Was August Awesome? [giveaway]
*******************************This giveaway ended Sept. 1, 2011 at 10:30 EST. Stay tuned for the next one!
At the beginning of this month, I posted a list of 10 Ways to Make August Awesome. It’s always fun to have some monthly motivation and goals, so I’ll probably do similar lists for each month 😀
Bella’s August in a snapshot:
Here’s what was on there and how I did with my own personal list:
1. Have something to look forward to. For me, it was Healthy Living Summit – just as amazing as I anticipated it to be. The best part? Getting the Pilot away from work for a weekend so he could join me 😉
2. Create a goal for the month. First my goal was to practice more yoga, but it just didn’t happen. I just feel awkward and uncomfortable, especially since I can’t rock out handstands or arm balances right now, so I didn’t practice as much as I would have liked. [Looking back, it’s such a lame excuse. If I want to do it, I should do it, that’s all there is to it] Instead, I began to work on another goal that may come into fruition, but I’m superstitious and won’t post about it until all is bueno 😉
3. Plan a dinner party. Done and done! Now that our house has been “warmed” and 99.9% of our stuff is unpacked, we can start to have frequent smaller dinner parties like we used to. I’m so excited 😀
4. Go through your summer clothes and determine which ones you’d like to get rid of before storing the rest for fall and winter. I actually did this one before I posted this list, and my closet feels SO good! Bonus: room for new clothes! Heh heh.
5. Go for a swim! This didn’t happen. I thought it would motivate me to do it, but nope. I’m a floater, not a swimmer 😉
6. Pick up a new cookbook to try this month, or borrow one from a friend. This was exciting because I unpacked all of my cookbooks, including 3 new ones that I didn’t get to use before we moved from Valdosta. I can’t wait to bust into them!
[We have another shelf full of cookbooks, too. Forgotten treasures!!]
7. Sign up for a fitness event with a friend. I haven’t done this one yet, but am seriously considering the spring half marathon here in Tucson. I was supposed to do it this past year, but didn’t since I went to LA instead for Gatorade. This one will be about 12 weeks after the baby is born, so I’ll walk/run it, but really want to add some running back into my routine. I miss the “ex boyfriend” – it’s funny how you miss things when you can’t do them 😉 I ran a little first trimester, but it felt weird after a while so I stopped.
8. Scope out some new jeans for fall. This one happens on an almost daily basis. My pick for fall:
Love the cut, wash, length, everything 🙂
9. Go out for a girls night 😀 I’m lucky to be surrounded by girls in the squadron who always want to hang out- we did quite a few dinners and movie nights 🙂
10. Eat a pizookie. This one actually didn’t happen! The Pilot and I were planning a pizookie date, and then he had to work late that night and we just didn’t go. I did have fondue this month, though 😉
So was your August Awesome?
Here’s one more way for that to happen:
You see, I bought a boatload of macaroon supplies for HLS and didn’t have time to make them before our trip.
I love almonds, but I don’t think I need 3 lbs 😉
So I’d love to make a custom batch of macaroons for a reader- any flavor: Meyer lemon lavender, blonde, chocolate, mocha, chocolate almond butter, super roon [Of course, other things may sneak their way into the package, too]
*******************************This giveaway ended Sept. 1, 2011 at 10:30 EST. Stay tuned for the next one!
See ya later today with a Fashion post <3
yayyyy roons! My August was awesome and relaxing. Glad to see you enjoyed yours, too!
I would love to try them as I have never had macaroons before!
Planning a dinner party is a great idea. I never feel like my apartment is “ready” – but I should just bite the bullet and do it!
I’d love for you to do more monthly goals (10 ways to make whichever month awesome 😉 ).
My August was awesome because I got married to my wonderful husband Tyler <3
oh and last night I tried my zumba dvd at home and loooooved it. I tried it for the first time over a year ago, felt like I just couldn't get it… and then last night decided to try it out again, & although I was a bit uncoorinated, I still worked up a crazy sweat and the 20 minutes flew by!
Roons roons roons! 🙂
Haha 3lbs of almonds?! They would last long around me, and neither would your macaroons! 😉
Oh, yum! Chocolate almond butter sounds delish! Love your blog, read it every day.
