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Focus On: Kettlebells Training

Hey friends hey ๐Ÿ˜€ How was your day? Thanks again for all of your feedback on the new blog design <3 Today was a good day- but isnโ€™t any day that involves pizza? Yes, I believe so ๐Ÿ˜‰ I FINALLY busted out the Amyโ€™s gluten-free pizza that I had in the freezer. [The original plan…

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Spring Cardio Workout

Morning friends! Howโ€™s your day going? <3 Thank you so much for all of your feedback on the new blog design!! Cody worked extremely hard on it, and Iโ€™m really happy with how it turned out. Most of the response was extremely positive, but people said they were offended by the picture on the left.…

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The Blog Grew Up

Hi friends! How are you? Some of you have seen it already, but welcome to the new blog design! Iโ€™ll hope youโ€™ll find it more fun to look at and easier to use ๐Ÿ™‚ The โ€œFashionโ€ and โ€œFunโ€ pages should be up by the end of the week, so stay tuned for those too ๐Ÿ™‚…

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House in Disguise

Hi friends ๐Ÿ˜€ Happy Sunday to ya <3 Hope youโ€™ve had an amazing weekend. It seems like the blog is back and running for good, and the new design will be up TOMORROW! Canโ€™t wait to show you guys. It hasnโ€™t exactly been a day of rest over here, but a very, veryโ€ฆ very good…

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Saves the Day

Hey heyyyyy ๐Ÿ˜€ How is your weekend going? Mayjah huge gigantic apologies for the blog down time this morning. I was going to throw a note up, but when I woke up, my web wizard was already hard at work transferring the blog to a new server. Alas, she was being a little hormonal and…

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Happy Meal

Hi friends! How was your Friday?? Iโ€™m a little late posting tonight, because it was one of the very few times in my life when I wasnโ€™t sure what to write about. Of course I cried watching the Royal Wedding (as expected- so beautiful), went to work for a half day and ate some very…

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Friday Lovin’

Hey friends! Happy Friday! Aaaaaaand happy, happy royal wedding day ๐Ÿ™‚ Can you believe I slept through it? No DVR โ€“itโ€™s in the POD, along with my life- and it wasnโ€™t possible to wake up at 3am and not be a zombie today. Iโ€™m relying on the constant day coverage and E! to catch me…

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Makin’ [Tempeh] Bacon

Hi friends! A very special hello to all of the new readers out there, too ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope youโ€™ve had a lovely day <3 Thank you for your amazing discussion this morning- Iโ€™ve loved reading your tips and advice, and will be answering any questions you asked after this post goes up. My work day was…

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Let’s Talk About: Gym Confidence + Gear Options

Hi friends! Howโ€™s your morning going? Hope itโ€™s been lurvely so far ๐Ÿ™‚ Last night, I took Bella to one of my little broโ€™s baseball games. The white dog parade was there! Bell was so happy to see her cousins. (with my nana and stepmom) Today is day #2 at the resort- 6 classes today…

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From Zero to Sixty

in 2 secondsโ€ฆ. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hi friends ๐Ÿ˜€ How was your day? Hope you had a wonderful Wednesday. Thanks again to my Pilot love for hooking it up with a guest post while I went to my first day at the new j-o-b. The bummer news is that heโ€™s actually in the emergency room right now!…

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2011: A Pod Odyssey (a Pilot Post)

So, the other day this happenedโ€ฆ โ€œOpen the pod bay doors, Hal.โ€ Sorry, I couldnโ€™t resist <โ€”huge nerd (More on the pod adventure in a second). Whatโ€™s up, bloggies?? Iโ€™m taking care of the post this morning so Gina can go straight to her first day of her new job! Things over here are pretty…

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