Raindrops on cacti
It finally rained!
We enjoyed the amazing sounds of heavy raindrops and thunder, with the TV off, being crazy productive and hanging out around the house. We got a lot of the baby-proofing done (will be in an upcoming family post) and as much as we enjoyed the rain, It was Livi’s first thunderstorm- as of now, she’s not a huge fan.
Some eats:
(for the record, hummus and hot sauce may be even better than hummus and balsamic)
and for lunch, I stopped at Lovin’ Spoonfuls since I had an appointment that was in the neighborhood.
Lovin’ Spoonfuls is a vegetarian/vegan restaurant with incredible veggie soups, vegan versions of American comfort food, Mexican favorites and Asian dishes. I had a gift card that I had been saving (for 2 years!) and decided to finally use it. Gotta love a free lunch! (Thank you, nana)
The Pilot’s pasta with veggie “meat”balls:
One was missing by the time we got home.. I have no idea what happened to it 😉
My Thai coconut soup (it was a sizable container filled with tofu, potatoes, corn, broccoli, cilantro, basil and slightly spicy coconut broth), tempeh and veggies:
After the rain cleared, the weather cooled down and it was pleasantly cloudy, we went over to the neighbors’ to swim.
Bell even got to join in the fun:
I’ve had a headache and still feel out of sorts from wearing my glasses, so I sat on the edge with my feet in while little fishie kicked with her dad.
and then Liv and I sat on the patio and cheered for the boys, who were playing a round of E-Q-U-E-S-T-R-I-A-N (it was “horse” but they joked about calling it equestrian, haha)
Mushroom pizza and salad:
(gluten and cheese… they tasted fanfreakingtastic but my stomach is hurting a little)
Now it’s off to the gym, then couch time.
Night 🙂
If your eyes are still feeling a little weird from the infection (and to keep them from getting further infections!) try rinsing them out by mixing a little bit baby shampoo with water. I’m a contact wearer and have a condition that makes me especially prone to eye infections, and doing this once a week seems to keep them at bay. Hope it clears up soon 🙂
that’s a great tip, thank you!
I would be very careful intentionally putting baby shampoo in your eyes, most “tear free” baby shampoo actually contains a numbing agent so while you may not feel your eyes being irritated by the chemicals, they most certainly are.
I was told not to even put water in my eyes only the drops I was given, it’s just one of those things that needs to run its course. I put a warm wet face cloth across my closed eyes and it felt really good.
I should have probably added that this tip came form my ophthalmologist when I was having recurring infections once every couple months. He stressed the importance of diluting it heavily with water. I’m only passing it on since it came from my doctor and has seemed to be the only thing that keeps them at bay for me and hasn’t damaged my eyes. 🙂
It depends on the type of infection and whether your eyedrops are compatible with a saline/water flush. Very (very!) dilute baby shampoo shouldn’t, in most cases, be harmful… I would do a flush PRIOR to putting in any prescription drops.
Case in point, we had someone with sunscreen in their eyes this weekend at a bicycle race, and I already had gauze boats prepped with sterile water and baby shampoo (it’s great for cleaning out road rash!) and I just handed the person some of those to wash with and then we irrigated with saline… worked like a charm. No more burning eyes…
That picture of the skyline doesn’t even look real! I love thunderstorms!
Yeah – glad Tucson is getting some rain! Also glad you gave Lovin Spoonfuls a try – they’re awesome. I highly recommend the route 66 burger. Probably not the healthiest thing on the menu, but its delicious.
good to know! it’s eaten there a few times, but usually get the same thing (green chili polenta or the mexicali) but i need to try different things! i’ll definitely check out that burger next time 🙂
I feel wonky when I wear glasses after being in contacts for a while. Hope you feel better!
Looks like fun day! Glad it finally rained by you–I bet it was getting ultra dry–although you’re probably used to it! You look adorable in glasses. I actually wear my glasses all the time. They are really light–so they’re fine to work out in. I’ve tried contacts–but find them really uncomfortable. I hope your infection clears up soon and that you feel better!
PS: Have you seen latest ZWOW–looks killer!! I’m hoping to do it sometime this week.
PPS: Love that pic of you and Livi!
PPS: mushroom pizza–amaaazing! I’m craving that now!
gah i wish i had lighter glasses. mine are so heavy on my face.
and YES i can’t wait to try the new zwow!
A really amazing natural remedy/soother for eye infections is to steep a very strong cup of Chamomile tea (two teabags strong) for 10 mins (covered if possible). Soak a clean cloth in the strong tea (make sure it isn’t too hot), lightly squeeze out the cloth, and hold over your eyes. Repeat a few times.
I have had various friends and family members do this and it really helps. My mom lets the tea cool, and puts the teabags themselves over her eyes, then re-dunks them and repeats that a few times.
i’d never heard of that- thank you!
looks like a fun day! Gina, I was wondering DH and I want to go to San Diego, can you recommend a place to stay? We’re going to celebrate our anniversary.
ehhh. for our baby moon, we stayed at tower 23 and it was wicked expensive and not that great. the view was incredible, but i don’t think it was worth the cost. last time we stayed at empress in la jolla, which was great service, location, price, but just mediocre rooms. we did pass a couple of awesome looking ones: estancia, valencia and parisi. check those out and see what you think! happy anniversary 🙂
I totally feel your pain with the glasses! I wear contacts and my glasses don’t correspond with my current prescription – so whenever I have to wear them longer periods of time I get terrible headaches and feel super wonky.
I was wondering about this the other day….what did you do when you gave birth? I wouldn’t really want to wear my contacts if it goes on super long….but I don’t think I would be comfortable with my glasses either.
