Leg HIIT Workout

Hi guys! How’s your day going so far?? We’ve moving and shaking over here. You can get your legs moving and shaking with the Leg HIIT Workout below! 😉 Military Moving One of my good friends described military moves by saying, “It’s kind of like The Grinch Stole Christmas. One minute everything is normal; the next: there’s…

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Triple threat cardio workout

Good morning <3 I’ll be fully human when I finish this: Today is going to be fun because I’m double dipping = teaching two Zumba classes. The goal is to teach both without repeating the same song. It’s aways a little interesting when I go back to older Zumba music (aka that moment when I…

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New Dance Cardio Combo {video}

Morning! How’s the day treating you so far?? Last night was a Zumba night! After class, I headed to the madre’s, where the family was enjoying a giant feast to celebrate Michaela’s b-day. There is nothing like shredded chicken, homemade beans, sliced avocado and sangria after a sweaty Zumba class. We cheered for the Wildcats…

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NEW Core on Fire Workout {video}

Morning! How’s your day going so far? Exciting news: Winter Shape Up officially starts this Monday! If you’re joining in the fun, the intro post with your meal plan, grocery list and workout calendar will be up tomorrow so you can set yourself up for success this weekend. I’m so excited!! This morning, I have…

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New stability ball workout {video}

Good morning! Happy almost-Friday <3 Zumba went really well last night! I had three ladies, who take Zumba classes often together, and they were a hoot. They followed along extremely well, so I threw in a couple of my more complicated dances towards the end. After not teaching for a while, and only being used…

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All-new Tabata circuit {video}

Hi friends! Hope you’ve had a wonderful day so far <3 We’ve been laying low after yesterday’s birthday events. It’s been nice to enjoy the cloudy day, playing and relaxing. I love the little tradition we’ve started with having a low-key pizza night at our house the night of her actual birthday, and her official…

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New Zumba video: Salsa Choke

Hi! Hope you’re enjoying your Friday so far! Since Sasha and I are both moving in the next few months, we got together to film a ton of new videos for our YouTube channel. It’s a bummer that we have to be apart, but we have some fun projects planned while we’re in different locations.…

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Strength/Tabata Combo

Hi friends <3 Thank you so much for the wonderful comments on our family photos. Hope that those of you who celebrated yesterday enjoyed a lovely Christmas! Per usual, ours was filled with family, food, relaxing and shenanigans. <— Everything I could ever want from a Tucson holiday, surrounded by my favorite people. The adventures…

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all-new arm burner (video)

Hi friends! How was your weekend? Hope you had an amazing one <3 The next two weeks are going to be so strange, with major holidays smack in the middle of each week. Vacation all around!!! I (jokingly) told the Pilot he should just skip the whole work thing… how can you be productive like…

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Speed surge cardio workout

Not a moan-day of a Monday over here: green juice with my partner in crime, a trip to Costco with minimal impulse buys (always a win), afternoon of crafts and playing here at home, an awesome dinner, (I made Jess’ turkey quinoa meatballs on the stove, and served with roasted zucchini, noodles, salad and vino)…

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New Zumba dance: “Algo Musical”

Hi friends <3 Hope you’ve had an amazing day so far! I can’t believe I forgot to include the Stitch Fix giveaway winners in this morning’s post. Congrats to Rachel G. and Olivia H! Expect an email from me with all the details 🙂 Some pics from last night’s Winterhaven adventures: I’ve written about it…

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Frost HIIT Workout

Yesterday morning, Livi and I had a mission: go to Target for Christmas lights and yard ornaments. The Pilot, who has always erred on the conservative side when it came to Christmas decor, gave me free reign to get whatever snowmen and lights I wanted. His turning point was last year, when we were peeking…

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