Dance Cardio Combo (video)
Hi friends! How was your weekend? Hope it was lovely <3 We went over to my aunt and uncle’s last night for a little Hannukah celebration. Growing up, a lot of my friends celebrated Hannukah, so I was surrounded by the beautiful culture and traditions of the holiday. This was Liv’s first bit of exposure…
Read More →Tabata strength circuit {video}
Is anyone else really excited this week? It’s not just the visions of Black Friday shopping and face-planting into some stuffing, but I really love our family traditions. We always end up playing poker, the guys golf, and we spent a lot of time eating and chatting around a bonfire. Thanksgiving is one of my…
Read More →All-new barre burner
Hi friends! How’s your morning going? Is it the weekend yet?! We have some fun things to look forward to this weekend: Friday morning play date with the girls and their kiddos, “Thanksgiving” at the squadron, family pics, brunch, yogaaaaaa, and tonight, my work friends are throwing me a little shindig. I know it will…
Read More →Bellydance cardio (video)
Hiiiiii ๐ How’s your week going? Still enjoying the sights, food and Stitch Fix adventures in San Francisco. Head back for a fun giveaway later today! ๐ Swans, chillin’: Last night’s dinner was at Bistro Aix, which was INCREDIBLE. We shared some amazing appetizers (wood-fired pizzas, salads, calamari, salmon), and I chose the ahi tuna…
Read More →Hard core workout {video}
How’s your day going? Ours has been relaxing and lovely. Livi slept until 9am! I was dressed and waiting for her to wake up, and she snoozed away. I almost went to wake her up, but remembered the wise advice to never wake a sleeping baby. ๐ So I made us both some pancakes for us…
Read More →Squat burner {video}
Hi! How’s your October going so far? ๐ I am so excited for: -More apple picking -Pumpkin carving party -Pumpkin painting party -Wildcat basketball Red and Blue game (I loooooove U of A b-ball) -Sweaters and boots -Halloween -Apple cider -Spending time with the fam -The cool, brisk air. It’s the last month before my…
Read More →Fancy feet {+ a new Zumba video}
Hiiiii ๐ Hope you’re enjoying the week so far! Livi and I had a great day yesterday and last night, I met some friends for yoga. It had been forever since I’ve taken a class, and mannnn, did I need it. My tight hips and quads were crying a little, but some namaste time has…
Read More →Dance cardio {video}
Hi! Hope you’re having a wonderful week. Remember to keep those giveaway entries coming! We’re heading back on the road to Tucson, but in the meantime, I’d love to share a new dance cardio video that Sasha and I made last week. We’ve been having a lot of fun posting Zumba, quick strength and barre…
Read More →2,4,6,8,10 workout {video}
A while ago, I posted a 2,4,6,8,10 workout, which so many of you did along with me. I love playing fitness games (it’s more of a love/hate thing); they make the workouts simultaneously harder and more exciting. I feel like if you’re playing mind tricks along the way, it’s over before you know it! A…
Read More →SP hash + a new barre burner {Video}
Hi friends ๐ Congrats to those of you who have been killing it with Summer Shape Up so far. I can’t believe week 1 is almost over! I’ll be posting some of your awesome check-ins, along with the Stitch Fix giveaway winner tomorrow morning. If you’re subscribed to my newsletter (just leave a comment below…
Read More →What the yoga doc ordered + a NEW Zumba video
Last night’s yoga class was everything I needed. Usually when I take class Wednesday night, my body is toasted from teaching all day. I still go, because it’s the one class I like to take each week, just for me, and I haven’t once regretted it. If anything, I think all of the stretching helps…
Read More →In my practice + a new Zumba video
What do ya know? I actually have some food pics for ya today. I was going do to a What I Ate Wednesday post, but got home from yoga too late, so here’s a What I Ate Wednesday on a Thursday ๐ Breakfast: 2 eggs + brown rice tortilla (with sriracha that I took to…
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