More From the Blog:

Winter Fitness Wear

A lovely morning for chocolate (it’s hard to decide between dark chocolate with sea salt or almonds. This bar has both, which solves the dilemma. I always like a piece in the morning while breakfast cooks to wake me up) eggs and toast and a superfun Zumba class. I’m excited to get to take classes…

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Red and green quinoa lentil salad

Along with having the fam here, one of the best things about being back in Tucson is being able to see our amazing friends, many of whom we’ve known forever. (the scenery is a bonus, too) My friend Marisa and I have been dancing together since way back in the day. I asked her if…

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38 weeks

And feeling nesty/anxious/ready/tired/sick/stoked. 17 weeks                                                               24 weeks 36 weeks                                                                           38 weeks After a night of regular which turned into sporadic contractions, I thought it might be go time… but turned out to be a fluke. I was so excited to call Tom –who was working/flying all night last night- and tell him that I was…

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Workout quickie: Stability Ball Blitz

Maybe I should have just braved the eye claw. I’ve worn contacts since 4th grade, and really haven’t had any probs with them until now. They discontinued the style I’ve worn for years, so I’ve been trying to find another brand/style that will work. The eye doc gave me a pair that’s fantastic, but you…

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What’s going down

I feel like every post from now on could start like the following… “Still waiting! So ready and so excited. Any day now!” That would get old pretty quickly. So instead.. let me tell you about a dream I had the other night. (38 weeks! Belly has definitely dropped a little lower.. drop it low,…

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12 days

“Raindrops on orange/lime/grapefruit trees and whiskers on Bella….”   Morning friends <3 How’s your Monday going so far? I started my day off with some spiced oats: -1/2 C oats (Bob’s Red Mill) -1 scoop Sun warrior -molasses, ginger, cinnamon, vanilla -almond milk -blob of almond butter We got quite a bit done around the…

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Apple Pie Oats

Happy Sunday! What a nice and lazy morning <3 When we wake up, Bella jumps onto the bed and covers us in puppy kisses. She’s usually very stingy with her love, except for in the morning. Whenever we sleep late (like today) she makes sure to jump up there and smack us to take her…

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Slow cooker applesauce

Every morning when I wake up, and every night before bed, I burn a few candles. It’s a calming thing, and I think it makes the house smell so lovely. (Fresh Balsam from Bath and Body Works is my holiday candle obsession… I have 4 of the large ones dispersed around the house, as well…

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Hail, (salmon) Ceasar

It was one of those days when I wanted to work out, but the thought of getting to the gym was the only thing holding me back. You know, like getting dressed in normal-people clothes and driving there in the cold. I also hate the thought of leaving right when the Pilot gets home for…

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It finally came up

Changes have been greater than constants since I started the blog, which can be expected since life is a cyclical thing and I’ve been blogging for 3 1/2 years. We’re also a military family which definitely comes with an abundance of surprises. That’s why I wasn’t too surprised when this finally came up last night:…

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It was a day

To switch up my usual long walk with a DJ dance cardio class (something about Pitbull and booty-shaking makes a day so much better) to test out out my new infinity scarf (finally, a scarf I can’t mess up! I look like a goofer in regular ones) to fight the masses at Costco (don’t let…

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