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Preg Fashion 2

I find it hilarious that I’m writing about preg fashion while wearing sweatpants and an old T-shirt… they’re also the same sweatpants I put on when I got home from work last night. What can I say? I like them. That’s why I’m writing this post- I need help! In the first trimester, I made…

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Lasagna Pizza

It’s a slow morning over here!   [Bella was mad for the lack of recent blog face time, so I had to remedy that. Sorry, Bell] The Pilot and I were feeling adventurous and decided to pry ourselves off the couch from watching X Factor and go out and do something last night. Cocktails and…

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Pumpkin Cheesecake for 1

It was a “dessert first” kind of night. It was a long and awesome day of teaching, capped off by team-taught Zumba class and a tubing class, and all I wanted when I got home was some sweatpants.. and pumpkin cheesecake. I’ve been scheming of this recipe for a couple of days, because I wanted…

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More awkward pregnancy moments

It’s been a little while since I’ve done one of these posts (here are the first and second), and a lovely reader let me know that it was about time for another one. I can’t believe I didn’t think of it (oh yeah, because my brain is gone), but as things continue to grow over…

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Reader’s Request: Techie Training Buddy

It’s almost the weekend… and another day closer to being in San Diego, breathing in the ocean smells. I can’t wait 🙂 Lots of breakfast and random foods have been happening over here this week, because a favorite guy of mine had a flight upgrade. So this means open-faced sandwiches [Black rice bread, heated organic…

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32 weeks

and feeling a little anxious. 12 weeks:                                                                17 weeks:   30 weeks:                                                        32 weeks:   It’s really fun to be able to look back at past pictures. The little baby and the belly have grown so much, and the belly has also changed shape. This week’s pic looks a little rounder and less pointy than…

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Sneaky protein sources

Good morning <3 Happy humpday- hope it’s an amazing day for you. I loved reading your pet peeves and tips for gym etiquette- keep ‘em coming! Since it’s still pretty chilly over here –we turned the heater on last night- all I wanted was something hot and toasty for breakfast. Bowl of oats and hot…

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Gym Class Etiquette

We’ve probably all been there: trying not to give the stink eye to the two people chatting in spin class holding our breath as the guy who wore an entire bottle of cologne to the gym is next to us on the treadmill Source a little shocked when someone stops in between sets during weight-lifting…

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Nursery DIY: Name letters

Since we want the nursery to be done by the end of next week, that was the final push to finish the hanging nursery letters with the baby’s name. These letters have been the bane of my existence. You see, I’m not a crafty person. But, when I found out that ordering the hanging letters…

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BB and Oats

Morning! How are ya? Hope your day has been lovely so far <3 While I was yoga-ing my little heart out last night, the Pilot was doing some of this: watching the Wilcats dominate last night’s bball game. Tickets are pretty impossible to get, and a friend from work couldn’t go, so he took my…

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Dust off the mat

I did it. Something about hearing your stories about getting back in the swing of things lit a yoga fire under my booty, and I actually went to a class tonight. I had my yoga mat propped up by the garage door all day as a visual reminder (and it “Om”-ed at me every time…

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Nesting Mode

Nesting mode has kicked into full gear over here. I’ll be 32 weeks this week, so technically there’s about 8 weeks left, but since we have our San Diego trip, Thanksgiving and Christmas sandwiched in there, the more we can do now, the better. I still have this feeling that she’ll be here before 40…

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