Here on the farm
Hi guys! Hope you’re having a fun weekend 😀
Sorry I’m late posting today.. we had an exciting excursion to a local organic farm 🙂
I was researching CSAs the other night –I’m pretty sure we’ll be participating in one for the summer- and came across Roberts Farm. They specialize in organic/heirloom products (do NOT believe in chemicals or pesticides) and since they were nearby, I sent an email to see if we could stop by today and pick some veggies.
From the website:
Roberts Farm is a pecan farm and small vegetable garden in Valdosta, Ga. We have been working this land for seventeen years. We strive to bring you the best organic pecans and heirloom/organic vegetables you can eat. We do not believe in using synthetic chemicals or harsh petroleum based fertilizers on our land, period. And we will never use genetically modified anything, ever! We compost, use natural pest control methods and are always working to steward our land as responsibly as we know how. We feel after you taste what we have to offer, you will agree our hard work is paying off.
Our hens are fed only organic feed and human-grade organic corn, oats and sunflower seeds. The eggs they produce are fantastic! They are laying your breakfast right now!
We were greeted by Bonny, 8 chickens and some grubs to feed them with.
While we were feeding them, we spoke with Bonny, who helps run the farm. The chicken run free, almost like they’re pets and she has names for all of them 😀
She took us over to the vegetable garden, which was lined with rows of fresh chemical-free veggies.
Since it’s kind of in-between seasons, she had a smaller selection but it was the most beautiful onions, kales, chard, carrots, lettuce and beets I’ve ever seen.
She harvested an entire basket full of goodies for us, as well as 12 fresh eggs, all of which were laid yesterday!
(Hubba, hubba, farmer pilot)
I LOVED talking with Bonny and what she had to say about the government, genetically-modified seeds and the politics surrounded organic produce. She was a whipper snapper, let me tell you 😉 Even though their farm isn’t USDA certified organic (it’s extremely costly and a huge hassle to small farmers), it was so easy to see that she was dedicated to producing high-quality ethical produce.
The best part? It’s donation-based. She believes that organic shouldn’t be reserved for higher-income families and that everyone should be able to feed themselves the best food possible.
We came home with a giant box full of kale, chard and lettuce
And a bag with onions, beets, cabbage and the most beautiful eggs.
Thank you for our eggs, little chickens.
Check out the stripy beets!
Well I’m off to have the best salad of my life, practice some easy yoga and meet friends for dinner 🙂
Have a lovely day <3
Retry later
Oh my goodness -how amazing! I live in a pretty town in Canada and the farmers line the streets with fresh produce during the summer – I can’t wait!!
Looking forward to hearing how much better your salad tastes!!
OMG those are going to be the BEST eggs ever, and I’m beyond jealous of the greens… I should email the great farm near me to see if we can visit!
Wow.. that’ amazing of her to do the “by donation” that is very ethical of her!!! Organics shouldn’t just be reserved for people with lots of $$. Kudos to her!!
Everything looks amazing… what a fun morning!
oh wow!!!! thanks for posting this, i love how it’s donation based as well.
AH!! Farm fresh eggs are thee most amazing thing ever. If you’ve never had them before you will notice a HUGE difference! I pick them up every week at our local market here in Denver. It’s always great to actually visit the farm you’re buying from. How fun!!
Oh my gosh, that all looks so delicious!!
I need to start researching to find a CSA around me for the summer, it has been on my to-do foreverrrr
Thanks for reminding and re-inspiring me!
Hope the veggies are as yummy as they look 🙂
Aw, I love this post! I love happy chickens! I got a little misty-eyed when I got to the part about being donation based. What a wonderful farm!
What a cool experience! You’re so lucky to have a local farm near by! When I lived in Kansas, I talked to local farmers who were in a similar situation– they grew all-organic produce, but they couldn’t afford the label to get officially “certified.” What a crazy process!
I’m signing up for a local CSA, and I can’t wait to get my first box of fresh produce! 😀
I was watching an old episode of Army Wives the other day and they mentioned Valdosta in it! I got so excited and almost said to my boyfriend that’s where Gina lives!! But then realized he’d be like who are you talking about haha…
SO cool! I love the idea of knowing exactly where my food comes from. I really want to join our local CSA. I have plans to visit the farm soon too. Enjoy the freshness and the rest of your day!!
We started a garden last week…we’re hoping it produces some edible veggies! If not, I’m happy that the Farmer’s Markets are opening around here shortly.
I love hearing about farms like this one! Yay for happy chickens!
Thanks for sharing this
I love love love local produce/CSAs. Such a good decision Gina! Hope you enjoy it 🙂
I’m glad the organic farm was a success. My mom knew about it, but thought it only had pecans. Good find!
we just got back from a maple syrup tour, liquid gold here for folks in New Hampshire, nothing bets fresh syrup
what a fun day! i need to try and find a farm around me like that! Did you happen to watch jamie olivers food revolution last night?
no but i have it recorded on the dvr– i can’t wait to watch it. what did you think??
Wow!! What a great find!! Can’t wait to hear what you do with all of that lovely food!
What a pleasure this post was to read. Thank you for sharing!
Farm fresh eggs make me happy! 🙂 I love the different colors and sizes that nature provides.
