More From the Blog:
1. I haven’t been posting my 5th meal of the day lately, because they’ve all been weird. (don’t ask) 2. 99.9% of my clothes are in the POD, and somehow this still managed to happen: What was I supposed to wear in the meantime, right? 3. I’ve gone through two boxes of Tulsi Sweet Rose…
Read More →My Fashion Muses
It’s no secret that I have a major girl crush on Giuliana Rancic. Source She always looks so classy and put-together, and I would die if I had access to her E! News wardrobe. Since a lot of the styles she wears aren’t very realistic in Tucson (let me walk amongst the cacti in my…
Read More →Focus On: Bellydance
Hey hey 😀 How was your day? Hope you’re having a great night so far 🙂 Work today was amazeballz. I just feel so fortunate to do what I love every single day. When I get paychecks, they’re kind of surprising because I have to remind myself that I actually worked. As the saying goes…
Read More →An Ode to: the Denim Blazer
I haaaaaated the denim head-to-toe trend. It gave me horrible flashbacks of the acid wash overalls I wore in kindergarten, with sparkly buttons. When my mom crimped my hair, it was the coolest outfit ever. I just couldn’t do the denim thing again in full force, so I invested in two pieces: a button-up denim…
Read More →Relaxing noodle playlist
Hiiii 🙂 Happy humpday! Hope your morning is going well. Thank you so much for your awesome advice in my last post. My friend reads the blog and I know she’ll appreciate your wise words <3 I’m teaching today at the resort (a cardio circuit class, stretch class, and assisting the rest of the day)…
Read More →Starting Points
Hey friends 😀 How is your afternoon going? Things have been bueno over here- a walk with Bella, appointment, signed papers for the realtor (fingers crossed! thank you again for the house vibes!) and met with a friend to talk about postpartum eating and fitness. We met at Starbucks, and while we chatted, I enjoyed…
Read More →Handbag Lust
For the past few months, I have been head over heels in love with this new Tiffany bag. Source It’s REVERSIBLE (which means it’s like two purses!) and would match everything. Obsession set in. I talked about the handbag so much, that the Pilot finally took me to Tiffany to buy it so he wouldn’t…
Read More →Spring Abs Workout
Hi friends! How’s your morning going? Someone is moving a little slowly today… but after a walk, she was ready to beg for food start her morning 😉 You guys won’t believe this- we heard from the realtor last night! Apparently the bank is thisclose to accepting our original offer. The house we put an…
Read More →The Artie Face
*The Fashion page is up and in action! Please let me know what you think <3 Hi friends 😀 How are you? Hope you’d had a happy Monday. I’ve LOVED reading about your local unique foods- definitely some fun/gross/delicious/interesting stuff out there 🙂 I started off my morning with the usual: A protein muffin with…
Read More →Stripes and Solids
Today I was feeling extra anxious for some reason. I’m usually very good about handling (and thriving) on my busy schedule, but with the Pilot not knowing when he’ll be home, the house sale in the process and some other things, I was a little stressball. There wasn’t a yoga class anytime soon, I’d already…
Read More →Bacon Wrappers
Bet you never thought you’d see that title on the blog, huh? No worries, I did not partake in the bacon action 😉 How’s your morning going? Hope you’ve had a great day so far <3 So here in Tucson, a food truck phenomenon is bacon-wrapped hot dogs, called Sonoran Dogs. Everyone in the fam,…
Read More →Early bird fail
Hi friends 😀 How are you? It was a gorgeous day today- filled with family and shenanigans. Just the way I like it 😉 My internal clock is forever changed from my new work schedule, so I was up at 6:30 ready to tackle the day. I have ALWAYS hated the morning… and am actually…
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