again writing this little blog, and on the many pages, you’ll find stories about things that have happened in the past four years. Deployments, moving,…

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The weekly bounty

It finally happened.ย  I woke up early and got in a workout while everyone was still sleeping. For all of my new friends out there (hi!!), this is a huge accomplishment because: I hate the morning. I’ll embrace sweet, glorious slumber until the last possible second (which is usually when the tiny opera star lets…

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DIY play: Lava bottles

I’m not sure about you, but I can’t remember very many toys from when I was young. Of course, there are the really special ones that come to mind (like the talking Julie doll I wanted so badly when I was about 3 and Santa brought it), my Ninja Turtles (I loved those things) and…

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Ways to be more active

Late-night trip to the Joe’s: I needed some things for the Pilot’s lunches, a bottle of wine for the wives’ coffee tonight, and most importantly, some of these: I had to eat eggs with a fork instead of pinched up into a tortilla yesterday and the day just wasn’t the same: Impulse buys were kept…

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Amazeballs flavor variations

I’m pretty sure there’s nothing in the world that’s more adorable than a table full of babies in their diapers painting pumpkins. Before Liv was born, I used to have groups of friends over all the time, at least once a week. I love cooking for others and entertaining, but since Liv has been here,…

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Meg: Spooky Manicure

I want to begin this post by saying that this manicure was a partial fail on my part. It still looks totally cute and Iโ€™ve been getting boat loads of compliments, it just wasnโ€™t as successful as I had hoped. Hereโ€™s why: ย 1) I bought 99 cent polish and…you get what you pay for. 2)…

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