No shortcuts
We’ve been drinking lots of fresh juices.
We went to the zoo -it had rained and was gloriously cool outside!
(My heart melts to see Livi having a blast with her cousins)
(That peacock was AFTER ME)
I enjoyed an amazing yoga class with friends
(not a single Warrior 2, which was gloriously refreshing)
and this past weekend, I finally got the shellac off my nails.
A few people asked me for a full review after I tried them, and I really wasn’t a fan. I was excited by the thought of not having to paint my nails for two weeks, but mine only looked really good for about 5 days. The tops started to peel and crack, and there was obvious new nail growth since my nails grow quickly. I was worried that the shellac damaged my nails -I heard horror stories- but after getting them taken off at work, the nail tech put some strengthening coat on my nails. They look exactly like they did before. No harm done, and I guess like anything else, there really are no shortcuts 😉 She said she wanted me to try them again for free and be her guinea pig to see if they last longer, but I can tell they won’t be a regular thing.
I’ve finally started the last haul to my NASM test. With the projects I’ve been working on, by nighttime, I don’t have enough energy to study and learn anything. I just want to read fiction for 30 minutes and fall asleep, which is what I’ve been doing. But, just like the nails, no shortcuts. I’ve read the text, made notecards, passed the practice tests, and for the next two weeks I’ll be putting my study face on.
With my current fitness certifications and experience, I went into studying with a solid knowledge base. At the same time, I also learned a LOT. I’ve used some of the tips/strategies and techniques in my classes and training clients, and in my life as well. A huge portion of the text is movement assessment, and knowing which muscles are overactive and underactive for certain compensations (like knees turning in during a squat). I quickly understood that my shoulders round forward because my chest and levator muscles are too tight. While it makes sense, it’s something I wouldn’t have considered before. Pretty interesting stuff!
Has anyone taken the NASM personal training test?
What’s something that you’ve had to study, work, or train hard for over time?
Remember, there are no shortcuts. Be consistent by doing a little every day, and over time you’ll make it happen 🙂
Now with those words of motivation, this slacker is off to pack. Any awesome restaurants or shops in downtown LA I need to check out??
Peacocks can be scary! I’m really NOT a fan of birds in general…they totally freak me out!
A few years ago, I went back to school to get my paralegal certification. It required a lot of studying and effort, but it was totally worth it! I just graduated a few months ago. Woohoo!!!
A great motto a friend shared with me is “How you do one thing is how you do everything.” Whether it be vacuuming out just the front seats of my car to completing work tasks, I’ve cut out the half assery that has prevailed my life. Is everything perfect? No. No one is. But it’s a start for me!
Good luck with your studying! I’m sure you’ll be fine!
I definitely agree there are no shortcute- everytime I try being lazy and taking a shortcut, it always seems to blow up in my face.
The thing I’ve ever worked the hardest for was an exam I wrote last year- which I studied everyday for 4 weeks. But when the results came in, I had done incredibly well and it was all worth it! Hard work does pay off.
Good luck on your exam.
I just wrapped up an internship at Magnolia Plantation in Charleston, SC, where there are peacocks EVERYWHERE; they actually chase little kids!
I’m entering my final semester of college, so I really need to stay focused and study, on top of graduate school applications! Whew! Here we go…!
Try “OPI Gel” nail polish instead of Shellac.
SO much better.
That’s great you’ve learned so much studying for the NASM. I’ve heard good things about that program and I always think it’s an awesome thing to gain more knowledge in the area in which you work in.
Ick. Peacocks are actually my worst fear! Ugh – I can’t even talk about them without getting anxious.
Good luck with the studying! I’m sure you’ll do awesome!
I haven’t been to the zoo in forever! Fun fact: I live in an area absolutely crawling with peacocks. They were brought here when people were first starting to use the land and they never left. I’ve never thought it as weird to be able to walk by a huge and colorful bird, so I guess I’ve just gotten used to it!
