Hi guys! I’m so glad you’re liking the reader’s request section so far—please let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see in the future 😀
So tonight, I did the BYOE thing.
BYOE = Bring Your Own Ezekiel
In a baggie, in my purse. I am a classy broad like that 😉
The reason I brought the Ezekiel was that I knew Jeni and I were hitting up McAlister’s after Zumba and deep in my heart, I knew it would be perfect with a giant bowl of veggie chili.
And it was 😀
To rewind way into the past, I woke up early this morning to walk the puppers and had a breakfast cookie.
1/2 cup oats, 1 mashed banana, cinnamon, Stevia, splash almond milk, 1 T brown rice protein, 1/2 T mesquite, 1 T almond butter (and some drizzled on top).
The puppies and I worked on their tricks for a little while.. we have one where we put the treat on the floor in front of them (on on their paw) and they have to stay laying down and “leave it”.
Then, after demonstrating their extreme willpower, we give them the treats 😀
After doing some work (three cheers for productivity!), I met Jeni at the gym for some iron pumping.
Here’s what we did:
Elliptical | 5 minutes | Crossramp 10, resistance 5 |
Overhead press and twist | 8 lbs each | 3 sets of 12 |
Cable tricep V-rope press | 40 lbs | 3 sets of 10 |
Stability ball chest fly | 5 lbs each | 3 sets of 12 |
Leg raise | body weight | 3 sets of 12 |
Elliptical | 5 minutes | Crossramp 10, resistance 5 |
Lateral raises | 5 lbs each | 3 sets of 12 |
Dumbbell crunches | 5 lbs each | 3 sets of 12 |
Overhead tricep extension | 12 lbs | 3 sets of 12 |
Total time: 1 hour |
After I got back to the casa, it was lunchtime so I had a three course meal 😀
Salad beast with mixed greens, grape tomatoes, Goddess dressing, and Pure2Raw crackers- aka my new crack
An egg + 1 egg white with sea salt and cayenne
And roasted eggplant, zucchini, squash, and 1/4 butternut squash
Not too shabby 😉
I went back to the gym for a wonderful training appointment, back to the casa to burn a Zumba cd and work on dances and then went to teach.
Zumba was ahhhmazing tonight 😀 I love that class! On a totally random whim, I’m starting dance classes next week. You guys know how much I miss it, so I’m going to going to take advanced tap, followed by jazz and see what I think. I’m honestly super nervous- I haven’t danced in over two years! So we shall see….
Well I’m going to get ready for bed because I’m going to try for that 11 miles I couldn’t do yesterday with the storm. I’m also going to see how Viesa’s eye is looking because it’s been a little goobery lately and extra goobery tonight. A(nother) trip to the vet may be in order… starting to wish they had a frequent visitors discount. Sheesh!
Night bloggies <3
I think it is awesome you are going to take dance again! I danced for about 18 years and miss it immensly.
I’ve been looking for somewhere since I was like 13 to take dance, haha. I feel like that whole dance thing is only geared towards younger girls now. I’d love to find an adult studio that isn’t like CRAZY advanced and/or ballroom dancing.
i’m surprised they don’t have anything in j-ville.. bummer 🙁 you would love it!
Hi Gina…How do you make your eggs?
They always look like perfect little puffy circles…
i spray a glass bowl with olive oil, crack the egg and egg white in there, whip it up with a fork and microwave for about 1.5 minutes. flip onto the plate and voila! egg puff 😀
BYOE? You’re too cute! I am so going to say that now every time I bring my own food over to a friend’s house or party or something 🙂
I would love to get back to taking dance lessons again. My favs growing up were jazz & tap! Would love ballet too but it gave me a complex…. since all the girls were so tiny, I felt like an elephant at times. But when I could get past that I loved it!
I’m a total BYO-er. If I know I’m going somewhere that will force me to eat a “naked” salad I do BYOH (Bring Your Own Hummus). It sounds so much cooler saying that I’m doing BYOH, as opposed to being high maintenance 😉
Yum – that chili looks great!! Awesome work out – I hope you love the dance classes – you’ll be great!
I haven’t done tap in years but I miss it!
That chili looks awesome! Good call bringing your own bread!
I used to take tap and jazz. I think it would be fun to try to start it up again but I just haven’t done it in years. I am proud of you for giving dancing another shot 🙂 Veggie chili sounds amazing about now, it is like 30 degrees outside! Perfect for chili.
LOVE that you brought your own ezekial !! you are too cute. today was such a great chili day!
Good luck with the dance classes! I’ve been dancing since I was 3 years old and I have loved every moment of it. 🙂 This year is my last year, as I am a senior…so it’s bittersweet. But, I WILL continue to dance through adult classes and/or the dance team at my college. Have fun with your dancing. It’s great exercise, too. 😉
Hey Gina! I am new to your blog and was wondering I exercise in the AM around 6AM should i be eating before this workout.
Thanks for all of your great information
Funny enough- I’ve been working on my own training of treats-My boyfriend leaves goodies (aka- junk food) in the fridge and I force myself to “leave it”. Ha.
Hi Gina! Just wanted to let you know I finally made one of your breakfast cookies this morning and it was freaking awesome. Thank you so much for creating those. By the way, what is mesquite? I’m assuming it’s a seasoning, but I’m not totally sure what kind.
So glad your blog is back up 🙂
I think you win most active award – teaching classes + half marathon training + all your gym visits and now dance classes? Crazy!
hahah thank you. i thrive on crazy 😀
BYOE – haha too cute! That chili looks good though.
That’s great you’re taking dance lessons again. Sounds like fun:)
Your breakfast cookies always look yummy!!
You will do great @ tap and jazz: especially since you have that zumba groove. (You can probably give them some moves.) The pups are too cute.
Made your sweet potato black bean chili. Soooo good. Thanks again for another great recipe!
Enjoy your dance classes. I would love to take a ballet class!
i’m so glad you enjoyed the chili!
yummy bfast cookie