Holiday Gift Guide 2010
Hey guys! How’s your morning going? Hope you’re having a wonderful day
In spirit of the upcoming holidays, I thought it would be fun to do a gift guide for your fave Fitnessista. Friends/cousins/moms/aunts/cats can be hard to shop for sometimes, so hopefully you’ll get a couple of ideas! Also, maybe you’ll see a couple of things to put on your own wish list. I tried to include items for various price ranges, too. Happy shopping!
For the Yogini:
1. Hugger Mugger Pure Mat Spray
For the traveler:
1. Livewell Core Bag (my fave for traveling—stay tuned for an incredible promo this Friday)
3. Magazines, book, snacks + Holly GoNightly eye mask
For the Aerobics/Cardio/Weight training queen:
1. Zumba tank
3. Sigg bottle
4. Sun Warrior
For the runner:
3. Road ID
4. Spi Belt
For the Foodie:
2. Garlic Gold Holiday Gift Box
3. Veggie measuring cups (and the measuring spoons!)
4. Food tee
the Girly Girl
Hope you guys liked the holiday gift guide!!
Also, remember that the best gifts can’t be wrapped. If funds are tight, or if things are too crazy, don’t stress— spending time together is the most meaningful thing. Have a friend date volunteering with a local organization, surprise someone you love with a batch of homemade vegan chocolate chip cookies, offer to babysit a friend’s kids while they do their holiday errands, etc. etc. An amazing gift that we can give is service to others, which comes at little to no monetary cost and can mean so much more. <3
I’m off to walk Tucker and then meeting my mom and nana for breakfast
See ya later today!
Retry later
I already have the sparkly headband on my wish list – LOVE!
This rocks! My boyfriend and I are very communicative about our gifts as neither one of us are very much into surprises, so yesterday we “arranged” my Christmas gift… a bunch of yoga supplies that I need! 🙂
Since I fit into all the categories, does that mean I should have everything? 😉 Lol, these are some great suggestions – Thanks Gina! 🙂
lol! me too 🙂
no prob- glad you liked them!
Awesome ideas. I want that scoop neck tank!
Fun ideas!
I want the eye mask and those measuring cups/spoons. Too cute!
I love to make “coupon books” for my parents and inlaws — it contains stuff like “one day of yardwork” or “entire house vacuumed”, etc. My parents *LOVE* to cash in the yardwork one 🙂
Can I please have that eye mask? And the boots? And the Philosophy products?
Hahaha. Cute ideas, thanks for the variety! <3
love this! you really covered all the bases! i just did a post on my favorite gifts that give back if you are interested (all or some proceeds go to various awesome organizations!)
What do you think Live Well Core Bag vs. Lululemon Fast in Flight?
I need a travel bag asap!
it depends on what you’re looking for- i use the fast in flight strictly for trips and the core for a gym bag and travel bag. the core is bigger, so it fits more and i like that it has a pouch for shoes. the fast in flight is really deep, so you can fit a lot, but i have trouble finding things in it. the bonus about the lulu bag is that it lays perfectly flat under the seat in front of me, the bonus of the core is that it can multitask a little better.
ohhhh… I have almost ordered the Livewell Core bag about 10 times! I’m excited for the promo!!
yes, definitely wait for the promo! it’s a very good one 🙂
it would be really cool if you did a Pilot edition! i’m struggling with ideas for my boyfriend…he’s not a pilot, but you get the idea lol!
yeah, i’ll ask him! 🙂
Great ideas! I need to buy me some sun warrior… 🙁
Neat post! I definitely think the best gifts can’t be wrapped, but I may be saying that because I kinda stink at picking out great gifts!
Thanks for the ideas! I love lists like these.
LOVE this! i always need new ideas for gifts around the holidays!
You chose such fabulous items– nice!
And love your jumping TJs pic in the last post! You look like a dancer!
hahah thank you 🙂 i am a dancer (or used to be, haha)
LOVE your holiday gift guide!! esp bc I fit in each category and actually have something in mind in each category for me! lol probably need to show this page to my family and boyfriend! hahaha
I think I would love everything on that list! Except maybe for the furry boot…not sure I could pull that one off.
My two biggest wish list items are TurboFire and Insanity DVDs for after the baby.
I wish someone would get me some garlic gold for Christmas!