I’ve taken the NASM test – great cert, but definitely not the easiest test I’ve ever taken. I’m sure you’ll do great though since you have a solid background of fitness!
when do you take yoga? Seems like there is at least one class a week but it never appears on your fitness plan.
usually it happens instead of a strength session. last night, my legs were too sore to do a circuit like i’d planned so i did yoga instead
I used to get Shellac quite often but I was always disappointed. And taking them off feels sooo icky!
I loved my shellac!!! They do grow out fast but I didn’t experience any chipping or peeling!
I’m currently studying for my NASM test, and by studying I mean I stare at the book on my coffee table when I get home each night, swearing TOMORROW I’ll read the next chapter! I only recently signed up so I still have quite a bit more time, but just as I signed up, things kicked into high gear at my day job, and after 11 hour days, I just don’t have it in me! But, no shortcuts, right? 🙂 Any tips for how you studied for the test? Good luck with the rest of your studying!
i do a post with everything that helped me, for sure! for now i’ve just read the text, made notecards along the way and took the practice quizzes at the end of each chapter, the full practice test on the site
Downtown LA – eat at Mas Malo, and get the chewy chips – you have to ask for them. All of their salsas are great, especially the habanero cream and the tomatillo salsa. I love the potato tacos and they have lots of fun margaritas too. It’s on 7th and Grand.
Then, go across the street to Bottega Louie to look at the pretty desserts and pick up a few macarons!
If you have more time to explore downtown, I recommend MOCA (crazy Urs Fischer exhibit going on right now), Angel’s Flight, and the rooftop bars at Perch and the Standard Hotel.
Have a great time in LA and I’ll be at the Physique 57 event tomorrow!
whoo hoo! see you tomorrow 🙂
thank you for all the tips! i’m all over the chewy chips
i second the bottega louie recommendation! they’re famous for their delicious macaroons 🙂
the edison is also a fun speak-easy style lounge with an amazing happy hour!
Don’t forget Corkbar on the corner of 12th and Grand. It’s a California wine bar and the regional , seasonal food is out of this world.
Like you, I am not a big fan of shellack. It just does not stay on my nails that well. My mom can keep them on for 3-4 weeks! So, there’s definitely something that makes it work better for some than others. My nail lady told me it is party about keeping the cuticles/nails moist and so had me slathering nail oil on multiple times a day. It did help, but they still drive me nuts after a week.
Law School and the bar exam were the hardest things I’ve done and really had to study for. So. much. studying! It’s been years, now, though, so all that is well behind me!
I love LA! Have fun! Downtown, check out Urth Caffé and Mendocino Farms Yum yum. And if you see a fruta cart, get a delicious bag of fruit with lime and chile… I used to get those all the time when I lived there and really miss them! The best treat.
omgggg that sounds wonderful
I second both of these! Two of my favorite places.
I was going to recommend urth caffe as well! It is sooooo good.
I got shellac once and really wasn’t a fan either!
Good luck with all your studying!
I am taking the NASM CES exam in the fall (preparing now!). I am a certified trainer by ACSM and wanted to learn more therapy techniques with the NASM- CES. Good luck.
I like gel nails but I have found that the quality varies depending on the salon and brand of polish. OPI and Shellac are supposed to be the best. I tend to have better luck with french polish and lighter colors. For some reason, they seem to look fresh longer and the new growth isn’t as noticeable. Gel manis are nice for when you go on vacation, since you don’t have to worry about your polish chipping or your nails looking raggedy on vacay pics. 😉
This post reminded me of one of my very favorite quotes: “Living life always taking the easy way ends up making things very hard but always choosing the harder way up front makes things much easier in the end”
There is a difference between gel nails and the gel nail polishes. I have gel nails and LOVE it that they always look good. The key to either, I find, is the skill of the nail tech in getting them to seal right. I can go about 6 weeks with mine – I only change it when they get too long. They never peel or lift. I wear a French manicure so the growth is not noticeable until the last week or so. And I take a few weeks off here and there to wear a color.
