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Happy Mother’s Day
To my madre, who always puts her children before herself and has taught me so much about life and love. To my nana, who radiates with love… she’s the glue that holds our family together. To my nana and stepmom, for setting an example of how to be an amazing wife and mother, and for…
Read More →Not a drag at all
Hiiii 😀 What’s crack-a-lackin? Hope your Saturday is treating you well <3 Quite a bit has gone down in the last 24 hours… More on that in a sec 😉 My mom and I went to Colors last night for a Guys and Dolls show. My good friend Cameron was doing the Michael Jackson thang…
Read More →A beastly mission
Hiiiii 😀 How are you doing? Hope you’ve had a lovely day. (I took that pic while I was brushing Bella- she hates being brushed, can you tell?) Today has been so crazy! Isn’t that how day’s “off” always turn out? 😉 -Blog -Haircut -Errands -Groceries -Get teaching supplies/playlists ready -Post office -Gym -Second blog…
Read More →Crispy Basil
Morning friends! Happy Friday! How’s your day going? I wasn’t able to do a second blog post yesterday because I got recruited to participate in the dance recital at work. A few times a year, we have Dance Week and major choreographers come to teach at the resort. At the end of the week,…
Read More →Reader’s Request: Choose your shoes
Hiiii 😀 Happy almost-Friday! How’s your morning going?? I was visited by the tea fairy!! The family I bought the furniture from is moving out-of-country, so the wife hooked me up with her tea stash! She’s a yoga instructor, tea fanatic, health nut, I totally want to hang out with her and she’s moving :/…
Read More →Vegan coleslaw
Veganaise, where have you been all of my life? I used to use plain goat’s milk yogurt instead of you –which I still enjoy- but nothing can replicate a true mayonnaise-y taste minus the raw eggs… except you, Veganaise. I usually stay away from soy products, but this one doesn’t hurt my stomach….and it tastes…
Read More →Minding your macros?
Hi friends! How’s your day going? Is anyone participating in Indian Food Wednesday? It’s been wayyyyy too long since I’ve joined in the fun. Just need to find a favorite place in Tucson (that doesn’t have sour dosa haha). I woke up early to make a batch of amazeballs to take to work: I’m taking…
Read More →Focus On: Kettlebells Training
Hey friends hey 😀 How was your day? Thanks again for all of your feedback on the new blog design <3 Today was a good day- but isn’t any day that involves pizza? Yes, I believe so 😉 I FINALLY busted out the Amy’s gluten-free pizza that I had in the freezer. [The original plan…
Read More →Spring Cardio Workout
Morning friends! How’s your day going? <3 Thank you so much for all of your feedback on the new blog design!! Cody worked extremely hard on it, and I’m really happy with how it turned out. Most of the response was extremely positive, but people said they were offended by the picture on the left.…
Read More →The Blog Grew Up
Hi friends! How are you? Some of you have seen it already, but welcome to the new blog design! I’ll hope you’ll find it more fun to look at and easier to use 🙂 The “Fashion” and “Fun” pages should be up by the end of the week, so stay tuned for those too 🙂…
Read More →Fashion Posts
More posts about fashion are coming soon… 🙂
Read More →House in Disguise
Hi friends 😀 Happy Sunday to ya <3 Hope you’ve had an amazing weekend. It seems like the blog is back and running for good, and the new design will be up TOMORROW! Can’t wait to show you guys. It hasn’t exactly been a day of rest over here, but a very, very… very good…
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