I vote for lavender. Also, I love hearing about what it’s like being a personal/group fitness instructor. So interesting, all the gym stories!
I love those jeans!! The best part of fall is definitely jeans shopping 😀
I’d love to try some! They always look amazing!
I think the best part of my August was getting my blog going and “meeting” other bloggers, especially those that are also fairly new to it!
I just wanted to say THANK YOU 🙂 You’re so inspiring with everything – fitness, food ideas, your pregnancy, your new house. I LOVE reading your blog daily (or a few times a day 😉 hah). It’s my FAVORITE!
Take care!
GREAT give-away, also, BTW 😉
I love coming and reading your blog because I feel like I know your personality even though I’ve never met you…and I also think you remind me of my cousin! 🙂
I like making new little goals each month and seeing where you end up…I think I will do this for the month of September…thanks for the inspiration!
I am making a list for September- the biggest and best thing?
Seeing my husband, it has been a LONG training sesh for the hubs at Sheppard AFB.
I love these lists- thanks for bringing them into my life!
I’d love some roons! Also, I’d love to see some more growing-belly pictures.
No suggestions, I’m loving everything so far, especially the family posts! 😀 Some macaroons would be lovely!! Have a fabulous day girl!
I love love love this blog! August was awesome for me because I started a great new job and also found an amazing new apartment 🙂
I’m glad your August was great too!
my august has been filled with wedding planning (getting married october 8) and antique shopping…i also wanted to do many things, but i just didn’t get around to them…which is fine…because that’s what september is for…right?
I had a pretty good August, but I always look forward to a new month, so bring on September! One of my goals every month (and I literally mean every month) is to put myself on a food budget, but this never happens! You stuck to a lot of your goals! I should definitely try harder!
I still have never tried a macaroon, so I have no idea what they taste like! I’m sure they are amazing, and I’m sure in a few short hours, you’ll have hundreds if not thousands of entries for yours! haha
August was wonderful. I started a promising new relationship, spent time with good friends, pulled out of depression, and am enjoying my birthday today. 🙂
First, Love love love the blog! Your enthusiasm is SOOOO CONTAGIOUS!!! Keep up the great work!
A Focus on post possiblity….Barre 3?!?!?!
I’m excited for more family posts! My august has been fun but I’m ready for September and pumpkin spice. 🙂
I’d love to see more of your dinner parties, I love dinner parties and appreciate the ideas!
I love the idea of monthly goals. I will definitely be replicating this in the dead of the Minnesotan winter!
The funnest thing about my August was watching all the students come back from break ( I work at a college). I love the energy they bring to campus 🙂 I love back to school time!
OMG, I just love your blog and everything about it. You are very inspiring and I feel very connected to you as we as the same philosophies on many, many things. Oh and the same tastes in food!!!!! I am dying to taste your macaroons. If I could buy them I would, so I really hope that I can win this giveaway.
I was just working on a new vision board when you posted this. September makes me blah so I’m trying to turn it around before it starts*!
*macaroons would certainly help that 😉
Fondue is delish but macaroons might be more practical!!
Oh man. Winning some roons would definitely make my September awesome for sure 🙂 I love your idea of monthly goals! My goal for September is to enjoy fall as much as humanly possible. I feel like the summer slipped through my fingertips a little bit, so I fully intend to make up for that by enjoying Pumpkin spice everything from now until Christmas!
Hey, have you ever posted any Zumba videos? I’d love to check out some of your routines virtually!
My August was awesome because I took the whole month to myself! I graduated from law school in May and took the bar in July so August meant going to the beach, visiting my boyfriend’s family, hanging by the pool, and spending time with friends. Just what I needed!!
I really like the monthly recap goals. I think it’s good to have something not so far in advance (yearly goal) but weekly goals can be hard to stay focused on because they change so much from week to week.
Mmm I really want some macaroons. Fingers crossed!
Long time reader, first time commenter (gotta get my hands on those macaroons!). You’ve given me so many awesome ideas for cooking and lifestyle stuff. If I go a day without a smoothie and my glass straw, I have withdrawal!
