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Inspiration time

To cap off an incredible weekend of festivities, –Christmas Eve dinner at my dadoo’s house –Christmas brunch at our house we all took naps and relaxed yesterday afternoon –I watched Christmas Story twice. Once with my eyes open, and once with them closed- and then went over to my mom’s house for Christmas dinner and…

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“May your days be merry and bright”

No matter where you are, or what you’re up to today I hope it’s a day filled with health, happiness and the gift of spending it with those you love <3   Merry Christmas! Love, Gina, The Pilot, Baby and Bella

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Holly Jolly

Quite a beautiful and festive evening over here <3 After Zumba, I came home to make the cinnamon roll dough (which I just discovered was exploding out of the mixing bowl- a few TurboFire punches took care of that) and we got ready to head to my dadoo’s house for Christmas Eve dinner. Prom picture:…

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Moving and shaking

Happy Saturday, and a very Merry Christmas Eve to those of you who are celebrating <3 (My very favorite Christmas ornament from the “meeting place” ) Lots of moving and shaking over here… after breakfast, we finally finished putting together the master bedroom (So much better than it was, and Bella gave it the seal…

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If you wait until the last minute….

it only takes a minute. We did SO much today! We were all over Tucson, running from doc appointments, elf errands, BX, grocery store, PetSmart… and I only took a few pics throughout the day :/ My lunch from Renee’s Organic Oven:   Tonight’s dinner: (rotisserie chicken, Alexia fries and salad with beets, arugula, goat…

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Like an egg

Today we had our last –wishful thinking, haha- midwife appointment. It went really well as usual, and the midwife talked with us about some concerns. We were asking about skipping the eye gel, which she ok’ed as she skipped it with both of her children, and her thoughts on the vitamin K shot, which we’ll…

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Sugar buzz

I’m still sugar-buzzed from last night.   (GF ones in the middle, regular on the sides) Of course, the ones we messed up were dubbed “eaters” 😉 Everyone came over here to decorate the sugar cookies that mom, nana and I made the other night. Before our friends came over, I rolled out the dough…

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She’s a little belly dancer

By far, one of the most amazing things about blogging through this time in our life has been the support, knowledge and tips we’ve received along the way. I’m so fortunate to have many blog world resources whom I can learn from and soak in as much information as possible. I was really excited to…

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A year ago

One of the things I always find myself doing over the holidays is thinking about where I was the year before, because it’s always different. 4 years ago, it was our first Christmas in Valdosta, where I ended up meeting some of my closest friends. It was my first year of squadron holiday parties, decorating…

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Cookie Party

Nothing makes a house smell strangely amazing like the aroma of macaroons dehydrating and a pot of fresh refried beans on the stove. (I’ll probably do a bean tutorial sometime soon- they’re super easy, and sooooo good) It was an afternoon of dancing over here: I took a Zumba class at work, and a couple…

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What’s in the bag

With the exception of a few things and Tom’s clothes –he just has to pick out what he wants to take (comfy clothes, a swimsuit for the bath if he feels like joining me, man stuff)- the suitcase is pretty much packed and ready to go. Here’s what we’ll be taking along with us on…

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