Was August Awesome? [giveaway]
*******************************This giveaway ended Sept. 1, 2011 at 10:30 EST. Stay tuned for the next one!
At the beginning of this month, I posted a list of 10 Ways to Make August Awesome. It’s always fun to have some monthly motivation and goals, so I’ll probably do similar lists for each month 😀
Bella’s August in a snapshot:
Here’s what was on there and how I did with my own personal list:
1. Have something to look forward to. For me, it was Healthy Living Summit – just as amazing as I anticipated it to be. The best part? Getting the Pilot away from work for a weekend so he could join me 😉
2. Create a goal for the month. First my goal was to practice more yoga, but it just didn’t happen. I just feel awkward and uncomfortable, especially since I can’t rock out handstands or arm balances right now, so I didn’t practice as much as I would have liked. [Looking back, it’s such a lame excuse. If I want to do it, I should do it, that’s all there is to it] Instead, I began to work on another goal that may come into fruition, but I’m superstitious and won’t post about it until all is bueno 😉
3. Plan a dinner party. Done and done! Now that our house has been “warmed” and 99.9% of our stuff is unpacked, we can start to have frequent smaller dinner parties like we used to. I’m so excited 😀
4. Go through your summer clothes and determine which ones you’d like to get rid of before storing the rest for fall and winter. I actually did this one before I posted this list, and my closet feels SO good! Bonus: room for new clothes! Heh heh.
5. Go for a swim! This didn’t happen. I thought it would motivate me to do it, but nope. I’m a floater, not a swimmer 😉
6. Pick up a new cookbook to try this month, or borrow one from a friend. This was exciting because I unpacked all of my cookbooks, including 3 new ones that I didn’t get to use before we moved from Valdosta. I can’t wait to bust into them!
[We have another shelf full of cookbooks, too. Forgotten treasures!!]
7. Sign up for a fitness event with a friend. I haven’t done this one yet, but am seriously considering the spring half marathon here in Tucson. I was supposed to do it this past year, but didn’t since I went to LA instead for Gatorade. This one will be about 12 weeks after the baby is born, so I’ll walk/run it, but really want to add some running back into my routine. I miss the “ex boyfriend” – it’s funny how you miss things when you can’t do them 😉 I ran a little first trimester, but it felt weird after a while so I stopped.
8. Scope out some new jeans for fall. This one happens on an almost daily basis. My pick for fall:
Love the cut, wash, length, everything 🙂
9. Go out for a girls night 😀 I’m lucky to be surrounded by girls in the squadron who always want to hang out- we did quite a few dinners and movie nights 🙂
10. Eat a pizookie. This one actually didn’t happen! The Pilot and I were planning a pizookie date, and then he had to work late that night and we just didn’t go. I did have fondue this month, though 😉
So was your August Awesome?
Here’s one more way for that to happen:
You see, I bought a boatload of macaroon supplies for HLS and didn’t have time to make them before our trip.
I love almonds, but I don’t think I need 3 lbs 😉
So I’d love to make a custom batch of macaroons for a reader- any flavor: Meyer lemon lavender, blonde, chocolate, mocha, chocolate almond butter, super roon [Of course, other things may sneak their way into the package, too]
*******************************This giveaway ended Sept. 1, 2011 at 10:30 EST. Stay tuned for the next one!
See ya later today with a Fashion post <3
August has been really awesome 😀 I got to go camping with my in-laws who I <3 so much. And for a couple other reasons for myself that I can't share just yet and we're also waiting for my first niece/nephew who should make his appearance in the next week or two 😀
August was amazing for me because i got my first teaching job!
Starting on TUESDAY! AHHH
I love August and I’m always sad to see it go! It’s my birthday month, the weather is amazing and everyone always seems a little more chill in the summertime!
I love it when you post fashion stuff! 🙂
Recipes! You have the best recipes, so I’d love more of them. Maybe some meal ideas? I am always eating the same thing over and over and it gets boring.
My goodness!!! I would love some macaroons!!! Before I read your post I was thinking of commenting anyways because I just love reading your blog! I have a HUGE list of blogs that I read every day and I always get excited to read yours! Oh I hope it’s my lucky day and I get picked! 🙂 By the way my August was so awesome because I got to celebrate my birthday yesterday! It was absolutely fabulous filled with family and fun!