I just bought that exact Lulu scoop neck tank– it’s so flattering, and I love the color!! (that’s what we’re supposed to do with this gift list, right? Buy stuff for ourselves??) LOL 😉
That sparkly headband and Canyon Ranch cookbook are going on my wish list! Thanks for all the gift ideas!
Great list! I like the foodie tee–super cute. And those boots?! Yes, please!!
I should really just forward this whole list to my mom 🙂 I’m definitely intrigued by the Canyon Ranch cookbook. I went to a CR camp in ninth grade (yes, they do camps…it’s kind of weird), and I remember the cooking lessons being my favorite part!!
Also, I was JUST thinking this morning about those Toll House cookies and I knew I’d read about someone veganizing them. Perfect timing.
Great ideas! I want more of them for myself then I want to give to anyone, lol. 🙂
It really does help to see a breakdown like this and I think I know what to get a few ladies I know.
Love this wish list!!! Thanks!!
You’re going to Beyond Bread for Breakfast aren’t cha?! Favorite part about Tucson is Beyond Bread…and Dirtbags. Tehe.
no but i need to hit up beyond bread before i leave! we had good egg 🙂
I’m lovin’ the eye mask and fur booties… so cute!
Perfect – I think I will just send this list on to my husband and my wish list is done, thanks!
Oh, and my favourite “wrapped” gift is a hug (yep, im a cornball).
Great post! That reminds me, I need to get a Road ID!!
And I think I want everything….I should just send this post directly to my bf and family, haha
So many great gifts. I love the Core 360 bag and the Stalker tee shirt is my fave — I like to wear it when I cook T-day dinner. Also, the Road ID makes a great gift for any runner or cyclist in your life.
I love the sparkly yoga bag!!!
I LOVE this post! Thank you for such great ideas! 🙂
I agree with most of this post except those booties. Shudder.
Gina, Thanks so much for the list! I have a question:
Do you have the Nike Sport Band? I have been tossing around ideas of a Garmin Forerunner but this product looks pretty cool. Just wondering what your thoughts on the two are!
i don’t have it, but i’ve heard great things about it! i have a forerunner and LOVE it, but it’s a little bulky for me. if/when i start running again, i might invest in a sport band– if you’re a racer though, i’d probably do the garmin instead
what a great post! great ideas, Gina! thanks!
Want. Want. Want. All of it. 🙂
LOVED everything especially the veggie measuring cups and spoons! But ditto the shudder on the faux fur booties, haha!
Love the foodie gift ideas!!!
Love the foodie gift ideas!!!
all of the lululemon clothes are on my wishlist, and now I’m adding a new yoga mat, the skinny bitch cookbook to it 🙂
Oh Gina, what a fabulous post! Lots of work with links and pics on your part, much appreciated of course 🙂
Love all the things you chose! I have had those runner ID name bracelets/shoe ID tags before but not recently (have moved too many times and addy keeps changing!) and I love the yoga bag, the fuzzy boots, and good to know the Canyon Ranch cookbook is your fave. I think you’ve mentioned it before, but worth repeating…thanks!
Enjoy your time w/ your family this week!
Could you do a guy’s gift list too??
for sure! i’ll post it fri am 🙂
Great list of items! I have been eying the Lululemon Brisk Run Toque. Also I’ve been thinking about the Road ID, but I haven’t figured out what info I would put on it yet. I must say, I am partial to the neoprene (waterproof) ifitness pouch over the spibelt for running though. 🙂
fantastic gifts! This has definitely got me thinking about what to get for my very athletic mom!
What a fun post! Do you own the new Skinny Bitch cookbook? I have the first one and it was okay..I felt like it used a lot of processed stuff. Any thoughts on this new one? I love the sparkly yoga bag! too cute!
that’s why i like the new one so much more- lots of REAL ingredients
Love these gifts!! All the tanks are so cute!
what an awesome gift list – i love the title of that book ‘skinny bitch’! haha!
Love this! Out of all the cute things, I like the core bag the best. Sometimes you just gotta choose function over fashion 😉
the core bag actually looks pretty fashionable in real life, too! i get a lot of compliments when i wear it
Wonderful list, I’ve been wanting a few of those books and go through a lot of Sun Warrior protein.
I love Philosophy products! They almost smell good enough to eat. 😀
Ok, I will take one of everything 🙂 Love the ideas!!
nice! love the eye masque – cute!