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Focus On: South Beach
It SNOWED in Tucson yesterday! My snowman dreams were crushed when it didn’t stick, but still very exciting. Tucsonans don’t know how to drive in the rain, let alone snow, so we played it safe and had a low key day over here. My only excursion: A ride on the spin bike 🙂 Dinner was…
Read More →Sleep Feat
We had a major sleep victory over here two nights ago: Livi slept through the night! I thought my eyes were messing with me when I heard her start to cry to let us know she was awake, because SUNLIGHT was peeking through the blinds. Sun! Morning! I picked her up out of her bassinet,…
Read More →Rain on the workout parade
Rain on the windows, snow on the mountains a lovely, dreary Tucson day. It decided to jump down 30 degrees for a little wintery chill.. as long as it doesn’t stick around, I don’t mind 😉 Plus, we could use the rain… especially my cilantro that I haven’t watered in at least 4 months. It…
Read More →Not just a dog
Well, well, look at the little friends 🙂 You’ll be the smallest one in the house again pretty soon here, Bell 😉 I thought I’d write a little update about Bella and Livi, since a few of ya have asked if it’s still going well. (The first update, a couple of weeks after we brought…
Read More →Luck of the Mexican
It was a glorious St. Patrick’s Day and Saturday over here- hope yours was as well! <3 The morning started off on 4th Ave, which I haven’t ventured over to in quite a while. Little bars and a couple of clubs, lots of cute vintage shops, a health food store, restaurants, and coffee shops. It’s…
Read More →Pinch me
I own exactly one green shirt, and I wore it today… not about to re-wear it tomorrow after what it’s been through this afternoon 😉 Green isn’t a color I regularly purchase, and I feel like a St. Patty’s Day scrooge since it’s one of my all-time favorite holidays. Give this girl a piece of…
Read More →3/16: Thoughts from the week
-We had some fun setting up the video monitor last night. After making faces at each other over the little camera, I was upstairs brushing my teeth and I get a text from Tom saying “I’m watching you” I walked back in the bedroom to see the camera following me around the room! Creeptastic. -I…
Read More →Coffee surprise
Hey guys! I LOVED this morning’s discussion about the Paleo diet. I had a feeling it might be controversial because it seems to be a love it or hate it kinda thing, but way to be respectful of each other while voicing your opinions. You’re a classy bunch, so I wouldn’t expect anything less 😉…
Read More →Focus On: The Paleolithic Diet
Let’s get all caveman up in here…. Source and talk a little bit about the Paleo style of eating. It’s gained a lot of popularity over the last few years and is huge among Crossfit devotees. When I first heard about it while we were living in Valdosta, GA, I diverted my attention as soon…
Read More →2 months
Thank you so much to those of you who entered the Baby K’Tan giveaway! I was cracking up reading your funny stories… they were hilarious. Here’s the winner: It totally reminded me of the scene from Four Christmases (I love that movie, can ya tell?) where the mom says “when he hurts inside and can’t…
Read More →Fast food
Night weeks, I’m not a fan. Source I’ve never loved night weeks because I miss having the Pilot around- it just feels lonely over here. Liv and I have had fun hanging out at the house together or meeting up with friends, but we haven’t seen much of the man of the house for the…
Read More →DIY: Wire headbands
I’m really excited to bring you guys a very special guest post from one of my good friends and future sister-in-law: Meg! Meg is quite the little fashionista –she’s an amazing shopping buddy- and writes over at With a Sentimental Heart. She and my bro recently started a blog to chronicle their wedding adventures, too:…
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