I would love to see more of your healthy recipes!
I started my first job out of college this August, and it’s been kind of rough so far…I’m having a tough time getting used to working such long hours! But thanks for reminding me about your August goals – that’s a great idea that I will definitely use for September to help myself get settled again. Also, I want your chocolate almond macaroons!! They look amazing and would be just what this newbie engineer needs 🙂
I started a blog this month! I’m looking forward to letting the creative juices flow!!
I enjoy reading your posts- especially about the baby, as my boyfriend and I are TTC.
First off, I loveee your blog! So I don’t think you need to change anything. But if you have more recipes, I’d love to see them! 🙂
I love reading your recipes and dinners that are for you and the Pilot. My husband is a big meat eater and I just don’t love it so I love seeing how you make somethings that work for both of you and then you modify it for you/your hubby! Those ideas are awesome for me! 🙂 Love the blog!!
I’m a first-time commenter on your blog – but I absolutely love it. Amongst the plethora of blogs I always have sitting in my queue, somehow yours always get read first! I’ve never had a macaroon, but they look heavenly and I’d be more than willing to take on any that you’d like to make 🙂
I LOVE your blog and have been reading daily now for several months! You have great perspective on health and fitness 🙂
Hi Gina,
Love your blog…it’s my natural go-to whenever I get on my computer. I’ve really enjoyed the family posts as of late. My husband and I have been struggling with infertility for some time now and I really enjoyed your sharing of how you went about “trying”. I’ve already started following a lot of your suggestions. Btw congratulations on lil nuggette! Much rejoicing for you and the pilot going on this side of the screen 🙂
As for August, I’m just thrilled it’s over–not a fan of the heat! Ready to welcome September!
August was awesome! I didn’t go and eat a pizookie, but I made one with homemade ice cream and it was amazing!
August flew by, but not before I had the chance to hit up the beach and make the most of the fresh local produce. It will be fun to make goals for September – bring on fall flavors, fall clothes, and the productivity-inspiring back-to-school buzz in the air!
In terms of what I’d like to see more of, I always enjoy when you read “something to read” links!
I love your blog! I’ve never had a macaroon, but yours look delicious. 🙂
You know how everyone seems to have that one month where everything bad that has ever happened to them occurs? That month for me is August. It is not usually a month I look forward to. This year I decided that it wasnt going to be that way. I managed to meet personal goals of the fitness, volunteering and closet cleaning out variety. I also managed to take the 25th off and spend it the one place I know my father would have liked to be, the stables. It was in memory of him and wow did it feel good. For the first time in 18 years, August didn’t suck and actually was a little bit awesome. Thanks for the inspiration!
More music playlists for working out! I love the music you have posted in the past!!
I had a super fun beginning of the month and went up north with all my cousins, but September is coming and school has started!
Love your blog, Gina! I think it gets even better each week!
I love love love your fitness tips and workouts ! I follow them all the time!! thank you!
I don’t know how I missed it before, I but I love the idea of having a fresh goal each month! I think I’m going to think of a good goal for myself for September. Great idea. ?
I FINALLLLLLY tried zumba last night.. and it was so much FUN!! The instructor didn’t know the dance very well, so it was “stop and go” because she would wait for the full 8count before starting again, which was annoying. BUT I still had fun anyways. Now I see what the hype is about!
I absolutely love reading about your daily eats and recipes! You are so creative, and inspire me to try a lot of new things! I especially have fallen in love with your recipe for southwestern sweet potatoes! Delish!
I love all your recipes!! i’m in college with my own kitchen so i love exploring things from your site that are quick and easy (and inexpensive!) keep the yumminess coming!
I had my 22nd birthday this August and started my senior year of college (cray cray!)
Your blog is one of the only ones I actually read *every* day, and I’ve always wanted to win one of your maccaroon batches because, well, because why wouldn’t I?
