Juicy winner + highlights and dinner
Hey everyone! HAPPY FRIDAY!! Got anything fun going on this weekend?? Our Ugly Christmas sweater party is tomorrow and guess which slackers still haven’t figured out final outfits? I have a hankering we’ll be making stuff an hour before the party- we work best under pressure 😉
Before I get into the highlights from yesterday, let’s see who the winner of the Juice Beauty giveaway is…..
(78 tweets, 565 comments)
Entry 635! A tweet from Jordan over at Salt, Sweat, Sugar
Congrats Jordan!! Please send me your info so I may forward it to the Juice Beauty fairy 😀
Some of the highlights from yesterday:
– went to the eye doc (who said my eyes are perfectly healthy and is trying to convince me to get Lasik. I’m horrified and especially scared of the “claw” they put into your eye to keep it open
-had a glorious raw sandwich for lunch
(Two slices of dehydrated bloomin’ onion bread, raw goat cheddar, spinach, tamaters and olives. Please to excuse the mediocre Crackberry pic – I had left my camera in the car!)
-picked up Bella from the groomer
Little fluff ball!
I LOVE the red bow and holiday kerchief they put on her 😀
So precious!!
A pic of Viesa, too:
Gorgeous girl 😀
-Took a shot (of heated Ginger gizer!!! mmmm)
-Ran 5 miles
Goober!!! Haha.
But check out these splits!!
-Mile 1: 10 minutes (warm up)
-Mile 2: 8:30
-Mile 3: 8:30
-Mile 4: 8:10 (yeahhhhhh)
-Mile 5: 10 minutes (cool down)
I feel like I got my mojo back.. and it feels goooooooood 😀
Next, I broke out some new pizza dough to try
Put it into the mixer:
And made two awesome pizzas for people with two very different pizza tastebuds…
The pilot’s:
(Organic pasta sauce, sausage, a ridiculous amount of cheddar and colby jack cheese, green bell pepper)
(Organic pasta sauce, zucchini, squash, wilted spinach, sundried tomatoes, goat cheese, oregano, basil, rosemary and sea salt)
I had two extra large pieces:
And we both had spinach salad with Goddess dressing:
Amazing 😀
Sometimes a quick and easy meal tastes just as wonderful as one that took a couple of hours 😉 This girl wanted pizza! I was also pleasantly surprised by the crust. It was doughy, thin and crunchy at the edges- just how I like it. I have to say I like wheat, spelt or brown rice crust more (this one was mostly made from tapioca flour)—darker, grainy bread products always taste better to me. 🙂 I do have some tapioca flour I’m excited to experiment with on the baking front, though 😉
After our feast, we went to a host of stores looking for ugly Christmas sweaters. The mall, Targizzle, Wizzle, Kohl’s… The only thing we came home with was a carton of organic milk for the pilot. I though these sweaters would be so much easier to find! We’re still on the prowl….
Well I’m off to do some yoga before meeting Jeni for weights 😀
Have a fabulous Friday <3
Much love,
Something to do: RAWK the vote!! (I couldn’t help myself with that one, haha) Head on over to Best of Raw to vote for some of my favorites in the raw food world! The lovely and knowledgable Gena, a fabulous raw educator and good friend of mine, Kristen, a lady whom I learn so much from and greatly admire, Matthew Kenney, my teacher and favorite raw cheffer, my raw twinnie friends who make some awesome treats and goodies, the gorgeous Sarma, Ani Phyo (I met her!!!!!) whose simple and delicious raw recipes take the intimidation out of this lifestyle, 105degrees (my alma mater and first job working in a raw foods kitchen!) and One Lucky Duck are all nominated. Check it out!!! 😀
Aww puppers!! Bella is such a princess! How cute! Well done with your run 🙂
I’d take deine pizza – I love the sounds of that combo!
hii i love your website….i am in need of new running shoes..which ones do you think are the most comfortable or the best ones to get?
thank you
hey girl,
i love my asics, but definitely recommend visiting a running store to get your feet measured. the right shoe for your foot (level of pronation and arch support) will make ALL the difference in the world!
Would you please tell me where I can find the Godess dressing recipe? Thanks. Barbara
hey barbara,
i don’t make the goddess dressing – it’s annie’s brand and they sell it at most health food stores. it’s delicious!
I work in a a hospital, and I’m pretty used to seeing blood and body parts all that stuff and its all routine at this point, but one time I watched a Lasik surgery. I gotta tell ya, the eye opener thing freaked me out too. All I could think about while I was watching was that scene from “A Clockwork Orange” where the main character has his eyes held open while he’s watching all that reteaching stuff. I watched the entire operation because it really was fascinating, but I had to cover my eyes a couple of times. That being said, the people that I know that have gotten it done (and have gone to board certified docs) have nothing but praises for the operation.
I had PRK, too. They didn’t give me any antianxiety meds, and I did just fine. You just have to find a surgeon you can trust. It’s the best thing I ever did.
Oh man you pizza looks absolutely amazing!!!!