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10 ways to make it a knock-out November

[Thank you, Jenn B for the title help!] August was awesome, September was stellar, October was outstanding, and now weโ€™re onto November, which is one of my favorite months. I <3 November. Not only because itโ€™s the beginning of the holiday season and my birthday month (which has become less of a big deal over…

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Staying on Track {Giveaway}

*******This giveaway has already ended. Stay tuned for more! Hey everyone! How was your day? I was blown away by all of your awesome comments and sweet compliments on the Zumba videos. Even though itโ€™s a little more challenging than it usually is, I still love teaching much. Dancing makes me happy and is…

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Quality Care

Even though theyโ€™re happening more often (every 2 weeks, and soon will be every week), I still look forward to my midwife appointments. When I get there, I usually have to wait a little while โ€“they play Spanish movies on the waiting room TV, yesterday it was Lilo and Stitch- and by the time Iโ€™ve…

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{Video post} Not a costume

Halloween ended up being a fun whirlwind over here: Teaching Zumba doc appt back to the casa to leave out candy for trick-or-treaters dinner with madre and nana   [Twist my arm, eh?] followed by some shoppingโ€ฆ A lovely day indeed ๐Ÿ™‚ Remember last week when I said night weeks are over? Apparently it was…

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Bright and Shiny White

I used to love me some Crest Whitestrips. Source As soon as they became really popular (I think it was late high school?), I jumped on the bandwagon. This was before I really paid attention to the ingredients in anything I was using, especially beauty products, and also started my hardcore coffee addiction. Iโ€™ve mentioned…

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Chili Lime Pumpkin Seeds

Last night was pumpkin carving at our house, fabulous company and quite possibly the most random and festive snacks. Grilled corn on the cob, from the farmerโ€™s market and prepared by the Grillmaster himself hot apple cider (also from the farmerโ€™s market, spiced up with cinnamon and nutmeg) and pie. Told you it was random…

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Nature’s candy

Such a glorious fall day <3 The weather for the farmerโ€™s market was perfection so the Pilot, Bell and I walked around to check out all of the goods- itโ€™s been a while since we hit up our favorite Sunday farmerโ€™s market. They had the usual fare: salsas, preserves, tea, ethnic foods, local honey, organic…

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Kids and Candy

Iโ€™ve always been a big fan of Halloween candy. When I was younger, my friends and I would go to the โ€œgoodโ€ neighborhood, where many houses gave out full-sized candy bars. One guy even gave out dollar bills (?) instead of candy, and a dentist gave out toothbrushes. I secretly liked the toothbrushes, too, but…

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Sunday morning

Lovely view Tempeh bacon Brunch for two <3 Since the only remedy for a lazy Saturday night is sleeping in (?), we slowly got up, were covered in morning kisses from Bella, and I made some bfast. Tempeh bacon <โ€”if served on one plate, it isnโ€™t as obvious that Iโ€™m the only one eating it…

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That kind of night

We found our Halloween costumes! The Pilot is a video game nerd and I am a sleepy blogger. Iโ€™m saving Bellaโ€™s costume until absolutely necessary โ€“to take blog pictures on Monday- because sheโ€™ll hate me the entire time itโ€™s onโ€ฆ She will not tolerate antennae for longer than 5 minutes. I think we both knew…

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Notes from the week

-Maternity shirts are worth it. Not that mine were a splurge or anything like that ($14.99 from that fancy French store, pronounced โ€œTar Jayโ€), but itโ€™s amazing how good it is to wear clothes that fit, instead of wearing a longer tank top underneath or constantly pulling down my shirt. When I first wore the…

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I cheated on my high school last night. My bro, the Pilot and I met up with the fam (cousins, aunts, uncles, parents, nana) to watch my little broโ€™s football game. He plays varsity (and is only a freshman- impressive stuff!), for my alma materโ€™s rival school. So there were Kyle and I, sporting the…

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