So, one thing I’d love to see on the blog, but may be far too personal to actually ask you to do, is more about yours and the Pilot’s relationship. You obvi have a pretty tight bond and seem like your best friends, an I’m curious about the ‘secrets’ to keeping it so strong. And also, now that he’s home, you’re both still pretty busy – do you ever have trouble fitting in time to hang out? My SO and I have been living together for a few years, and I think we do a fairly good job balancing our ‘separate’ lives, I.e. Work, girls nights, guys nights, but we def have our weeks where were both insanely busy and the only time we spend together is passing out in bed next to each other. So I’m just curious if other couples deal with this and how.
Thanks for the giveaway!
August was an amazing month! My husband was employed again after being laid-off and we got an awesome apartment! I’m a happy gal!
My August was awesome because I finally finished my real estate licensing class! I signed up for the online version LAST year (oops lol) but it was such a snooze fest that I ditched the idea. A few weeks ago I decided to give the in person class a go and I just passed the exam today… with an A I might add 😉 It was so much better in person and I’m super excited to get going in this new chapter of my life. I even have a super exciting business idea that I plan to move into fruition in the next few years. So yeah, August was very awesome for me and I don’t think anything could make it better except for a little batch of your goodies, hehe.
Dave and I might go to BJ’s tonight to try the GF pizookie. I heard it’s awesome! But…off to the gym first! 😉
Hmm, I love everything about your blog! I’d love to see more recipes! 🙂
I’d love to win this giveaway. Can you believe I’ve never had a macaroon before? I don’t even know what they taste like, but they sure do look good–haha!
I totally borrowed your idea for August goals: http://thereseandross.blogspot.com/2011/08/how-to-make-august-awesome.html I can’t believe August is over already. I need to write a follow-up post tonight.
August WAS awesome! I moved to a new city to start a new job. Kind of nerve wracking because I don’t know a soul here, but so far, so good!
I hope that if i enter every roon-giveaway i willl someday beat the statistics and actually win! Actually now that you mention it, i would like posts on healthy snacks/food to pack for school. Thanks!
I loved when you would post quotes, hope you will consider posting them again 🙂
Chocolate. Always chocolate! And I just wanted to say that although I am nowhere near the baby track myself I love the family posts- so interesting following you on your journey! Keep it up!
MACAROONS! MACAROONS! I would like to see more of that baby bump, girl 🙂 Also, more fashion, more pilot, more Bella, more everything really…
I need to start making Awesome August lists because I dread August each year due to the fact that school starts! Back to the grind after having the summer off… my complaining ends here!
Love the blog. And cookies. I’ve got no complaints 🙂
Sounds like you and the Pilot (and the nugget) had an awesome August!
Mine was pretty good, too – I got back into the groove of marathon training (Chicago in October) and got a part-time teaching job.
I’d love to see more recipes on the blog – easy dinners, make ahead meals, stuff like that. Love the blog no matter what – it’s one of my favorites!
I like that you are also sharing about your pregnancy on the blog!
August was pretty interesting as I transitioned from an internship back to my normal work. It has been quite the labor intensive month! I love reading your blog and love all the pregnancy updates, too! Thanks for doing giveaways like this!
I love that your blog has lots of diversity!! Your family posts and fashion posts are my favorite!!
My August was awesome too because I also bought my first place! It was also a short sale–I am currently painting and boy, is it taking FOREVER. But I know it will all be worth it… at least that’s what I keep telling myself!
I haven’t commented much on your blog but yours is one of the few blogs that I read EVERY single day!! I love, love your focus-on posts. I enjoy working out and am always looking for something new. After reading your post on TRX, I decided to take the class in my gym and now I’m hooked! It’s definitely one of my favorite classes ever.
I’ve loved my August 🙂 It’s my last month before heading off to my first year of university, so I’ve really been savoring it 😀 And as a bonus, instead of dreading the fall, I’m highly anticipating it!
Aaaand site-wise, the only thing I’d want more of is family posts (because you’re so cute omg)–but you have a family page so, really, nothing 🙂
My August was awesome just in the nick of time–I received my first full-time job offer today (after just graduating in May)! At the beginning of the month, I made a list of why I thought August would be an amazing (aka my favorite) month and I was actually right about most of them 🙂 Here’s to an equally fabulous September!!
And I’m loving all your pregnancy updates!
i would absolutely love to try your ROONS!
Thank you so much for the blog – I look forward to it everyday – your attitude is contagious 🙂
I <<<333 Macaroons!!! Would love to try yours.