Plane Bloggin’

Hi guys! How are you? Hope you’re having a great morning <3 So glad you liked the yoga/pilates style workout. It was fun to do something a little different Smile

I woke up early as balls (excuse the language, haha) to get to the airport for FOODBUZZ fest!


Quite a few blog friends are on my flight to San Fran- it’s going to be a party! Smile

I checked my giant suitcase (which was 2 lbs too heavy- macaroons are heavy, haha), and am lugging around the Mary Poppins bag.


Full of surprises!



-Notebook for blog ideas/workouts/to-dos/life

-makeup (I’m waiting until I’m fully awake until I do the eyeliner thang)

-Snacks (protein powder, granny smith apple, Vega bar) +


(cashew butter on a GF English muffin)

-Reading material


(A bloggy suggested this to me for low sugar, GF ideas- love it so far! I’ve read all of Natalia Rose’s other books and they’re incredible. I take what she says with a grain of sea salt, though- I’m not down with food combining but I am down with healthy, high-raw recipes)

Well I’m off to board the plane! Have a beautiful day and I’ll see ya from SAN FRAN! Smile



Something to talk about: What do you pack for airport snacks? My faves are breakfast cookies, dehydrated fruits and veggies, almonds, protein powder to mix with Starbucks oatmeal and dark chocolate. What’s something random you have in your bag right now? I have a roll of packing tape for when I spontaneously send the Pilot packages Smile

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  1. Nikki on November 4, 2010 at 4:29 pm

    Vitatops and soy crisps

  2. Mi-An Dela Cruz on November 4, 2010 at 4:41 pm

    love the plane snacks ideas! i love lara bars and trail mix. but i do splurge on some french fries at mcdonalds sometimes. yes i’m confessing. 🙂 the weather is gorgeous out here in the bay area right now! it’s 78 here in hayward (40 mins away from sf). i’m packing tonite as well for NY. 🙂 safe travels! geez i love airports! i’m reading the harry potter series right now and i’m excited to read on the plane!

  3. Alana on November 4, 2010 at 4:49 pm

    I have dental floss in my bag. ALWAYS! You never know when you’re going to meet the love of your life and have spinach in your teeth. As for airplane snacks, when I went to Tunisia I was scared I wouldn’t find anything to eat, so I packed a dozen or so nutella sandwiches.

  4. Holly on November 4, 2010 at 4:56 pm

    LOL, the things you can find in my bag with 2 kiddos!!! flashlight, one sock, crayon pieces, a ziploc bag of old crumbly goldfish, and the list goes on!!! Wait til you have mini-me’s running around, the bag gets very interesting! Have a safe trip and enjoy FOODBUZZ!

  5. Ashlee on November 4, 2010 at 5:35 pm

    Lew and I just made our fist stop on the way to the foodbuzz festival. We dropped our twins off at the grandparents and are now on the way to Nashville fly out in the morning. We look forward to meeting you in San Fransisco.

  6. Michelle @ Give Me the Almond Butter on November 4, 2010 at 6:44 pm

    I currently have a deck of cards and a cheese grater (?) in my purse. I just keep forgetting to take the cheese grater out of my purse!

  7. Chelsea @ One Healthy Munchkin on November 4, 2010 at 7:19 pm

    Apple + homemade trail mix are my favourite airplane snacks. I can’t rely on plane food because of my allergies (and also because it’s usually gross! :P). Have a good flight!

  8. Annie on November 4, 2010 at 8:06 pm

    I hope you have a blast in San Fran!

    I tend to keep it simple with plane snacks – granola bar, pretzels or crackers and my water bottle. My parents seem to think I need enough food on a three hour flight to feed the entire plane. Things they have packed me include: left-over easter ham, hard boiled eggs, multiple sandwiches, cheese and crackers, cookies, oranges, bread pudding and birthday cake. Even though I’m 27, it’s still nice to be taken care of once in a while. 🙂

  9. Nicole on November 4, 2010 at 8:34 pm

    I agree,although food combining may be for some people its deffinately not for me! Doesnt everyone just want a “mess” of a combination once in a while? thats when you come up with the greatest creations 🙂

    Enjoy your trip missy !

  10. Casey Thomas on November 4, 2010 at 10:58 pm

    Love Detox 4 Women, there’s some seriously tasty recipes!

    Amen to high raw recipes 🙂

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