One of my goals for the year was to get into a yoga handstand, and I’m SO CLOSE. I think I’m going to book a couple private yoga seshs so I can get some focused instruction.
Chocolate almond butter sounds ah-mazing.
I’d love advice on how people who don’t eat red meat, have a shellfish allergy, and are eating gluten-free can make sure they get enough iron in their diet!
I finished, and passed, one of the hardest classes I have ever taken this month (so my actual “summer break” just started)
Plus, August marked one year in our house! Still tons of work to do on it, but we’re slowly getting there. 🙂
I’ve always wanted to try your macaroons 🙂 And, I’ve been enjoying your family posts. Almost makes me wish I was pregnant again (I have two little ones)….almost!
I love your dinner recipes, especially when cooking for the Pilot and yourself. My boyfriend eats like the Pilot, and I eat more like you, so it’s sometimes tricky to come up with dinner recipes that suit us both.
Hey Gina!
Glad your August was awesome! Mine was eventful for sure… Motorcycle accident (got T-boned by a drunk driver on my way home from work… fortunately, I came out unscathed, no broken bones, just some cuts and bruises), wisdom teeth extractions, my 24th birthday, and a trip to Puerto Rico all happened this month. Whew!
September, bring it on!!!
I love reading your blog! Anyone who is looking to start living a little on the healthier side and want an online resource that is fun, and easy going, I recommend your blog. I love your “focus on” posts you (or guests) have been doing. Great resource for getting the courage to try something new!
One of these days I’ll win some of your macaroons. Yes, I could make some myself, but I so want to try ones made by the Fitnessista herself. I’ve had dreams about the meyer lemon lavender flavor. Ha ha. Fingers crossed that I’ll be the lucky winner.
On another note, I really like how you’ve divided your blog posts into topics. Of course, I read the main page, but I’m really enjoying the family and fashion posts, too. Hopefully, you’ll still post like this after the baby arrives. I know it can be hard to juggle it all, though. Good luck! 🙂
Looooove the idea of monthly goals!!!! i think i’m inspired! i always make wish lists of “things to do” but really, it’s all about having the mindset to do it and *making* time for them! My Awesome September will include 1) creating a full beautiful oil painting, 2) reading a new book (i only have about thirty that i’ve never touched on my bookshelf), 3) sending postcards/snail mail to my friends who have recently moved far, far away, 4) going apple/blueberry/pumpkin picking! and perhaps 5) a vegan september?!?!! (I already eat a vegetarian diet) ooo ambitious 😉 i’ll have to keep thinking about what else will make my favorite month the most awesome it can be… thanks for the inspiration as always, Gina!!!
Oh my gosh Gina. I have been wanting to try your Macaroons FOREVER. Just the pictures make me hungry.
August was awesome but over way too fast! I’m excited for September though, lots of events to look forward to and our 5 year anniversary 🙂
I love your blog, it always makes me happy.
I was wondering if you could find a way to link all of the focus on posts in one place? That would be really helpful I think!
Yay for making your August awesome! I’m personally sooo excited that fall is almost here 🙂 Up here in upstate NY it’s starting to cool down and pumpkin spice latte’s will be at Starbucks next week!!!
I read your blog everyday and it is beautiful and inspiring. So glad I found it:)
Don’t worry about not fulfilling that pizookie goal, I had one for you 🙂 It had been MONTHS since I had one last night. It was amaaaazing!
August WAS awesome.
And you are looking super cute while pregnant 🙂
I actually did pick up a new cookbook this month! A goal of mine is to start “cooking” more. I do cook a lot but sadly a lot of my food comes from boxes, bags and cans. So I bought “Peas and Thank You” and have started slow by choosing one recipe to make each week =)
Gina, I just love your blog. You are so darn cute and inspiring!!!!
I’m so excited for fall, and can’t wait to put together an awesome list to do! I LOVE lists. Sometimes I put things on there that I’ve already done, just to cross it off 🙂
The legendary macaroons! I was hunting all over the site for your recipe and then discovered you kept them a secret! You can’t give away all your recipes, can ya? I find your blog very motivational and inspirational. It has motivated me to start lifting weights and try to become stronger. It also cheers me up when I am feeling a little low. Thanks Gina!