Enjoy your trip!
Ooooh, I’m studying NASM right now, too! Well actually, I’m going to get my PT cert through SmartFitness (less expensive than NASM), but I’m borrowing a friend’s NASM textbook to study as well. I figure that even if my cert won’t be through NASM, I may as well get the knowledge so I can be a better trainer.
Good luck with your studying! When are you taking the test?
Love the Bottega Louie and Urth suggestion above. Sprinkles Cupcake is to die for (there’s one in the Fig & 8th plaza and they validate parking). Also, Sugarfish for omakase style sushi. For nightlife, The Standard hotel and Perch have nice rooftop bars (but be sure to arrive early for Perch).
And do not fear the bacon wrapped hotdog carts you find on the corner of streets. They are amazing, especially after a few drinks. 😉
Aaaaah bacon-wrapped hot dogs! The best.
Bummer that you didn’t like shellac – I love them, but it really depends on the salon and the polish. Most salons won’t carry OPI brand gel because it doesn’t last as long, but shellac and gellish are both good.
What made you choose NASM over AFAA/ACE/etc? I want to take my PT certification soon-ish and would love to hear your perspective!
That juice look delicious! What fruits/veggies did you use?
I had to study for the GRE and it was the most boring thing!But it paid off and I’ll be starting grad school in the fall 😀
As for LA stuff…for food def hit up Urth Cafe–its in a trendy spot and they have great food options. If you’re in Silver Lake (its near downtown) they have tons of great vegan and organic little shops and awesome smoothies. Also the Farmer’s market at The Grove has literally every type of food you could ever want. Looove the Spanish booths.
Have a great trip love and good luck studying!!
I’m so bummed I didn’t sign up in time for the Physique 57 shindig tomorrow! 🙁 Be sure to hit up Cafe Gratitude ( while you’re in town!
I love the zoo!! I haven’t been to the zoo in ages but I wish I could go again! It’s always a blast 🙂
Good luck on your test!! I’m sure you will do GREAT!! I’ve had to take several licensing tests and I know it’s always hard to get back into the study mode but it’s such a great feeling when you rock the test! Good luck!!
I took the NASM CPT test last Tuesday! (And passed!) It was pretty tough; I’m glad I spent a lot of time studying 🙂 Good call to make a study guide as you go, I waited to the end so that was kind of brutal.
I agree with the above suggestions for Urth and Mas Malo. Also in DTLA is Umamicatessen if you want an insane burger (they have a turkey option, a veg option, a shrimp burger, and an ahi burger. ) They also do fried to order donuts. Just sayin…
I think someone mentioned going into silver lake which isn’t far from downtown. Forage, Local and Sqrl are all great spots for all things delicious.
Looking forward to Physique 57 tomorrow. See you there!
I’ve been told that’s why my shoulders roll forward too. What do you to loosen up?
Good luck with the studying!! There are definitely no shortcuts and I figured, that the more I procrastinate, the worst it gets….I studied Social Work for 3 years and so many times had to kick me in my butt to get going. But it was so worth it.
Have fun in LA!!
No shortcuts…LOVE it! Good luck on the test — and have fun in LA 🙂
I’ve only had gel polish once and didn’t have a problem with the polish cracking, but I hated it when my nails started to grow out (and my nails grow fast, so this was like four days later). Then I started picking at the polish (not recommended!). I like polish every once in a while, but I’m fine with naked nails on the reg.
What sweet kiddo’s. My son doesn’t have any cousins yet, but I am trying to help him out by nagging my brother- he isn’t married, so my mom made me quit that. 🙂 I just recently got my Personal Training cert throught ACSM and it was the toughest thing I have had to study for in a long time! Definitely worth it though, and the relief and accomplishment you will feel after is great! Good luck!
Ooh I live by downtown la! You should try Bottega Louie,it’s a really beautiful restaurant in the heart of downtown.
