Summer Shape Up Week 9

Hey everyone! Hope your day is going well!! Thank you so much for your sweet comments and encouragement regarding the exciting announcement โ€“ Iโ€™m super stoked about it ๐Ÿ˜€

We only have 4 weeks left of this challenge. Even if youโ€™re just getting started, itโ€™s a great amount of time to make a difference, tone up, and feel amazing. For those of you who have done this plan since the beginning, I hope youโ€™re seeing a significant improvement! Iโ€™ve got some awesome prizes lined up so hang in there for the home stretch. Make this last month the best one yet!

Hereโ€™s this weekโ€™s Summer Shape Up workout:

Summer Shape Up: Week 9
Day 1: Cardio (rolling hills 30-45 minutes) or take an aerobics class

Day 2: Shoulders, chest and back
Cardio- 5 minute warm up
Unilateral shoulder press
Assisted pull up
Walk out push up
Cardio blast- mountain climbers (1 minute)
double-arm dumbbell raise
incline fly press-out combo (can do on the floor instead)
machine ball pullover
Cardio blast- skater exercise (1 minute)
Double crunch (3 sets of 15)
Cardio- 20-30 minutes (moderate intensity)

Day 3: Cardio (sprint intervals for 20 minutes) or take an aerobics class

Day 4: Legs, lower back and abs
Cardio- 5 minute warm up
Limb raises
reverse lunge (add a knee-up by raising your knee up towards your body before stepping back into the lunge)
captain’s chair leg raise
Cardio- 5 minutes of hills
booty booster (slide 5)
lunge to plie
dumbbell squat
single-leg stretch
Cardio- 20-30 minutes (moderate intensity)

Day 5: Cardio (steady state 30-45 minutes)

Day 6: Biceps and triceps
Cardio- 5 minute warm up
Dumbbell hammer curl
reverse plank (hold 30-45 seconds)
standing triceps extension
Cardio- 5 minutes sprints
Straight bar cable bicep curl
triceps pushups
long arm crunch
Cardio- 20-30 minutes (moderate intensity)

Day 7: active recovery

Happy training!


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  1. Val on June 29, 2009 at 4:59 pm

    I'm so sad that I didn't find your blog until halfway through this – hopefully you can start a new one again soon!

  2. Lauren on June 29, 2009 at 8:21 pm

    What a great announcement! Congratulations girl, that is truly awesome.

    I wanted to ask you something, being the Indian diva that you are. I have only had Indian once, but I really enjoyed it. I just picked up a few Indian quick fix meals at the store but was wondering if you had ever tried to make these types of dishes at home?

    I bought a make your own version of Spinach Dal and Eggplant Bugha (sorry if that's not the right word, I'm drawing a blank) I also picked up the kashi frozen meal of veggie chan masala. Have you by chance had this?

    I'm very excited to try these, but I wanted to see if I could get someones opinion first before I ruin my liking for Indian food!

    Thanks so much hun!

  3. traveleatlove on June 29, 2009 at 8:26 pm

    Awesome workout! And congrats on 105 Degrees. That is so exciting! I hope to someday have the time to do some culinary classes.

  4. Rhoni on June 29, 2009 at 9:43 pm

    I, for one, cannot wait to read all about culinary school! That is something I would loooove to do someday, but since the next 6 years of my life have already been sold in exchange for an education, I just don't have time. I can't wait to live vicariously through you…hope you can share a few recipe secrets!

  5. Fitnessista on June 29, 2009 at 10:01 pm

    hey val- if you want to start it, you could definitely start this week and still have a month! check out the intro post (called "holy bikini body") if you'd like to join in the fun ๐Ÿ˜€

    lauren- i haven't tried any of those dishes– i hope they're delicious! let me know what you think of them ๐Ÿ˜€

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