More From the Blog:

12/30: Thoughts from the week

-I found it hilariously appropriate that this poster was hanging in the exam room for todayโ€™s midwife appointment. -My cervix is not a trampoline, but I have a little friend who seems to think otherwise. Iโ€™ll be walking along happily and KA-POW! Itโ€™s a feeling unlike any other- shocking, really. -I can fall asleep anywhere…

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Quite a year

I canโ€™t believe 2011 went by so fast. As much as I loved it, Iโ€™m definitely excited for what 2012 will bringโ€ฆ Hereโ€™s a list of some of my favorite 2011 moments: Fun stuff -The usual dinner parties, a housewarming party, Christmas brunch at our house –Date nights -Random adventures -Lots of Sabino Canyon hikes…

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Oh hey, BPA

Hi from the Pilotโ€™s office ๐Ÿ™‚ He had some paperwork to do tonight, so I walked around the gym track with the Kindle for a while and am hanging out until heโ€™s done working. Today was a pretty good day- far more productive than yesterday!- filled with errands and many of the things that have…

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First date with a chiropractor

Yesterday was my first time seeing a chiropractor, since Iโ€™ve never had a need or desire to before, and for all of the reasons I discussed in this post. I was a little nervous about it, but was glad Tom could go with meโ€ฆ he always makes me feel a little braver. This chiropractor was…

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Finding a gym buddy

Our Pilot-grilled dinner was a success, as usual. Heโ€™s kind of a ninja like that.   He enjoyed a steak with bleu cheese, and my โ€œmeatโ€ was a portobello mushroom, topped with mixed greens, balsamic vinaigrette, and lots of goat cheese. We shared a Super Spinach salad from TJs and perfectly grilled asparagus with sea…

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All and nothing

Today was one of those days where I felt busy all day, but donโ€™t feel like I accomplished that much. Hereโ€™s to more productivity tomorrow. I did get in a workout (Zuuuuuumba) and went to hang out with my work friends for a little while. Iโ€™m on call this week, so since I didnโ€™t need…

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Getting the party started

I took a Zumba class at work today. It still feels really good to move around โ€“and makes me forget that baby and I are spine-to-spine– and I can take it easy, since I was just taking class instead of teaching. It was a great class, and the best part was when my boss walked…

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Favorite Workouts of 2011

Getting over the hump! Is it just me, or does this week seem extra strange with two weekend holidays in a row? Itโ€™s definitely taken me a couple of days to get into the swing of things. Switching up the usual eggs and toast with some almond butter and jelly waffles + half-caf coffee with…

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Trying something new

Efforts to help the baby flip from posterior position to LOA (facing my right side, how she was until a week ago) have gone from pretty simple: (using my stability ball as a chair and to bounce and rotate my hips whenever possible) to a little crazy: I spent 10 minutes the other night with…

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What is Tabata Training?

I’ve received quite a few questions about Tabata training, so I created this post to answer them all in one place. It’s one of my favorite formats to teach because Tabata is such a quick and effective form of exercise. Scroll down to find out: What is Tabata? Get all your questions answered! A Grilled…

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Mental health day

I think itโ€™s pretty apparent from reading the blog that the Pilot works a lot, and works extremely hard. Even when heโ€™s home on the weekends, heโ€™s been working on house stuff (lots of master bedroom, office and nursery furniture assembly lately) since we moved in. He had a couple of extra days off work…

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10 days before my due date

my pregnancy gave to meโ€ฆ 10 pairs of lululemon pants that are suddenly all too snug 9 days of wondering 8 days of walking 7 fierce contractions 6 warm baths to take 5 unexplained cravings (anchovies!) 4 hospital outfits 3 cups of daily tea 2 acupuncture appointments and 1 precious sunny-side up babbbyyyyyyyy.

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