More From the Blog:

10/14: Meals and Fitness for the week

As this post goes up, I should be running 8 miles with my friend Rhina. We’re taking a new route, and I’m excited for a change of scenery while enjoying great conversation-running buddies make all the difference in the world. Thankfully, quite a few friends are runners and they’re all patient with slower runners like…

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The sweet spot

We’ve spent almost all of our Friday outside- it’s the “sweet spot” in Tucson when the scorching heat takes a vacay and pleasant breeze takes over. It’s short-lived before it becomes freeeeeezing (which in AZ is about 30-40*- I’m a wuss and I know it), so I love to take advantage of this time as…

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Friday Faves and Beasts

My favorite beast and I had a movie date last night. We watched “Crazy, Stupid, Love” and I’m not really sure the Pilot liked the “Hey girlโ€ฆ” lines we were quoting while enjoying a shirtless Ryan Gossling. Bella’s: “Hey girl, wanna play fetch?”ย  The movie was pretty good. I was in the mood for something…

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Farm to table

Hi friends- hope you’re all having a wonderful week so far. Thank you so much for your awesome feedback on the candy corn popcorn! It’s evilly delicious. Now, let’s just take things *a little* towards the opposite end of the spectrum; like this box of organic produce I ordered from Sunizona Farms. While the Pilot…

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Meg: Cap toe flats

ย A trend I do not see disappearing any time soon are cap toe flats, a very chic take on a ballet flat. They definitely add that little pop of fancy you might want for a date night or an important interview. I havenโ€™t found any for a decent price, so I went ahead and transformed…

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Candy Corn Popcorn

As soon as I mentioned doing a candy corn popcorn recipe for the blog, the Pilot was hooked. “Heyโ€ฆ soโ€ฆ um, when do you think you’ll be making that recipe?” “Which one?” “That one you mentioned the other dayโ€ฆ it sounds really good.” I think he was hoping I’d make it while he was home…

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9 Months On, 9 Months Off

Back before I was ready for kids of my own, I used to get agitated when I would hear that phrase. “You should give your body at least 9 months or a year to return to pre-baby size.”  I’d think Why? Have you seen Jessica Alba? She was rocking a bikini way sooner than 9…

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Hail HIIT, the Cardio King

One of the lectures I was most excited about attending at Fit Fest was the HIIT vs. Continuous Cardio lecture. I’m a HUGE fan of HIIT and even more now- I don’t have time to stroll along on the elliptical while tweeting and reading Us Weekly (and don’t really miss it). Workouts for me are…

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9 months

Be forewarned.. every family post from now on will probably mention that fact that time goes by way.too.quickly. Is there a ninja chopping onions in here again? Here are 9 things about 9 months with my favorite little lovebug: 1) For past monthly photos, it was kind of funny trying to get her to stay…

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Finding Your Zen

On Saturday, after a long day of classes and lectures, I was craving a yoga class. I was in the neighborhood, I got out of my last session early, an decided to go for it.ย  (Sadly, Ryan missed class that day) It had been a few weeks, and every time I take a chance to…

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Pumpkin Amazeballs

These pumpkin protein balls are the perfect seasonal healthy snack! They pack a punch of protein and healthy fat in delicious dessert-like bites. It was a low-key, laid back day- everything a holiday should be. Got the Bob tire fixed (!) took it for a spin at the dog park lunch at Chippodle (my fave…

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The Pilot is off work today for the holiday and we were so excited to start the morning off with a family run at Sabino. But alas, the Bob has its first flat tire. Sad trombone. Instead, the Pilot offered to stay home with Liv while I went out for a little Sabino run. It…

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