Sometimes Lasik seems like the way to go…
i kept my contacts in the whole time, and just put in a new pair the next day
I’m SO glad Stephanie asked that question because I never thought about contacts and giving birth before!! I definitely will want my contacts in the whole time so I love the idea of just putting a fresh pair in the next morning!!
yep it worked great! i think wearing glasses may have messed with my ability to focus and breathe
Hurray for the rain! I keep hoping it’ll rain here, too. It is SO MUGGY, but it only comes at night… during the day is unbearable. 🙁 Your poor baby girl… she didn’t look too happy in the first picture. Thunderstorms are scary! At least she got in some pool time!
you and Livi are adorable together 🙂
Love the looks of the Thai coconut soup ….mmm, good!
this is random, but how far is the gym from your house? i am always so impressed with how you are able to scoot out and over there so often! way to go:)
It’s only 4 minutes from our house- even so, I don’t always get tO make it out there because I workout at night, and sometimes by then I’m toast
The food from that vegan restaurant looks amazing!!! I hope your eye feels better. Livi looks gorgeous in her suit! 🙂
i took a picture of her on her stomach in her little tankini- cutest thing ever 🙂
Looks like a wonderful day with great food, fun family times and a well-needed storm!
Those macaroons look great. Will we be seeing a recipe for those? I thought you posted a recipe recently but didn’t find it in your recipe tab. Been having trouble keeping up with you 🙂
Best thing I ever did for recurrent eye infections, contact lens problems and dry eye was to get LASIK. I am about 10 years out from the surgery and still don’t require glasses although I am getting older and suspect that I will eventually need reading glasses. Have you ever considered finding out if you are a good candidate? Good luck.
Liv is a just a beautiful baby BTW.
yep this week!
i’m horrified of the eye claw, but i’m getting a consultation this week.
thank you, she’s amazing
I hope you are a candidate! My surgeon told me at my consultation I was a candidate, but after all the in-depth testing, I turned out not to be. Broke. My.heart to be stuck with glasses and contacts 🙁
Ugh, I hate having to wear glasses with a weaker prescription after being used to wearing contacts all the time. I had a nasty allergic reaction to some face wash I was using a little over a year ago, and it got so bad that one of my eyes swelled almost shut! I had to wear glasses for about a week until the swelling went down — it wasn’t fun (the glasses OR the swelling, haha).
On another note, that restaurant looks amazing!! We have an all-vegan spot in town called the Blue Cactus Cafe that I still have yet to visit, but your post has made me really really want to try it out. Maybe I’ll do that today! 😉
I finally tried your bfast cookie dough cereal- I was totally skeptical but it was really really good! Along w the almond butter I stirred in a little melted coconut butter and then popped it in the freezer for ten minutes to harden before adding the milk and eating it- it was great! Much more filling than I anticipated. Thanks for the recipe! Ps your daughter is absolutely gorgeous 🙂
Feel better Gina!!! I can totally relate to the glasses headaches! I hope they go away for you! That restaurant looks so awesome! I love seeing all these vegan and vegetarian restaurants all over the blog world! So yummy and healthy!
I will have to try hummus with hot sauce and balsamic too! I have never tried either mixtures. But I love all of those ingredients separately so I’m sure together they are amazing.
I was on holiday in Italy last week and i tried everyday to comment on your posts but sadly my internet connection was not good enough so i just read them (not bad at all). I think you look very pretty with your glasses! I wear glasses too but i must admit i don’t really like myself with them so i wear contacts almost all the time!
This post actually made me want to try to cook some hummus (shame on me, i’ve never done this…)
I was wondering about something: have you ever tried or heard about the “Nike training club” app? I looked everywhere on your blog but didn’t find anything about it. I think it’s not the kind of app you need (’cause you can “make” your own workouts”) but have you ever heard about it? If you have, what do you think about it? xxx Nadja
hey girl! hope you had an amazing vacation 🙂
no i haven’t tried it. is it something you use??
yes, i had a great vacation (except that i was ill for two days but well… i’m always ill so it doesn’t really matter ;))
Well i never used it before but i downloaded it today and did 15 minutes focus on the abs and 15 minutes on the butt + 15 minutes stretching! I think the exercises are well explained but it’s a bit “boring” as you always repeat the same movements… So it’s good but not excellent i think (but that’s just my opinion, maybe other people don’t think the same).
We also had a thunderstorm 2 nights ago. I totally love them! I was a little afraid while I was driving during the storm, but I love to be at home and watch the storm, so cool. Hope your headache has improved! Love the hummus and hot sauce combo sounds tasty:)
I had to wear glasses for a week prior to Lasik and suffered intense headaches and I could hardly see! I decided to go to Lens Crafters and bought a pair of cheap glasses for about $100. It sucked because it was short term but I actually ended up really liking the style and wishing I had gotten them sooner! And yes, Lasik is kind of terrifying but in the end it has been totally worth it!!
ahhh i love that idea, but while i was at the docs i got new glasses ordered and they were kinda expensive. so i’m fighting the good fight until this is healed :/
I’m from Tucson, and just found your blog- by hitting link after link on healthy blog sites! The rain yesterday was INSANE. Hope you and your loved ones didn’t have to deal with too much wind damage! I’m excited to peruse your blog for all sorts of good info! Thanks!!
I live in Scottsdale, so I understand your joy for the rain. It is back to molten lava hot up here. I am a hummus addict and I have never tried balsamic with hummus!! Luckily I have a bottle of the new Trader Joe’s balsamic syrup in my fridge just waiting to be eaten with hummus!