Not so Lovely

Heyyyyyy ๐Ÿ˜€ Happy Saturday to ya! Hope youโ€™re having a fabulous weekend so far. I love all of the awesome discussion that went down on the last post regarding Biggest Loser and the Jill-meister. Yaโ€™ll are a bunch of intelligent and amazing ladies (and dudes!).. just in case you didnโ€™t already know ๐Ÿ˜‰

We met up with some friends last night at 306 North, which is the second best place to eat in Valdizzy. (Indian is first, but itโ€™s CLOSED for maintenance right now! I did cry a little)

Iโ€™m trying to avoid having wine for the 6 weeks of Winter Shape Up, but decided that it would be a good Friday treat.

I just love Shiraz so much ๐Ÿ˜€


The pilot and I split our favorite appetizer, the goat cheese fritters with celery heart, green apple and balsamic reduction


Salad with balsamic on the side


The BEST restaurant bread everrrr. Multigrain, freshly made, buttery splendor (somehow it missed the cameraโ€™s eye??).

And my entree, the vegetable plate with sweet potatoes instead of white:


Amazing ๐Ÿ˜€

After dinner, everyone else got Marble Slab โ€“I held off since I was stuffed, and they donโ€™t offer Coconut Bliss- and then the guys went to see Book of Eli while Jeni and I saw The Lovely Bones. We give it two almond butter-covered thumbs down. It was very different from the book and some parts in which they were trying to be artistic, just came off as weird. The book is a million times better.. isnโ€™t that always the case, though? I have yet to see a movie thatโ€™s as good as the book.

We came back to the casa, and as soon as I went to bed, I knew I wasnโ€™t going to make it for the run Meara and I had planned for 7:30 this morning. After such a crazy week, my body was begging me to sleep in a little. Iโ€™m hoping sheโ€™ll run with me later this afternoon when I get off work. Running alone isnโ€™t as fun, and the pilotโ€™s knee has been bothering him.

Bfast was GREEN OATS!


I added 1/2 t spirulina to the regular 1/2 cup oats, 1/2 scoop Sun Warrior vanilla and smashed banana mix. I couldnโ€™t even taste the spirulina, and it gave the oats a light green tint.

With an egg puff (2 egg whites microwaved in a glass bowl) topped with red chili and garlic powder.


Iโ€™m off to train four clients and do a nutritional consultation! Have a wonderful day <3



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  1. Amy on January 24, 2010 at 12:29 pm

    Hello there!
    I just made a yummy breakfast cookie that I will have before my 5 mile run tomorrow morning. I added vanilla protein, some dried cranberries and orange zest into the mix.
    I want to thank you for doing the Winter Shape Up. I take boot camp class (5x a week for an hour) and it is starting to get repetitive (read: boring) b/c our instructor keeps doing the same routines and exercises over and over again. I need to switch it up so my body so I can lose these dreaded lbs before we start a family!

    and also thank you for posting all these delicious recipes. I am trying to incorporate more natural foods into our meals and I feel so much better! I feel great know what I am putting into my body.

    I wanted to get your perspective on agave nectar. Both my husband and I used to use splenda, then went to organic cane sugar and now we use agave nectar in our coffee.

    • Fitnessista on January 24, 2010 at 8:32 pm

      hey amy!
      i’m so glad you like the winter shape up- you’re right, switching things up is the best way to see results
      agave is great but you just want to make sure you measure it for portion control. it’s much sweeter than sugar, so you need less

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