Oh man, I’m so jealous!!! There are some pretty good farmer’s markets in DC but nothing like going TO the farm! Enjoy the salad 🙂
Have a FAB weekend!!!
PS…I finally bought some raw chia seeds. I’m obsessed!!!
A few weeks ago I joined Door To Door Organics and I am in LOVE!! Its similar to a CSA, in that you get a box of organic fruits and veggies each week. But you don’t pay up front…just pay a little each week after your box arrives, and you can substitute items in your box. If you don’t like a certain product, just go online and switch it out for something else.
They run it year round, with local foods when in season, and shipped foods during the winter. I also love that they are big on recycling. I leave my empty box and any packaging materials out on my door step on Thursdays and when they deliver my new produce, they take my old box away. They reuse or recycle everything. Sorry to babble on..but I’m a huge fan of this!! Not to mention that really fresh organic food just tastes a million times better than anything you can get at Walmart. 🙂
that sounds AMAZING
We use Door to Door Organics (and LOVE it) as well!
What a fantastic experience! 🙂
how fun! i would love to visit a local farm like that 🙂 there’s a couple of really great culinary schools here in the Denver/Boulder area, and they all have programs where you actually go to the farm to pick the produce and stuff for the menu that evening. how much better could it get?! if only i had some $$$ to go there (any generous anonymous donors?! :))
That is awesome! I would love to do something like that! I have watched FoodInc at least 5 times and I learn more and more everytime about how much the government is poisoning us with all these hormones in our foods and stuff! Great post!
I loved food revolution last night. It’s really an eye opener. Plus jamie’s so darn cute 🙂 I have been following ur blog and 2 others for a bit now and have really changed the way I eat and think about food. I’m trying to cute out all processed crap and eat REAL FOOD! I also watched food Inc, and really liked it too. Have u read Alicia silverstones book, the kind diet? I’m interested in reading it. Thanks for all ur insight and ideas!
hey natalie!
that’s awesome 🙂 no i haven’t read that book but heard wonderful things about it 🙂
keep up the amazing work <3
We are joining a csa as soon as we get back from vacation and I CAN”T wait!!
How fun and exciting!! That’s great that shhe believes quality food isn’t reserved for high income families!
Fresh eggs and kale? That is awesome!!
I have been buying the eggs for my family at an organic egg farm also. May I make a suggestion? Please, please, please do not zap those beautiful eggs in the microwave. Since you are on a natural path, why not investigate the negative aspects of microwave cooking on the nutrition of food. Just suggestions…love to read your blog and do so appreciate how you remind me to eat more healthfully….
I so want to join a csa. I need to find one in our area!
Here’s a link to help you search for a local CSA. 🙂
awwww, pilot farm-style was adorable. I totally think you guys need to make a modern day Green Acres-esque show. Come on!!!
Also, had Indian AGAIN tonight (I think I am obsessed). Tried the lentils (YUM) and also some mystery dish with green beans, lima beans, corn, and some other veggies ina yummy curry type sauce. Tandoori Roti (spelling?!) N’aan as well! Twas yummville.
Eggs are awesome!!
Ohhh I agree…..what a lovely day it looks like you had! I would love that farm and would probably go home with waaaay more veggies and eggs than I could consume before they went bad! 🙂
uuuhhh … I’ve thought for months now that kale was a seaweed. What can I say, I’m a Kiwi!
what BEAUTIFUL photos!! I esp. love the eggs! Looks like Martha Stewart’s!! 😉
Totally cool. I really hope the husband and I will find a local CSA to participate in once we settle back in the states in a few years. They are really affordable for the quality of the food you receive.
Isn’t it cool to have a carton of eggs that are all different shapes, sizes and colors. We get ours from a family at Isaac’s school and I love it!!
I’m a member of a local, organic CSA that starts in April of this year. It’s my first time participating in one and I can’t wait! One of the coolest parts is that mid season they have a Farm Party where all the CSA members get to go see the farm and hang out. I’m so excited for it!!
What a fun trip! I love local farms =D
That looks awesome! I’m really looking forward to the new produce to spring up in the farmer’s markets around here. I don’t have a car because I live in NYC, but we have some really great markets that are set up year-round where farmers bring fresh produce, eggs, dairy, meats, etc. which I absolutely love! You sometimes pay a bit of a premium, but it’s better than those “veggie impostors” in the grocery stores that look like veggies but definitely dont taste like ’em!!
I just joined a CSA today! I’m sharing with a friend, and I’m so excited, I can barely stand it! If anyone is interested in joing a CSA here is a link that has more info, and it helps you search for one in your area. It’s a great way to support your local farmers, reduce your carbon foot print, and eat healthy, wholesome foods straight from the farm! 🙂
i think its so cute how you always put like “hubba hubba” or something similar with pictures of the pilot. i only hope that i have as great a relationship as you and the pilot seem to have. 🙂
How do you name that many chickens and keep track of them?
Fresh eggs- those have got to be great! I’ve found that cooking brown eggs takes longer than white- is that just me?
AHH That farm loooks delightful!! And I just was eating beats today its love not gonna lie! 🙂
How wonderful to know that you are putting fresh goodness into your body!!! <3
wow this local organic farm sounds ethically amazing!
I joined a CSA this year for the first time. I can’t wait to get all my yummy produce!