I’m currently studying some diet/lifestyle material to get a certification in health coaching, and as much of a pain as it can be sometimes, I find that when I really love what I’m learning (which I do), it makes it a lot easier. I’ve taken shortcuts in the past, and while there are times where I can definitely get away with it, I feel like I’m cheating myself too…
I had gels on my nails and they totally destroyed them! Will not do again.
When I was considering being a personal trainer, I studied for the NASM on the train to work (almost an hour). It worked for me because it was on the way (not returning from work at the end of the day), so it was nice to read and get my brain in the zone. I read chapters and made notes on paper, then from those papers I highlighted important/hard to remember facts on flashcards.
Good luck with studying! I am sure you’ll rock it!
Oh I forgot to mention for shopping in Los Angeles you should try the citadel outlets which is really close to downtown.
Good luck with all of your studies!
I am currently in school to be a certified health coach, and the studying has been ok, it is finding the time! But, I know this is something I want to do and that putting in an hour a day is better than cramming for hours at once.
Keep your eye on the prize!
Livi with the big girls is so so sweet !!
Have a blast in LA! I’m sooo sad I can’t come to the class tomorrow night but I am attending a Free People event that I was already committed to – so bummed! Anyway – I am a native SoCal girl so here are a few of my recos for downtown:
Perch – a MUST! Its the one rooftop in LA and the view cannot be missed! Plus the food and drinks are fab too:
Bottega Louie – from one macaroon lover to the other – you have to stop by and get at least one – the food here is pretty great too and the celebs like to frequent this place:
Lemonade LA – one of my all time favs for lunch! All fresh, local ingredients, and they have cucumber rosemary lemonade!!
YES lemonade!
I took the NASAM test in December and passed the first time, which is a big accomplishment for me since I am 44 yrs. old and haven’t been in school for 20 yrs. I did a lot of praying before the test and a couple hrs. of studying a day the week before. I did buy the flashcards which helped a lot. Another thing that helped me was that I had to physcially move my body so that I could see what muscles needed to be stretched and what needed to be strengthened. I am a visual person. To me that really helped. It was tough, but I am so glad I took it. Right now I am doing the Nutrition Certification from NASAM. I am hoping to take the test within the next 2 weeks. Good Luck.
I’m a NASM certified personal trainer. I am sure you will do great – with your extensive experience in fitness you have probably picked up a lot of the information already so a lot of it is review for you. I was working on my Master of Public Health in Physical Activity Epidemiology at the same time as I was studying for the NASM CPT exam, and I found that the overlap in material really helped solidify the information. I also used flashcards and had my husband quiz me a lot too.
I love NASM – they base their information on solid research and not the latest exercise fad or trend. I’m working on the CES certification now (corrective exercise specialist). Good luck!!
I’ve never been to LA…but I have studied for a test before 😉
I did the LSAT last fall, which was the most intense thing I’ve ever studied for before. I also did it relatively last minute (2 months instead of the usual 6 month study period) but I knew I wanted to do it, so I gav’er every day (which was hard with a full-time job!) and managed to get a high enough score to get into law school in the fall!!!
Perseverance is key. Good luck!! And have fun in LA!!!
Bottega Louie has good treats, but I still love Babycakes more. 🙂
I’m studying for NASM right now too! I’m hoping to take the test in September. Crossing my fingers I’ll be ready! Good luck studying 🙂
The hardest I ever studied was in my last semester of University. My son was born during the summer, before I was finished with school, but I was determined to get my degree. Studying with a newborn at home and while dealing with mommy-brain was definitely tough and it’s one of the things I’m most proud of myself. Good luck with your exams!
I am a So Cal girl, but haven’t spent a lot of time in downtown LA – I did go to Law School there, but was in and out quickly (talk about a test – the California Bar Exam is a whole different level, ugh). If you make it to the westside I highly recommend going to Westwood for Diddy Reise cookies (to die for and SUPER cheap) and In N Out for the best hamburger ever. Have fun!